Types of facial peelings in cosmetology reviews

Any woman who cares about her skin sooner or later resorts to a procedure such as peeling. It is necessary both as an independent procedure and as a preparatory stage for more complex cosmetic procedures. Salons have recently offered various types of facial peeling, differing in cost, method and strength of impact. How to sort through such a large assortment and choose what is suitable for a particular case?

Peeling: what is it?

Peeling is a type of facial skin cleansing that removes old, dead cells that interfere with the regeneration of new ones. This procedure will rejuvenate the face and give the skin a healthy look. Also, such cleansing will help get rid of scars and scars, age spots and other imperfections.

The only condition is that all types of facial peeling in salons should be carried out only by qualified specialists with appropriate certificates and preferably medical education.

Pros and cons

So, when should you consider a facial cleansing procedure? If, looking in the mirror, you notice dull, tired skin, you should visit a cosmetologist who will offer the best types of facial peeling. In addition, the procedure can correct the following aesthetic problems:

  1. scars;
  2. dark spots;
  3. wrinkles.

It is periodically necessary to get rid of dead cells for those who have excessively oily or, conversely, dry skin. The first provokes the appearance of acne and pimples, and the second is insufficiently moisturized. The procedure will help get rid of the first signs of aging and slow down this process.

Despite the excellent cosmetic effect, peeling in some cases can be harmful. Here are a number of conditions in which the procedure is contraindicated:

  1. Wounds, abrasions and inflammation on the face.
  2. Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  3. Herpes in an acute stage.
  4. Individual intolerance to drugs (identified before the procedure on a small area of ​​skin).
  5. Recent hair removal.

To ensure the most effective cleaning, trust only professionals. A consultation with a cosmetologist before it is required.

Peeling classification

Depending on the result you want to achieve, there are various facial peels available. The types differ in two aspects: the method of exposure and its depth.

Depending on how the procedure is carried out, it can be chemical, mechanical, hardware or natural. We will analyze these types of facial peeling in detail later, but now let’s focus on what layers of skin such cleansing can involve.

  1. Superficial peeling. It affects the outer layers of the skin, does not affect the stratum corneum. However, this is quite enough to smooth out wrinkles and even remove age spots. Performed on a face cleared of makeup.
  2. Medium peeling. Involves deeper layers of skin, reaching the upper dermis. The effect is more lasting than the previous type.
  3. Deep peeling. It works in the stratum corneum of the epidermis and has the most lasting and pronounced effect. The procedure is very painful.

Mechanical peeling

Types of facial peelings in cosmetology are headed by its mechanical version. Special formulations with mild abrasive substances act on the surface layers of the skin, thereby removing dead cells. The most popular are microcrystalline, gommage and brossage.

Microcrystalline facial cleansing works as follows: tiny particles of aluminum are sprayed onto the face under pressure. They have a special effect on the skin, removing unevenness, smoothing it, and improving its appearance. Microdermabrasion will help get rid of freckles, tighten your face, and make its contour more distinct.

Gommage is carried out using fruit or lactic acids. They act on dead cells, detaching them from healthy ones. The cosmetologist, using a brush, after a while easily removes unnecessary skin particles.

When brushing, no additional means or compositions are used, except special soft abrasive brushes. They act on the very surface of the skin, polishing it and making it smooth.

The last two methods are possible for independent use at home.

Hardware peeling

The name speaks for itself: the procedure is carried out using special devices. The most common are the following: ultrasonic, laser, vacuum and brushing.

The most comfortable peeling for the patient is using ultrasound. Its waves affect the stratum corneum of the skin. The only condition is moisture, so the face is treated with special solutions or thermal water.

The advantage of a laser skin cleansing procedure is that this method acts on certain areas (wrinkles, pigments). Healthy skin remains unchanged. Thanks to this, the laser effect is very delicate.

Vacuum peeling works by creating negative pressure inside a specialized nozzle. Thus, in the process, not only dead cells are sucked in, but also blackheads, and wrinkles are smoothed out. The recovery process starts. It is noteworthy that the variability of attachments depends on the skin type and the desired result.

