Traumeel for puffiness under the eyes

Bags under the eyes are a fairly serious problem that significantly affects your appearance. They can appear in any person, regardless of gender and age. The situation is complicated by the fact that often this defect is not associated with the characteristics of the skin and other tissues around the eyes, but with the general state of health. If the imperfections are already very pronounced, then, unfortunately, the problem can only be solved by blepharoplasty - a surgical intervention performed in the eyelid area and nearby tissues. But in cases where the situation with bags and dark circles under the eyes is not yet critical, less radical methods of treatment, for example, ointments and creams, will also help.

In what cases will ointments help cope with bags under the eyes?

Bags under the eyes usually result from:

  1. wrong lifestyle,
  2. overwork,
  3. using low-quality cosmetics,
  4. as well as for a number of other reasons.

And it must be borne in mind that no matter which remedy is chosen, it is unlikely to eliminate the factor causing the problem. Therefore, you should not expect that bags and bruises will go away solely from the use of ointment. In addition, you need to keep in mind that there may be different “contents” inside the bags:

  1. excess fluid, which for some reason is retained in the tissues
  2. fat.

Ointments are effective only in the first case. If there is an excess of adipose tissue under the eyes, forming a hernia, then they will be powerless. It is believed that with the help of aggressive means (and some even use Capsicam for this, but in fact this option can be dangerous) and intense massage, the situation can be improved, but only slightly. For advanced hernias, a 100% effect can only be expected from blepharoplasty.


Some properties of pharmaceutical preparations, as well as products sold in ordinary cosmetic stores, will help improve the condition of the area around the eyes, removing darkening and swelling. To determine whether the ointment is suitable or not, you need to carefully study its composition. It must contain the components:

  1. warming and improving blood circulation,
  2. strengthening blood vessels,
  3. stimulating metabolic processes,
  4. enhancing the production of your own collagen and elastin.

As a result of the action of the active components, fluid will no longer linger under the eyes, tissue cells will begin to intensively renew, and vascular tone will ensure an even, healthy color in the previously problem area. Actually, this is the whole secret of the miracle remedies for bags, and that is why in the fight against this phenomenon they use vascular strengthening agents aimed against fluid retention.


The following components (including those of natural origin) will help deal with bags under the eyes:

  1. caffeine,
  2. vitamin C,
  3. routine,
  4. rosemary,
  5. plantain,
  6. sage,
  7. zinc,
  8. heparin,
  9. dimethyl sulfoxide,
  10. camphor,
  11. phenylephrine, etc.

The most popular remedies for bags under the eyes:

Popular creams and ointments for bags under the eyes

The effect of many drugs for bags and bruises under the eyes is similar, but there are also certain features. Regardless of which product is used, it must be remembered that it contains chemicals intended for medical, and not at all cosmetic, purposes. Therefore, the duration of use of any ointment, if it is not a special eye cream, should not exceed 2–3 weeks. Or, as an option, you can use the drugs only as needed, when you need to remove bags under the eyes once.

The maximum drainage effect is achieved by combining ointment and massage, which is carried out with light pressing movements (no need to rub or pull anything) from the inner corner of the eye to the outer for 2-3 minutes. If you limit yourself to only cream or ointment, the result will be less pronounced. And it’s very good if you can supplement the procedures with cryomassage. Everything is done in the following order:

  1. First, a regular massage using pressure movements.
  2. Then rub with an ice cube until discomfort occurs.
  3. And after 5 minutes, when the problem area begins to heat up due to the rush of blood, ointment is applied.

If you carry out a course of 20 daily morning procedures, then for some time (2-3 months) the bags will stop appearing.

Actually, Relief is intended for the treatment of hemorrhoids, but it is great for use on any part of the body. Phenylephrine contained in the ointment has a vasoconstrictor effect, due to which swelling disappears over time. The product also contains nourishing components that maintain water balance, so it is also beneficial for the skin. It is believed that after just two weeks of using the drug Relief, the bags “go away” for a long time.

It is necessary to use the ointment 2 times a day: morning and evening, applying it directly to the problem area with light massage patting movements. After 30 minutes, you need to wipe off the remaining product with a napkin.

The price of the drug is from 300 rubles.


For bags under the eyes, you can use not only Relief, but also any other ointment intended for the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Heparin helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improves their conductivity and stimulates blood circulation, due to which it helps to cope with congestion under the eyes. The ointment is used once a day. Apply directly under the eyes for 1 hour, after which the residue is washed off. Can only be used as needed. Price - from 60 rubles.

