Why does your face shine and what to do?

I have such a problem - my face is very shiny, which I can’t think of doing. Mattifying creams and decorative products simply roll off, napkins save you for an hour or two. What else can you do when there is such a problem?

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Pukemova Olga

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Kostenich Lyudmila Stanislavovna

Psychologist, Art therapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Marina Aleksandrovna Baydyuk

Psychologist, Analytical psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Valeria Bertnik-Yuryeva

Psychologist, Psychologist-guide. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Alina Sysoeva

Psychologist, Coach and Trainer. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Juran Marina Vladimirovna

Psychologist, Family child psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Ekaterina Alekseevna Vasyukhina

Psychologist, Crisis counseling. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Vera Vladimirovna Zolotykh

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

wait for autumn. really wait

very very very wait)

and reconsider your diet!

screw the food. it's all hormones. I once conducted an experiment - I took pills that suppress 5-alpha reductase (they are made for men to treat the prostate). The fat content decreased by 85 percent, I washed my hair every two days and not every day. But the pills are terribly toxic, I don’t know any other way to cope with fat content

Nothing, because you have oily skin type. Use foundation for oily skin and appropriate care. It is also important not to dry out oily skin, otherwise the “fat” on the face will begin to stand out even more. All these salicylic ointments and boric alcohol in the trash, more nutrition and hydration.
And if your region is famous for temperatures of 30-40, then believe me, dry skin will shine no less than your face

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I have the same problem. I used to make mistakes in caring for my face - it dried out! Now I try to nourish and moisturize the skin, I use Embrelisse Emulsion Hydry-Mat cream, plus mattifying wipes, in the summer I try to use almost nothing on my face so as not to clog the pores.

To post 7, the title is not in English!

Don't eat cheese! My t zone shines even more when I eat cheese

I suffer so much myself. I wash my face every 4 hours.

Sports, vitamins, nutritional supplements, treat the intestines and stomach.

It’s all the hormones’ fault (it’s the same with me, even swearing napkins don’t help, after 2-3 hours the face is shiny and looks untidy, I apply a napkin, it’s a little better, but the shine from the inside doesn’t seem to be completely removed, it really infuriates me (I know, What helps is taking it ok with an anti-anrogenic effect, there are some side effects and should not be taken for the sake of the skin.

No need to wipe your cheeks with pancakes.

Instagram leilacosm
Kastanaevskaya street 6
Lip Augmentation, Cheekbone Augmentation, Chin, Nasolabials, Crow's Feet, Lip Contour:
Princess 1ml — 8.000р
Surgiderm 30xp 0.8ml - 9.000 rub.
Surgiderm 18xp 0.8ml — 7,000 rub.
Surgiderm 24xp 0.8ml — 8,500 rub.
Stylage M 1ml — 10.000 rub.
Stylage L 1ml — 10.500 rub.
Stylage XL 1ml — 11.000rub
Juvederm 3 1ml — 12.000 rub.
Juvederm 4 1ml — 12.500 rub.
Juvederm Voluma 1ml — 13.000 rub.
Sculptra 2ml (3-5 years) — 30,000 rub.
Radiesse 1.5ml - 15.000 rub.
Princess Rich 1ml — 5,500 rub.
Stylage Hydro 1ml - 6.500 rub.
Juvederm Hydrate 1ml — 7,500 rub.
Meso-Xanthin F199 1.5ml – 10.000p
Teosyal Meso 2ml — 14.000 rub.
For freshness, hyaluron 1% 2ml - 2,500 rub.
Oily/normal skin 2.5ml — 2,500 RUR
Wrinkles/acne 2.5ml — 2,500 RUR
For stretch marks and scars 2ml – 2,500 RUR
For wrinkles under the eyes 2.5ml - 3,000 rub.
For dark circles 2.5ml - 3,000 rub.
For wrinkles instead of Botox 2ml - 3,500 rub.
Filling wrinkles with pure hyaluron
acid 3.5% 2.5ml - 7.000 rub.
Lipolytic program:
Cheeks — 3,000 rub.
Body - 5,000 rub.
(Course 2-5 procedures)
Mesothreads: eyes 4,500 rub, forehead 5,000 rub, nasolab 4,000, chin 6,500
Botox: forehead RUB 4,000, eyebrows RUB 2,500, crow's feet RUB 3,500, nose RUB 3,000.
Prices are fixed.
Anesthesia is included in the price!!