Brushing is the same brushing, only done not manually, but with a special cosmetic device.

Superficial chemical peeling

Recently, chemical peels for the face have gained popularity. Their types depend on the depth of the skin at which they act. The acids included in the solutions react with the skin and are then neutralized using special alkalis. The exposure time and aggressiveness of the composition depend on the expected results and the required depth of exposure.

All chemical types of facial peels require dry, makeup-free skin. As for the procedure intended for surface layers, it is the most simplified. Natural acids are used: fruit or lactic, azelaic, koic or glycolic are also used. However, even weak drugs will help get rid of acne, enlarged pores, and age spots. This method is also recommended in the fight against aging as a preventive measure. If we consider all possible chemical types of facial peels, reviews position this type as the most convenient: the effect is better than that of the mechanical and hardware options, at the same time there is no pain and no rehabilitation period.

Medium chemical peel

If you are seriously thinking about skin rejuvenation, then the first thing you need to do is a medium chemical peel. Thanks to the stronger acids in the composition of the preparations, it affects the deeper structures of the skin, prompting it to regenerate and, accordingly, smooth out. The procedure is performed on patients at least 30 years of age. The fact is that it is from this age that the skin begins to lose elasticity, and the processes of production of hyaluronic acid and collagen slow down.

You will be denied a medium peel if you have one of the following conditions:

  1. pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  2. intolerance to the components of solutions.

One should take into account the fact that such an aggressive procedure requires a certain period of recovery and post-peeling procedures. Everything is decided individually by the cosmetologist performing the operation.

Customer reviews note that this type of cleaning has a more lasting and pronounced effect.

Deep chemical peeling

In the most extreme cases, the patient is prescribed cleansing of the deepest layers of the skin. Indications may include severe scars or scars, pronounced wrinkles. A high concentration of acid in the solution causes severe skin burns, as a result of which a long recovery period of one month is required. The scabs from the burn will begin to come off only after two weeks.

Deep cleaning is a very serious manipulation and is performed under general anesthesia. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully select not only a doctor, but also an office. Maximum sterility of the procedure is important.

Clients note that the effect of properly performed deep peeling is comparable to surgery to remove wrinkles.

Mild chemical peeling

There are also chemical types of facial peeling. Dairy is one of these. It is carried out using an acid of plant origin - lactanic acid. This component is absolutely safe because it is produced in the body during carbohydrate metabolism. Therefore, this cleansing is recommended to everyone without limitation, even to patients with sensitive and problematic skin prone to inflammation.

Such cleansing will moisturize the skin well, tighten it due to the activation of collagen, and also speed up the process of cell renewal.

If you prefer natural chemical types of facial peeling, almond peeling is the gentlest of them. Thanks to phenylglycolic acid, you will get a lasting effect even on sensitive skin. The molecules of the substance are very large, so they do not irritate the skin.

Mandelic acid has many beneficial properties:

  1. It is a powerful antioxidant and therefore prevents aging.
  2. Very delicately exfoliates dead epidermal cells. Acts like a scrub, but the effect is more pronounced.
  3. Perfectly cleanses pores, reduces the production of excess fatty secretions in them.
  4. Whitens the skin, eliminates pigmentation, even pronounced ones.
  5. Tightens the skin, makes its surface smooth.
  6. Fights bacteria living on the surface of the epidermis.

All chemical peels for the face, the types of which we have reviewed, require careful care during the recovery period. Aggressive effects on the skin should be avoided: peelings, cold, solarium. Before going outside, you should apply sunscreen with a high SPF.

Enzyme and natural peelings

Facial cleansing with enzymes affects the intracellular composition of the epidermis. This allows you to restore the metabolism of skin cells. Enzymes of plant origin are used.