In no case should one ignore the fact of the appearance of swelling under the eyes, as well as in the area of ​​the upper eyelids, since the skin gradually stretches as a result of the accumulation of excess fluid. After some time, it becomes more flabby, and the number of wrinkles increases.


There are also products made on the basis of sodium heparin. For example, Lyoton. It is also great for reducing swelling and has some benefits:

  1. the texture is more pleasant compared to Heparin ointment,
  2. cools,
  3. better absorbed.

True, its price is quite high - from 280 rubles. The gel is used similarly to Heparin ointment.

Another popular product based on sodium heparin, produced in the form of both ointment and gel, is Hepatrombin. There is no difference in the principle of action and the scheme of use between this drug and Heparin ointment, and its price starts from 160 rubles. Known as a treatment for scars and scars, Contractubex gel is also made on the basis of heparin. Its price is 500 rubles and above.

Video: Heparin ointment for puffiness under the eyes

Troxevasin is another drug intended for the treatment of veins, but its active substance is no longer heparin, but troxerutin. The gel strengthens capillaries and enhances fluid outflow, relieving swelling. Those who have tried the product on themselves note that after using it, the skin becomes very elastic.

A small amount of Troxevasin should be very carefully rubbed into the area under the eyes 2 times a day. If necessary, its remnants are removed after 20–30 minutes using a napkin. Price - from 150 rubles.


Afulim is a tonic cream that performs a drainage function. Relieves swelling and has a positive effect on skin elasticity. It has an absolutely natural composition, its effectiveness is based on the action of a mixture of essential oils:

As well as extracts of wormwood, immortelle and St. John's wort. The composition also includes nourishing oils, including coconut oil.

This composition allows you to use the product for a fairly long period: one or even two months. You need to soak a cotton swab in the cream and apply it under your eyes for 30 minutes. Wash off any remaining product left after the compress. Price - from 1500 rubles.

The active substance of the ointment is zinc oxide. It promotes cell regeneration and improves tissue metabolism, thereby improving the condition of the area around the eyes. But this product differs from others in that it does not contain any components that have a drainage effect, so it is not effective against bags in all cases. Still, the main purpose of the ointment is to relieve inflammation. Although those who have used zinc ointment note that in some cases it also has an anti-edematous effect.


The product is used once a day for 3 weeks, applying a thin layer to previously cleansed skin. After 1.5 hours, the remaining ointment should be wiped off with a cotton pad soaked in rich cream or oil (for example, peach oil). Price - from 20 rubles.

Regardless of which remedy was chosen for bags and dark circles under the eyes, you must remember the possibility of an allergic reaction. Therefore, before applying the drug to your face, you need to try it on the inside of your elbow. If no reaction is observed on the skin within 2 hours, then you can safely use the product.

Vishnevsky ointment is a preparation based on birch tar. Having a “pulling” effect, this plant substance promotes tissue drainage. The ointment is very effective, despite the absence of chemical components, but, however, it has too strong a smell. The product is applied to the area under the eyes twice a day, washing off the residue after an hour. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.


Price - from 50 rubles.

Solcomeril ointment is a healing drug that helps restore connective tissue and also stimulates collagen production. The product accelerates the penetration of oxygen into cells. Due to the listed functions, Solcoseryl helps improve the condition of tissues, but it will not help with severe edema here you will still have to resort to the help of venotonics.

The ointment is applied under the eyes and rubbed in with light massage movements once a day. It's best to do this a few hours before bedtime. As a rule, it is well absorbed, so there is no need to remove residues. In the morning you will notice that the swelling under the eyes is much less than usual. Price - from 230 rubles.


Tetracycline is a good remedy for bags only in certain cases: when they are caused by inflammatory processes in the eyes (conjunctivitis, blepharitis, etc.). You need to purchase eye ointment and use it according to the instructions: it is applied behind the eyelid according to a schedule depending on the severity of the disease. When the problem begins to subside, the swelling that has formed around the eye also disappears. Applying Tetracycline to the area under the eyes does not make any sense. Therefore, you should not use it in the absence of medical indications, especially since its main component is a broad-spectrum antibiotic.

Price - from 55 rubles.