Try Salcura spray for the skin, it helps a lot. The skin is clear and is changing for the better.

Hormones definitely. My tests showed at one time a threefold increase in estrogen. The doctor said it was like a pregnant woman. So the skin is oily. I’ve been struggling with this problem all my life, it’s just a shame - all people are just people, but you’re like a damn thing. Now the hormonal background has leveled out - and on its own, I was afraid to get into these areas with treatment. My face became drier. But during the period of “catastrophe” there was only one salvation - this Mary Kay matting cream. You can smear it directly over makeup - on the forehead, nose and other problem areas. So he was always and everywhere with me. Apart from this, no napkins could help. Well, then I bought the entire Time Weiss system for oily skin - I also felt much better. And now I’ve switched to other cosmetics, but also not greasy

In parallel with the fight against hormones, professional treatments in salons help for external effects. Find a good specialist who will help. I did similar therapy at evita studio in Moscow time. helped


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Oily face is one of the main beauty problems we face in the summer. Of course, the situation is aggravated by heat and increased sweating - alas, this happens even to princesses!

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In the summer, those with oily and combination skin face a difficult battle with shine, which can ruin any look, even the most successful one. Of course, oily skin also has its advantages - it is much less prone to the appearance of facial wrinkles than dry skin. But this fact is unlikely to console you. So let's figure out how to defeat oily shine and make your skin appear perfectly matte.

Keep track of time

You will be surprised to find out that your sebaceous glands work like clockwork. In the morning before work, you wash your face and it seems that your face is in perfect order, but a couple of hours pass, and even if you haven’t sweated, the oily sheen is already shining brighter than the summer sun! In fact, cosmetologists have found that 2-3 hours after waking up and in the next 4-5 hours, our sebaceous glands are most active, and it is at this moment that problem areas need cleansing.

Use napkins

If you notice an oily shine on your face, do not rush to use powder - under its layer the skin begins to work even more actively, and after 20 minutes you will feel the need to powder again. It would be much more correct to blot oily areas with matting wipes. By the way, in their absence, you can save yourself with ordinary coffee filters - they also have a “blotter” effect and will probably be found in your home or office. Attention: when using a napkin, do not make any wiping movements! Just apply it to the problem area and press lightly.

Read the label

Your cleanser shouldn't be too harsh, even if you have very oily skin. Read the label carefully and avoid lotions and toners that contain sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate or ammonium laureth. These ingredients tend to dehydrate the skin and can cause the sebaceous glands to become “scared” of dryness and begin to produce sebum even more actively.

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Don't use moisturizer

This advice may seem controversial, because we are all told that water is the source of life, which means that the skin needs a moisturizer. Yes it's true. But only if you don’t have a problem like oily shine! Give your T-zone a diet - use the cream only on those areas where hydration is really needed, and leave the forehead, nose and chin alone - they only need cleansing, not excess fat. If you can’t imagine your life without cream, then it’s better to buy a special mattifying one. Such products usually contain zinc, which effectively combats shine.

Oily shine is a common problem and the cause of complexes for many girls. A shiny face looks extremely unattractive and forces you to take desperate measures. But to solve a problem, you need to delve into its essence and act purposefully and comprehensively.

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Why does your face shine?


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Why does the skin of the face treacherously shine? It's all about the sebaceous glands, which secrete sebum. It is necessary for moisturizing and providing a natural protective barrier, but if fat is synthesized in increased quantities, this leads to the appearance of an unsightly oily sheen.

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The reasons for increased production of skin secretions may be as follows:

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  1. Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules. For example, if you do not wash your face regularly, the skin will try to moisturize and cleanse itself, releasing a secretion that causes shine.
  2. Incorrect care. If you use inappropriate or overly aggressive cosmetics or care products, this can also have a negative effect on the sebaceous glands and increase their activity.
  3. Hormonal disorders. The functioning of the sebaceous glands directly depends on hormonal levels, so it can be disrupted in some gynecological diseases, during menopause or puberty, during pregnancy or menstrual cycle irregularities, as well as during postpartum changes.
  4. Poor nutrition. Some products can stimulate and enhance sebum production. For example, hot spices and seasonings, fatty foods, fried foods, semi-finished products and fast food have this effect.
  5. Another possible reason for the appearance of shine is severe or chronic stress or neurological disorders. Nerve fibers that literally run throughout the body are responsible for transmitting impulses from the brain and perform a number of other functions, including regulating the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  6. Endocrine disorders. The endocrine system is responsible for the functioning of the glands, and therefore, with some failures, their work may deteriorate.
  7. Bad habits. Smoking and alcohol abuse also have a negative impact on the skin and provoke increased activity of the sebaceous glands.

