Cracks in the anus

Cracks in the anus often form as a result of dryness and warmth that has arisen in it, and then cracks form due to any insignificant reason. And sometimes they arise due to hot tumors, or hardness and dryness of feces, or cracked kidney bumps, or due to the strong rush of blood to the mouths of the anal vessels.

Treatment. Medicines for cracks include healing and connecting or softening and moisturizing, as well as healing tumors or acting like special antitumor drugs, or close to them. As for healing astringents and drying medicines, these are, for example, galls without holes, which are finely ground with water and a small amount of tart wine and used as an ointment; the effect will be stronger if you take cinnabar, pomegranate flowers, lead white, lead oxide and rose oil. Oxides of lead, burnt tin, silver scale and kalimi are also taken and consumed with rose oil. They also use a well-known plaster made from lead white, lead white with burnt lead, rose oil and egg white, or tin scale, crushed with rose seeds, in the form of a dry or sticky plaster. They also use henna: take one part of it and three parts of white wax; The wax is melted with rose oil, and everything is mixed. Dried wallflower is used in the same way.

Medicines with special properties include, among other things, the following: take ash from shells and starch - in equal quantities, and olive leaves - half the amount of one of the mentioned substances.

Here is another useful medicine: take lead oxide, white lead, tin sawdust, white henbane flowers and wax - in equal parts, and a sufficient amount of rose oil. Or they take duck fat, incense, deer bone marrow, rose seeds, tutia, washed iqlimiya, tin white, washed burnt lead, opium, lanolin, squeezed chicory juice, squeezed nightshade juice, rose oil and a little wax; from all this a wax ointment is prepared. This medicine, while healing the wound, at the same time prevents the formation of a tumor, heals it and suppresses pain. The waters in which the patient is placed include water from a jug in which nightshade, rose, lentils and peeled barley were boiled.

If there is no itching, then Kimolos clay with myrtle oil helps. One of the powerful means of general action is the following: take sesame oil, incense, sadaj and round alum - each for two dirhams, saffron and myrrh - for a dirham, Nabataean resin and wax - for twelve dirhams - all this is bound with boiled grape must and rose oil. The drugs used in this case include drugs that help with their balancing and softening properties - various fats, mucus, squeezed juices, oils and adhesives such as starch, flour dust, tragacanth and the like. All this is mixed to treat cracks.

Here is one of the recipes: take lanolin, calf bone marrow, fat tail fat, washed starch, duck and chicken fat and rose oil. They also take equal quantities of the brain from the shin of a cow and starch and smear it with this, or with a plaster of bdelium with fat from a camel’s hump. A proven remedy is the brain from a cow's shin and sour barley bread, taken in equal quantities, or the following composition: brain from a cow's shin, brain from a deer's shin and deer fat - one ukiyya each, mumiyo - half a kiya, sesame oil - two ukiyya, starch - ukiyu; tragakanta—ukiyu; bind it all with sesame oil. Oils that help with cracks, when there is no great warmth and swelling, but there is dryness, are wallflower oil, iris oil, apricot kernel oil and peach kernel oil; Bdellium is dissolved in these oils. Fumigation with bdelium mixed with fat helps such patients. As for the remedies for cracks caused by tumors, you already know them; they include Kimolos clay with myrtle oil. The patient is also placed in astringent water and oil from unripe olives, or galls are boiled with boiled grape must and medicinal dressings are made from this.

For cracks caused by kidney cones, patches should be applied to them; for cracks caused by feces, one should constantly soften the nature with emollient foods and drinks and take pills of bdelium with sagapen, which they drink night and day. If anything flows from the cracks, then take a piece of cotton paper, moisten it in a solution of alum, dry it and wipe the anus with it. You should abstain from anything that binds and dries out feces.

Nutrition for those suffering from cracks. They should abstain from astringent, sour and drying substances and let their food be isfidbaji, spinach stew or mallow stew. The fat should be camel hump fat, chicken fat, and duck fat. Capers in isfidbaj, yolks, soft-boiled eggs, especially before other dishes, scrambled eggs from yolks, leeks and onions with melted, not very thick cow butter are useful for such patients; Indian nuts, almonds and fan from also help them. Their method of feeding is the same as that of those suffering from kidney disease.