The drug Indovazin contains troxerutin, a medicinal substance that is used to treat vein diseases. Accordingly, like all venotonics, Indovazin has pronounced anti-edematous properties and will do an excellent job with bags and dark circles under the eyes. A small amount of ointment is applied under the eyes twice a day. The course of treatment is 10 days.

Price - from 220 rubles.


Traumeel ointmenthomeopathic medicine. It is not a veinolytic, but due to its rich composition it has a complex effect on the area under the eyes and copes well with bags and dark circles. Since the product is intended for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of soft tissues and the musculoskeletal system, it also fights well with all associated symptoms, including swelling. You can use the drug twice a day.

Price - from 360 rubles.


Features of choosing ointment at different ages

At different ages, the skin has its own characteristics, which must be taken into account when choosing cosmetic and therapeutic products, including those designed to solve the problem of bags and dark circles under the eyes. If we are talking about young skin, then the metabolic processes in its cells have not yet slowed down, so it itself will cope well with all imperfections, you just need a little help with this. Therefore, when bags appear, it is better to opt for natural homeopathic medicines, and only if they are powerless, resort to venotonics.

After 30–40 years, the skin gradually begins to thin out. The amount of moisture in it decreases, and therefore it cannot be overdried. Some products, for example, zinc ointment, have the same side effect as drugs produced in gel form. Therefore, it is advisable to choose a thicker ointment, while observing whether the swelling increases.



Due to my lack of weight (40 kg at 25 years old), the veins under my eyes are visible, and this has never happened before. I went to the ophthalmologist - everything was fine, took tests, checked the abdominal cavity - everything was normal. As it turned out... the veins are visible due to the lack of a fat layer in me personally... I went to the pharmacy and bought Troxevasin. I was afraid to smear it because I am HORRIBLY allergic. You know, I had no reason to be afraid, it really helped... how so. =))) Veins have become less noticeable - FACT. In combination with cold washing and raw potatoes, I plan to get rid of veins.


I used Trombless gel. I was advised by a cosmetologist because I was dealing with the problem of swelling and bags under my eyes. I applied it at night with patting movements so as not to stretch the skin under my eyes. The gel is colorless and practically odorless, absorbs well. There is no immediate result, I noticed the effect after a few days of use. It took about 3 weeks to get rid of the bags. Now I use it as needed.


I have very thin skin on my eyelids and an unfortunate structure I have had bags since childhood. I got enough sleep - smaller bags, didn't get enough sleep - bigger bags. I bought an eye cream against swelling and bags under the eyes from the Green Pharmacy, price 90 rubles. Cheap and very suspicious! What I want to say is that the product is very chemical-heavy, there are parabens, silicones, and acrylic. But it fits well under makeup, as stated by the manufacturer. Contains rutin to strengthen blood vessels, which should work against bruises, and horse chestnut extract - will relieve swelling. In fact, it provides good drainage 15 minutes after application, the bags begin to subside. Verdict: a good product, of course, it doesn’t completely remove bags, but it does have some effect.


There are many products that can help with bags and dark circles under the eyes, and purchasing almost any of them is not a problem. Another thing is that the result will not always be one hundred percent, and this can happen for several reasons. Firstly, a lot depends on heredity. Sometimes a problem with the area around the eyes passes from generation to generation and is mainly associated with the structure of facial tissues. And secondly, bags in most cases are an indicator of health problems, so you need to fight not with them themselves, but with their cause, otherwise all cosmetic manipulations, if they give any effect, will only be short-term.

The area under the eyes is very sensitive to adverse factors. Excess fluid accumulates there quite easily and edema forms. Anti-puffiness creams under the eyes will help you quickly cope with imperfections.


Features of the cream

The skin around the eyes is thin and vulnerable, balancing between a lack of moisture and its excess. Therefore, the cream should moisturize the epidermis, have a light texture, and not tighten the delicate skin of the eyelids.

The following effects will help against swelling under the eyes:

  1. improvement of microcirculation
  2. toning of blood vessels
  3. improvement of cellular metabolic processes
  4. lymphatic drainage
  5. relieving signs of inflammation
  6. cooling.

Manufacturers of cosmetics for puffy eyes strive to produce hypoallergenic products. However, before using the cream, perform an allergy test on the skin of the inner surface of the forearm. If your skin reacts to applying the cream, then discard this product.