Close to enzyme peeling natural. The preparations used for this procedure do not contain any substances of non-natural origin. According to reviews from clients of beauty salons, the best effect can be achieved with two types: biophytopilling and coral cleansing. The first method is a whole range of measures to cleanse and correct the surface of the skin. Along with extracts of medicinal plants, the compositions are enriched with vitamin complexes. Cleaning with coral chips is also very popular.

The choice of peeling depending on age

Let's look at the recommended types of facial peeling depending on age. It is necessary to carry out the procedure at any age, because the skin is constantly renewed and there are always dead cells on it. However, the method of exposure depends on the processes occurring in the epidermis.

Skin up to 25 years old is elastic and taut, dryness is possible. Sometimes pigmentation and acne occur. Therefore, it is enough to use light types of cleaning: fruit acids, hardware (brushing), gommage and all kinds of scrubs. Procedures are also carried out to prevent the aging of the epidermis.

The age of 25-35 years is the time when the first wrinkles appear and the first aging processes begin in the skin. Superficial chemical peels, laser peels or dermabrasion are used here.

Types of facial peeling after 40 years are designed to combat already noticeable wrinkles, pronounced pigmentation, enlarged pores and capillaries. Medium peeling, vacuum and laser resurfacing are carried out.

After 50 years, deep peeling and laser resurfacing are recommended.

What lengths are women willing to go to in pursuit of eternal youth? In this regard, I am far from an exception: the years go by, old age approaches, but I still want to be attractive and beautiful. Once again I went in search of the best product that could, if not get rid of wrinkles, then at least make them less noticeable.

An advertisement for peeling caught my attention and I conducted my own research into what this procedure is, how effective it is, and what women and cosmetologists say about it. So, let's begin.

What types of peelings are there in cosmetology?

Peeling - exfoliation of the upper layers of skin. Based on the nature of the impact, the following types are distinguished:

  1. chemical, physical, biological, mechanical, ultrasonic, laser.

There is another classification of peelings, which is based on the depth of impact. Before talking about it, it doesn’t hurt to understand the structure of the skin, which is a kind of sandwich:

  1. stratified epidermis - the outermost layer consisting of keratinized dead epithelial cells. Beneath them lies the producing layer, where the process of cell renewal constantly takes place,
  1. The dermis itself is the base and consists of the papillary and reticular layers.
  1. subcutaneous tissue or the lining of the entire skin.

I don’t think it’s worth going into details to explain the processes of skin renewal, especially since this issue is studied in a school biology course. The information provided is sufficient to understand the degree and depth of the effects of the following types of peeling:

  1. superficial - removes the top layer of keratinized epithelial cells, middle - removal of the entire layer of the epidermis (keratinized and productive), deep - affects the papillary layer.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of cosmetic procedures for skin renewal, and you definitely won’t be able to try them all at once, so you have to trust advertising brochures and your own prudence. I will not dwell in detail on each specific method in this article, I will only tell you in general terms.

Why is peeling needed?

Peeling, especially superficial, is an integral part of any woman’s skin care. The skin of an adult, unlike the skin of a child, is not able to quickly remove excess scales; as a result, they form bulky layers, giving the face a gray, old and tired appearance. Although the procedure does not completely eliminate wrinkles, it does allow you to:

  1. Thoroughly cleanse the skin of excess dirt that accumulates on the surface and clogs the pores, promotes oxygen access, promotes better penetration of creamy textures to living cells that need nutrition, prevents the formation of new wrinkles, and helps get rid of age spots.

Types of chemical peels

Based on the “burning” of dead skin cells using acids or alkalis. By the way, alkaline peelings are not so popular, although they are more gentle, so beauty salons mainly offer acid-based procedures.

Deep peeling

The most difficult and not safe, it is usually carried out in a hospital setting - the rehabilitation period can take several months. As a rule, it is carried out under anesthesia in the presence of resuscitators. Apparently that's why it's not so popular. By the way, the active ingredient is phenol, which is poisonous, and its use on the neck and other parts of the body leads to the appearance of scars.

