
Trichomoniades are a genus of protozoan worms of the flagellar class of animals that parasitize the genital tract of humans and animals. Trichimonads are a large pear-shaped cell with pseudopods-flagella. In the human body they parasitize men and women who have not had sexual contact with healthy individuals in the past. With vaginitis, proctitis, enteritis, less often with pharyngitis caused by various Trichomonas, a gray coating with the presence of small worm-like motile flagellates is characteristic.

Infection. Trichomoniasis is caused by Trichomonas vaginalis, which can also infect the rectum, anus, and urethra in men. Often a sick person is a carrier of the parasite

Medical classification. The World Health Organization classifies trichomoniasis as a particularly dangerous infectious disease and is included in the list of diseases subject to mandatory reporting. The danger of infection is that it is transmitted through anal sex, and