Active ingredients provide a life-saving effect of the cream against swelling of the skin around the eyes. The composition may contain:

  1. hyaluronic acid
  2. glycerol
  3. sodium hyaluronate
  4. panthenol
  5. collagen
  6. urea
  7. medicinal herbs (cornflower, licorice, chestnut, chamomile, coltsfoot, mint)
  8. elastin
  9. caffeine
  10. liposomes
  11. soybean hydrolysate
  12. argireline
  13. vitamins A, B, C, E, K, H, F
  14. menthol
  15. seaweed.

A good cream contains SPF factors to protect against ultraviolet exposure.

It is desirable that the product does not contain foreign impurities: dyes, fragrances, parabens, mineral or animal fats. These substances tend to accumulate in body tissues, causing harm not only to the area around the eyes, but also to other organs.

During the period of bearing a child, preference should be given to traditional methods of treating edema based on herbal ingredients. If you still decide to use a specialized cream for puffiness under the eyes, be sure to study the composition. The cream should not contain caffeine. It is recommended to consult a doctor before use.

For young people, light creams against morning puffiness that have a lymphatic drainage effect are suitable. A plus will be the presence of an applicator, with which it is convenient to carry out a light massage. The applicator will additionally create a cooling effect.

For older people, it is better to choose a cream with moisturizing ingredients and antioxidants.

The remedy for puffiness and bags under the eyes should be applied 2 times a day (morning and evening). In the evening, anti-edema cream is applied no later than 2 hours before bedtime. If you apply the cream before bed, it can cause increased swelling.


Before using the product, you must remove makeup and cleanse your skin. The cream is applied with light patting movements.

  1. rub your eyelids
  2. stretch the skin
  3. press on the area around the eyes
  4. apply the product too close to the edge of the eyelids.

The anti-edema remedy is applied along special lines: above the upper eyelid - from the bridge of the nose to the temple under the lower eyelid - from the temple to the bridge of the nose. In the area of ​​the mobile eyelid, the cream is applied while holding the skin. The directions of movements along these lines follow the course of the lymphatic vessels and promote the outflow of lymph.

Anti-edema products are best stored in a cool place, such as a refrigerator. Cold will enhance and accelerate the decongestant effect.

Review of creams and ointments

Conventionally, there are 2 categories of anti-edema remedies:

  1. Specialized cosmetics for the skin around the eyes. Sold in cosmetic stores or pharmacies.
  2. Pharmacy creams and ointments intended to treat other problems. Sold only in pharmacies.

Proctonis cream or ointment has a rich list of active substances (extract from shark liver, glycerin, cocoa butter, anti-inflammatory herbal extracts). "Proctonis" softens and moisturizes the delicate skin of the eyelids. Estimated cost 150–250 rubles.


The drug "Solcoseryl" is a wound healing agent. When used in the eyelid area, it improves regeneration at the cellular level, stimulates wound healing, and fills the skin with vitamins. The cost of Solcoseryl starts from 300 rubles.


The ointment contains retinol, which heals, tightens and rejuvenates the skin. Retinoic ointment fights swelling, pigmentation, and age-related changes. Price about 300 rub.


Curiosin gel tightens, moisturizes the skin, smoothes out fine wrinkles. The effects are achieved due to the hyaluronic acid contained in the composition. “Curiozin” costs at least 500 rubles.


Zinc oxide helps restore skin, refreshes and rejuvenates. Zinc ointment contains a protective factor against ultraviolet rays. The product will cost 20 rubles.


Hyaluronic acid, glycerin, aloe juice, included in Blepharogel, when applied to the eyelids, help cope with swelling, wrinkles, improve the healing of small wounds, and moisturize the skin. The main purpose of the drug is the treatment of blepharitis. Gel for puffiness under the eyes costs about 200 rubles.


The main purpose of Relief ointment is the treatment of hemorrhoids. The effect is based on improving local blood circulation and toning the vascular wall. Therefore, Relief ointment also helps with swelling under the eyes. The cost of the ointment is about 350 rubles.


Medicines based on heparin improve blood flow and thin the blood. This helps reduce the appearance of puffiness and dark circles under the eyes. The minimum cost of heparin ointment is 40 rubles.


Gel "Troxevasin" limits the flow of fluid into the tissues, promotes the resorption of excess moisture, thereby reducing swelling. "Troxevasin" tones blood vessels and reduces signs of inflammation. The product costs 200 rubles. and more.


Afulim ointment effectively copes with swelling under the eyes, as it improves blood circulation and tones the walls of blood vessels. The cost of the product is 1800 rubles.