Judging by the latest news, phenol-based peels have appeared, which are no longer so harmful and are carried out under local anesthesia. But observation by a doctor after it is still necessary, and you will have to spend at least three days in the hospital.

After the procedure, the face looks, to put it mildly, terrible: swollen, bright red, covered with a thick crust and somewhat reminiscent of a baked apple.

You will have to walk around with a purple face for a month, then another month with a pink one, and only by the end of the third quarter will the skin acquire its natural shade. Doctors say that after 3-4 weeks you can appear in public, having first disguised your face with a thick layer of plaster.

  1. pronounced lifting, reduction in the severity of medium wrinkles, refreshed appearance, excellent complexion without pigmentation, if you're lucky.
  1. hyperpigmentation, the possibility of developing infections and inflammatory processes on the skin, increased allergic reactions, scars and scars if the doctor’s instructions are not followed

I don’t know about you, but I have such a “rosy” prospect of losing my own health; I don’t feel like doing phenol peeling at all. Although the effect of the tightening is rumored to last for many years, on the other hand, six months of rehabilitation...

It is forbidden do deep peeling for people with diseased kidneys, liver, cardiovascular insufficiency, herpes.

Types of medium peeling based on acids

As mentioned above, this is the removal of the entire epidermis down to the papillary layer. Most often, trichloroacetic, salicylic, and retinoic acid are used for these purposes. Purpose of peeling:

  1. improve complexion, increase skin turgor, eliminate pigmentation, get rid of acne marks

According to rumors, trichloroacetic peeling even removes stretch marks, or at least makes them less noticeable. But here’s my opinion: stretch marks are for life, in my opinion even a laser can’t fix them.

Medium peeling procedure is indicated women from 35 to 50 years old. Seasonality must be taken into account, that is, it must be carried out from October to March, when the sun is not yet particularly active. At other times of the year, mid-peeling will lead to increased pigmentation.

Another limitationRegarding TCA peeling, it should not be applied if acne is actively inflamed; instead of improving, the rash will only increase.

Regarding the second type of medium chemical peeling based on retinoic acid, everything is complicated. Some claim that it is superficial, while others foam at the mouth to prove its moderate impact. In principle, we don’t care, it’s just that it was effective.

But efficiency I doubt it will definitely not get rid of deep wrinkles, at most it will even out the relief, make the face fresher and remove pigment spots with freckles. Although this is also a plus. By the way, for a more pronounced effect, peeling is done in several stages with an interval of 2-4 weeks.

Medium peeling is best done before the weekend, so that by Monday you will be renewed and beautiful, provided that the procedure is carried out correctly.

Superficial peeling

It is carried out with lactic and fruit acids and is considered the simplest and safest. Only the effect is not as pronounced as when using more concentrated liquids.

Immediately after peeling, redness and peeling are observed; for many, thin layers of skin come off within a week, like after sunbathing. During the first week, tightness is felt and the face has a characteristic shine.

Superficial peeling effect

  1. improving complexion, smoothing the skin surface, reducing the severity of defects.

He cannot cope with deep wrinkles and scars. More suitable for young girls in terms of preventing aging in the future and getting rid of fine wrinkles. It has proven itself well in the treatment of dry problem skin.

In addition to acids, biostimulants, vitamins, bleaches, and moisturizers are added to surface peeling products, which reduces the risk of possible complications in the form of inflammation, slight swelling and unbearable itching.

Mechanical peeling

Mechanical peels include dermabrasion (medium action) and microdermabrasion (superficial action). The essence is the removal of the upper layer of the epidermis with solid microparticles (remember Pemolux), for example, diamond chips or a special metal brush (I don’t know about you, but just the idea of ​​the procedure causes slight fear, bordering on horror).

What you need to know about Botox:

As a rule, they are used to polish skin defects. After the procedure, a lasting effect is observed, the skin looks younger and refreshed. When performing resurfacing, the doctor's precision is important - the slightest careless movement will lead to deep damage to the skin.

A type of mechanical peeling includes home scrubbing with commercial cosmetics or folk remedies.