How to solve a problem?


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What to do if shiny skin on your face prevents you from enjoying beauty and makes you feel complex and hide? This problem can be solved if you find out and eliminate the causes of increased activity of the sebaceous glands and act comprehensively. The main stages and steps on the path to a beautiful face are discussed below.

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Reconsidering nutrition and lifestyle

It’s worth starting with nutrition, because how we look directly depends on what we eat. Therefore, exclude fatty and fried foods from your diet, as well as fast food and processed foods. It is recommended to reduce the consumption of sweets and hot herbs and spices.

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Your lifestyle should also be healthy, so stop smoking and reduce your consumption of alcoholic beverages to a minimum. It is equally important to move more and maintain a daily routine, maintaining a normal ratio of wakefulness and sleep. And, of course, try to be as nervous as possible.

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We provide proper care

Proper and complete care includes the following areas:

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  1. Proper cleansing. Oily skin especially needs it, but it should be gentle and moderate. You should not overdo it, because if you cleanse your skin frequently and actively, it will develop a protective mechanism and secrete even more oil to maintain the natural barrier. Enough with daily washing and using scrubs once or twice a week.
  2. Proper hydration. If the face is shiny, this does not mean that the skin does not need hydration, because sebum is water, which is necessary for the cells of the dermis.
  3. Regular and systematic removal of excess sebum. For these purposes, you can use special cosmetic mattifying wet wipes that absorb excess oil and gently cleanse the face, making it matte, velvety and attractive.
  4. Proper washing. First, wash your face with warm or cool water to tighten your pores. Elevated temperatures will provoke a rush of blood and increased activity of the sebaceous glands. Secondly, use a mild toner or gel every morning. Thirdly, dry your face carefully and carefully, using a soft towel that is pleasant to the touch.
  5. Protection. First of all, you need to protect your skin from direct sunlight, so be sure to apply sunscreen, and also try to cover your face during hot times, for example, by wearing a wide-brimmed hat.
  6. Correct makeup. Your main goal should be to mattify the skin. In addition, you should strive for naturalness, since excessively bright make-up will expose all the defects.

We select suitable means


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It is extremely important to select and use the appropriate products.

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  1. First, they must be designed specifically for oily and shine-prone skin. The composition of such products may include mattifying, normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands and gently cleansing components.
  2. Secondly, all products must be of high quality.
  3. Thirdly, the means should not be aggressive. Avoid those that contain alcohol and concentrated acids.
  4. Fourthly, decorative cosmetics, which no representative of the fair sex can do without, should have a light, delicate and almost weightless texture, since a dense layer will pollute and clog pores and disrupt the functioning of the sebaceous glands. It is better to replace foundation with weightless mineral powder.

We use homemade recipes

Proven and effective folk remedies will help you get rid of oily shine:

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  1. A great way to cleanse your face is by using cucumber lotion. To prepare, you can simply chop cucumbers and squeeze the juice out of them, which will be an excellent alternative to cleansers.
  2. Masks based on oatmeal are effective. It is better to grind it in a coffee grinder or blender and mix it, for example, with egg whites, milk or liquid honey. Such products have adsorbing, cleansing and nourishing properties.
  3. You can use regular green tea to wash your face; it copes well with excess fluid.
  4. Prepare a natural scrub from ground coffee and finely ground natural sea salt, dissolving these components in a small amount of natural liquid honey.
  5. You can apply regular kefir or, for example, yogurt to your face.
  6. Dissolve a teaspoon of yeast in 30 ml of lemon juice. Leave the mixture for fifteen minutes and spread over your face, and after half an hour, rinse.

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Now your face will stop shining and will look attractive and fresh!