Tetracycline eye ointment has an antibacterial effect and relieves swelling of the eyelids in infectious diseases. The minimum price of tetracycline ointment is 20 rubles.


The combination of angioprotective and anti-inflammatory components quickly reduces swelling of the eyelids. The cost of "Indovazin" is approximately 300 rubles.


The remedy is classified as a homeopathic medicine and is prescribed for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The composition is rich in herbal extracts, so Traumeel is effective when applied topically for swelling under the eyes. The price of the gel is about 500 rubles.


KORA cream-gel contains shea butter and herbal extracts that reduce bags and circles under the eyes. Active components fight expression lines and signs of fatigue. Approximate price 450 rub.


The composition of the gel includes extracts of ivy, horsetail, mantle, and chamomile. These components smooth out wrinkles, reduce inflammation, and create a feeling of comfort. The gel costs from 1000 rubles.


Balm “Dr. Nona" contains Dead Sea salts, as well as rosehip, jojoba, and sesame oils. Active components moisturize the skin, fill it with minerals and vitamins, and reduce swelling. The balm costs approximately 3000 rubles.


The moisturizing and tightening effect of LiftActiv SUPREME cream on the skin around the eyes is ensured by natural ingredients. They improve the natural production of collagen and elastin. Puffiness and dark circles under the eyes are reduced by the action of caffeine contained in the cream. The product costs about 1,500 rubles.


The gel against bags under the eyes is presented in the form of a serum in a tube with a steel applicator. Caffeine and plant substances included in the serum quickly relieve swelling and dark circles under the eyes, and the applicator additionally cools the skin. The price of the product starts from 2000 rubles.


Taking vitamin complexes will be useful. They will fill the body with missing vitamins and refresh the skin.

Home use of creams is only an emergency aid to restore a good appearance. To get rid of puffiness under the eyes forever, you need to identify the cause of the swelling. To do this, go to the clinic, undergo examination and, if necessary, treatment.

Advise effective ways to get rid of puffiness around the eyes. Share the article with your friends on social networks. Be beautiful and healthy. All the best.

Swelling under the lower eyelids occurs for a variety of reasons. In some cases, such a symptom does not pose a serious danger, in others it indicates the presence of health problems. A common remedy that helps eliminate cosmetic defects is ointment for puffiness under the eyes. When choosing a particular remedy, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the pathology, as well as the individual tolerance of the composition of the drug.

Causes of swelling under the eyes

The appearance of swelling under the eyes can be caused by:

  1. abuse of salty foods, causing fluid retention in the body
  2. hormonal changes that often occur during pregnancy or menstruation in women
  3. prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation, against the background of which moisture accumulates under the eye sockets
  4. natural aging, accompanied by the accumulation of fatty tissue in the upper part of the face.

Other causes of swelling include frequent drinking of alcohol, lack of sleep, and physical or mental stress. The disorder can appear against the background of allergies, high blood pressure, hypothyroidism, sinusitis, sinusitis, kidney disease, and heart disease.

In some cases, the pathology accompanies inflammatory ophthalmic diseases.

Relieving swelling with cream

Creams used to relieve swelling and inflammation are available in plastic jars or aluminum tubes. Such products have the following properties:

  1. Anti-inflammatory.
  2. Antithrombic.
  3. Analgesic.
  4. Anti-edematous.
  5. Antibacterial.

Application of special preparations under the eyelids reduces the fragility of small vessels, increases the strength of their walls, activates local blood flow, and stimulates metabolic processes in tissues.

The following are the most effective means to improve the appearance and general condition of the skin in the periocular area.

This product is considered one of the best remedies for bags under the eyes. The drug contains several natural extracts (aloe, sage, spring buttercup), which soften and soothe the skin, eliminating harmful microbes. Other components, glycerin and liver extract, saturate the epidermis with moisture and restore the structure of fatty compounds.


The cream is applied under the eyelids 1-2 times a day. The positive effect of using the ointment is most often noticeable after the first use. You can buy Proctonis at a price of 600 rubles.

The product contains hemolysate of veal blood, due to which it has a faint aroma of meat broth. Solcoseryl is produced in various forms. If swelling appears under the eyelids, an ophthalmic cream or gel is used. The drug is distributed on the skin in a thin layer, up to 4 times during the day.