Ultrasonic peeling

I don’t even want to talk about it for a long time, because the “after” effect is practically no different from what happened “before,” although ultrasound rejuvenation is actively advertised and offered to patients in beauty salons.

By the way, after laser peeling, there is also a chance to get more pronounced pigmentation. Although, as a cleanser that removes sebaceous plugs and makes the face fresh, this type of peeling has its place.

Physical peeling

Effect on the skin of ultra-low temperatures using liquid nitrogen or dry ice. In this case, the effect of “frostbite” is observed, the cells begin to actively renew themselves, and the excess scales are quickly peeled off.

Laser peeling

Causes a lot of controversy among women who use this service. Efficiency largely depends on skin type. So on oily skin it can cause the so-called “gauze effect”, when the skin looks like a fine, uneven mesh.

As far as I understand, reviews about laser peeling are largely negative. For some, the effect is not observed at all, while others complain of emerging pigment spots, enlarged pores, and a rough surface of the face. At the same time, honest cosmetologists warn that this type of peeling will definitely not get rid of wrinkles, at least in a couple of weeks, once the swelling goes down and rehabilitation takes place, all the creases will return to their place.

Biological peeling

The action is based on the dissolution of the upper layers of the epithelium by enzymes (pepsin, papain, bromelain, etc.). The phrase “care cosmetology” is more suitable for this type of peeling: it is most often used as an excellent moisturizer and cleanser.

Reviews from cosmetologists about peeling

So, let's summarize. As far as I understand from all the information that I was able to find, peelings are an excellent means of cleansing the skin of excess dirt, they help improve complexion, cleanse pores, and give the skin radiance.

But according to many experts, none of the above-mentioned peelings can cope with deep wrinkles; they will only slightly improve the situation, but the changes will be so insignificant that no one may even notice them. Today, the most effective way to combat wrinkles is surgical lifting that affects the muscles.

Facial peeling involves removing impurities, dead and old cells from the surface of the skin. The technique is widely used by cosmetologists around the world to cleanse and renew the skin of the face, neck and décolleté.

The effect of peeling directly depends on the method and depth of exposure. Some varieties promote the mechanical removal of old cells, while others dissolve the cells chemically or evaporate from the surface of the skin.

Like any procedure, each type of peeling has its own characteristics, indications and contraindications.

In this article we will look at the main varieties that are used at home, in beauty salons and medical clinics.

Classification of peelings in cosmetology by depth of impact

To understand how peelings work, let’s remember the structural features of human skin:

Human skin consists of three layers. The most superficial is the epidermis, then the dermis and the deepest is the subcutaneous fatty tissue or hypodermis. In turn, the epidermis is divided into 5 layers:

  1. Horny. The outer layer includes dead anucleate cells and flat skin flakes. Contacts the skin and performs a protective function.
  2. Shiny, transitional from dead to living cells.
  3. Granular, consists of flat keratinocytes and branched epidermocytes.
  4. Spiny, includes large keratinocytes.
  5. Basal. It is adjacent to the dermis and consists of keratinocytes and melanocytes containing the pigment “melanin”.

The dermis is the main layer of the skin. The main cells of the dermis are fibroblasts. They synthesize collagen and elastin fibers, which give the skin elasticity.

The dermis consists of 2 layers:

  1. Papillary. It is adjacent to the epidermis and contains a large number of blood vessels.
  2. Reticulate. A deeper layer that borders the hypodermis.

Depending on the depth of exposure to physical factors or active substances, the following types of peelings are distinguished:

1. Superficial.

Works at the level of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. The procedure does not require special skills, as it is not dangerous to the patient and does not affect living cells. Superficial types of peeling do not cause pain.

First of all, the technique is used to cleanse the skin, giving the face smoothness and freshness. Superficial peelings are included in complex procedures, as they improve the penetration of active substances from cosmetics into the skin.

2. Median.

Their effect extends to the living cellular layers of the epidermis (granular, spinous, basal) and the papillary layer of the dermis.

3. Deep.

Affects the epidermis and dermis up to the middle of the mesh layer.

Medium and deep types of peeling are painful for the patient. They require more in-depth knowledge and caution from the cosmetologist, since controlled tissue damage occurs during care.

Damage triggers regeneration processes. Blood rushes to the skin, collagen and elastin fibers are actively synthesized in the dermis, and new, young layers of cells are formed. As a result, it becomes smoother and softer, unevenness, wrinkles, scars and pigmentation spots disappear from its surface.

The deeper the peeling, the longer the recovery period and the stronger the aesthetic effects of rejuvenation.

Depending on the method of exposure, the following types of peelings are distinguished:

  1. Mechanical.
  2. Chemical.
  3. Ultrasonic.
  4. Laser.

Types of mechanical peeling

1. Cosmetic.

Removal of impurities, skin flakes and dead cells is carried out using abrasive particles evenly distributed in a semi-liquid soapy base of the cosmetic product.

The following are added to cosmetics as an abrasive: crushed apricot kernels and nut shells, sea salt, coral chips, clay and algae particles.

Exfoliating cosmetics are called peels or scrubs. They are used in home care and salon treatments to cleanse the skin and stimulate cell renewal. Frequency of use: 1-3 times a week.

Most scrubs have a superficial effect. The exception is products containing coral chips. They have a superficial-medium mechanism of action and are used in a beauty salon.

Peels and scrubs of high quality for professional procedures and home care “Algologie” and “Beauty Style” can be found here.

2. Hardware.

Involves exposure of the skin to aluminum oxide microcrystals. They are applied to the surface and removed along with dead cells and impurities using a vacuum system.

Microdermabrasion also uses devices that are equipped with diamond-coated applicators.

The device has rotating attachments in the form of brushes made of natural bristles.

Under the influence of hardware peeling, the blood flow to the tissues increases, the skin and pores are cleansed, and dead cells are exfoliated. After the procedure, the face becomes smoother, softer and more elastic, and acquires a healthy and even color.

The depth of the effect is regulated by the cosmetologist: it is superficial or superficial-medium level.

Hardware peelings can be combined well with manual cleansing and cosmetic programs for oily and aging skin.

It is not recommended to carry out microdermabrasion and brossage in case of increased sensitivity, irritation and damage, inflammatory and allergic diseases.

Chemical peelings in cosmetology

The technique is based on the interaction of the skin with chemicals, most often acids. As a result of this interaction, the cells get burned. Then they gradually die and expose deeper cellular layers, smoother and fresher.

Standard Chemical Peel Protocol

  1. Makeup removal and skin cleansing.
  2. Applying an acid or other chemical to the face using a brush or cotton pad.
  3. The composition is kept on the face for the required amount of time, different for each drug. Then the acid is neutralized with a special alkaline composition and washed off with water.
  4. Soothing mask.
  5. Protective cream.


Inflammatory skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, herpes), tendency to form keloid scars, abrasions and scratches, intolerance to drug components, allergic rashes.

All types of chemical peels are not recommended in the summer: solar radiation can lead to the formation of age spots on renewed skin.

The procedure is contraindicated for pregnant women.

The depth of exposure depends on pH and concentration of the composition, as well as exposure time.
To purchase professional cosmetics and chemical peeling compositions, follow the link.

Types of chemical peels


Most often, fruit alpha-hydroxy acids are used for the procedure: glycolic, lactic, citric, grape. When applied to the skin, they dissolve the cells of the stratum corneum of the epidermis.
In addition to cleansing and activating renewal, organic acids have other positive effects on the skin:

  1. moisturizing;
  2. anti-inflammatory;
  3. normalization of the sebaceous glands.
  4. pigmenting.
  5. antiseptic.

Superficial chemical peeling is indicated for hyperkeratosis, acne and post-acne phenomena, oily skin, enlarged pores, early age-related changes (fine wrinkles, superficial pigmentation).

To achieve a lasting result, a course is required: 10-15 sessions once a week.