To get pronounced results, Solcoseryl must be applied to the area where swelling appears for at least 3 days in a row. The cost of this product is 600-670 rubles.

The drug contains the active component isotretinoin. The product has an anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory effect, enhances regeneration processes in the skin.

Retinoic ointment is used twice a day, distributing a small amount of the product in the area where swelling occurs. To completely get rid of the defect in the upper part of the face, a long course (from 4 to 6 weeks) may be required.

The drug should not be used during pregnancy and lactation if the active substance is poorly tolerated. You can buy the ointment for 260-280 rubles.

Due to the presence of hyaluronic acid and zinc in the composition, the ointment significantly improves the condition of the skin around the eyes and promotes more active restoration of damaged areas. The product is well tolerated, does not contain aggressive components, and is suitable for people with sensitive epidermis.


In addition to eliminating swelling, Curiosin helps smooth out wrinkles and effectively reduces crow's feet in the corners of the eyes. The average cost of the product reaches 580-620 rubles.

The cream is able to have a diverse positive effect on skin cells. The drug has a rich composition, represented by shark liver extract, unsaturated fatty acids Omega-3, -6, retinol, thyme oil, cocoa and other components.

The main purpose of the cream is the treatment of hemorrhoids. At the same time, the product is often used for cosmetic purposes, to combat swelling, dark circles under the eyes, and smooth the epidermis.

Relief is applied under the eyelids once during the day. The cost of ointment in pharmacies starts from 280 rubles.

This budget product can be purchased for 57-80 rubles. The product is based on herparin, a blood thinning substance that prevents the formation of blood clots. By improving microcirculation and stimulating metabolic processes, the drug reduces the severity of swelling and bruising under the eyes, giving the skin a healthier appearance.


Heparin should be applied 1-2 times a day. This product can only be used if the active ingredient is well tolerated.

The drug comes in the form of an ointment or gel. The main component of the product is troxerutin.


Troxevasin helps eliminate bruises, swelling, capillary mesh, bruises that occur after injuries and hematomas. The product exhibits anti-inflammatory, regenerative effects, normalizes blood circulation processes.

Troxevasin is applied under the lower eyelids no more than 1-2 times during the day. The cost of the drug is affordable - from 180 rubles.

The German remedy is one of the most effective products for puffiness under the eyes. The preparation includes plant and mineral components that are well accepted by the skin - extracts of witch hazel, arnica, calendula, belladonna, chamomile, yarrow, St. John's wort, comfrey, as well as soluble mercury. Traumeel is endowed with anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-exudative, and immunocorrective effects.

The drug is distributed under the lower eyelids 2 times a day. Pharmacy cost of the product is 400-600 rubles.

The domestic cosmetic product has a light texture that does not leave any marks on the skin after absorption. The product is designed to combat bruises and swelling in the upper part of the face, smoothing and tightening the skin. The drug combines several natural ingredients - shea butter, cornflower extract, parsley, fucus, ginseng root.


The cream is applied under the eyes twice a day. The price of the drug starts from 360 rubles.

Rules for applying ointments to the skin of the face

When applying products for puffiness and dark circles under the eyes, you must follow the following recommendations:

  1. Before the procedure, thoroughly cleanse the skin of cosmetics and impurities.
  2. Distribute the drug with light tapping movements.
  3. Avoid contact of the ointment with the mucous membrane of the eyes (if this happens, it is necessary to rinse the organs of vision with a sufficient amount of water).
  4. Use the product as often as indicated in the instructions, avoiding overdose.

Before using any of the products reviewed, an individual sensitivity test should be performed. To do this, you need to apply a little product to the inside of your wrist and observe the skin’s reaction throughout the day. You can use the cream or gel only if there is no itching, rash or redness.

Prevention measures

In order to avoid swelling in the eye area, you must:

  1. reduce the amount of salt consumed
  2. get enough sleep
  3. regularly be in the fresh air
  4. use high-quality eye cosmetics
  5. minimize exposure to active sun
  6. in the summer season, wear tinted glasses
  7. give up harmful addictions.

To prevent morning edema, it is best to sleep not on your stomach or side, but on your back. To prevent fluid from accumulating under the eyes, the head should be slightly higher than the level of the body.

When swelling appears on the face, you must remember that cosmetics can improve the condition of the skin only if the defect is of non-pathological origin. Swelling caused by any disease can be eliminated only after therapy prescribed by a doctor.