It is carried out using preparations of 25-30% trichloroacetic acid and 30% salicylic acid. These substances dissolve the cell layers up to and including the papillary layer.

In response to chemical irritation, the skin turns red and swells. The recovery period lasts 1 week; During this time, dead cells are completely exfoliated.

Medium types of chemical peels are used to combat age-related skin changes: wrinkles, pigmentation spots, decreased skin turgor.

Also, chemicals have an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Therefore, medium peels are used in the complex treatment of acne.

Another area of ​​application of the compositions is the treatment of scars and stretch marks.


For the procedure, compositions with phenol are most often used. The drug has a deep effect up to the middle of the reticular layer of the dermis and promotes pronounced skin renewal. First of all, phenol peeling is indicated for the correction of pronounced age-related changes in men and women after 40 years.

Indications for phenol peeling:

  1. Wrinkles and folds: nasolabial, glabellar, creases around the lips and eyes.
  2. Hyperpigmentation.
  3. Flabbiness of the skin.
  4. Scars and stretch marks.
  5. Photoaging.

Rehabilitation after the procedure is long: peeling completely disappears after 4-6 weeks. To avoid complications, the patient must strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations regarding pre-peel preparation and post-peel care.

After rehabilitation, the face looks 10 years younger on average. The procedure is carried out once, the effect lasts for several years.

Phenol peeling should not be performed on patients with severe diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys.

Ultrasonic peeling in a beauty salon

It is a hardware superficial cleansing procedure, during which dead cells are removed from the facial skin and the pores are cleaned.

Purpose 1. Preparing the skin for other procedures (manual cleansing, mesotherapy, massages, care programs).

2. Cleansing the skin.

Mechanism The ultrasonic wave that the device emits literally knocks out dirt when reflected from the surface of the skin.
The softening and loosening of the epidermis is facilitated by the effect of cavitation, the creation of airless bubbles in the medium through which ultrasonic peeling is carried out. Indications
  1. Oily and combination skin.
  2. Dryness and flaking.
  3. Dull, “stressed” skin.
  4. Photoaging.
Technology 1. Makeup removal, skin cleansing.

2. Application of a special ultrasonic peeling product.

You will find professional cosmetics for ultrasonic peeling here

3. The cosmetologist places the radiator blade at an angle of 45 degrees and treats the skin of the face with it, moving it slowly, smoothly and without pressure. Lasts 10-15 minutes.

4. Mask and cream according to skin type.

  1. Individual intolerance.
  2. Pregnancy.
  3. Fever.
  4. Abrasions and scratches.
  5. Inflammatory and allergic skin diseases.
Course Every day or 2-3 times a week; 10-15 peeling procedures per course.

Laser peeling in a beauty salon

The skin is exposed to a laser beam. The effect of the procedure depends on the type of laser radiation and the depth of its penetration.

Types of laser peeling:

Cold peeling

Name Depth of influence Mechanism Effects
affects only the stratum corneum of the epidermis.
Layer-by-layer removal of cells of the stratum corneum without heating the underlying structures. Smooth, matte and velvety skin.
Hot peeling Layer-by-layer removal of cells of the stratum corneum with heating of the underlying structures and stimulation of metabolic processes. Increasing skin elasticity, smoothing fine and medium wrinkles.
Laser resurfacing Middle and deep
affects the epidermis and dermis.
Destruction of the old skin framework under the action of a laser,
cell renewal,
enhanced synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers.
Rejuvenation, lifting, smoothing of pronounced wrinkles; removal of scars, stretch marks and tattoos.

Contraindications to laser peeling:

  1. Oncology.
  2. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  3. General and local infectious process.
  4. Pregnancy.
  5. Blood clotting disorders.
  6. Fillers at the site of treatment.
  7. Autoimmune diseases and connective tissue diseases.

Peeling procedures help cope with various aesthetic problems.

In order for them to be as effective as possible, it is imperative to take into account the patient’s skin type and follow the technology for performing each technique.