
The use of antimicrobial folic acid synthesis inhibitors is increasingly becoming a popular treatment for various infections in humans and animals. One of the most common examples of such a drug is Trimopan, which was developed in Finland. Trimopan belongs to a group of medicines called “Folic acid synthesis inhibitors”, which are inhibitors of folic acid metabolism. The main component of the drug is trimethoprim chloride (trimethoprim).

The drug was originally developed in the 60s of the last century by Orion Corporation (Finland) for use in veterinary medicine for the prevention of infectious diseases in domestic animals. Over time, the product line of the drug has expanded, offering consumers not only antibiotics, but also other medical products. In particular, this applies to medicines for people. Despite the fact that Trimopan was originally developed as a drug for animals, its pharmacological properties and applications are incredibly relevant in clinical practice. This antibiotic may be prescribed to people to treat an acute infection caused by a bacterial infection. When prescribing Trimistan, doctors must take into account the patient’s age, indications for prescribing this drug, as well as the presence of contraindications and possible side effects on the patient’s body. If indicated, patients suffering from acute forms of infections may be prescribed this drug. People of any age can take it. But doctors also advise paying special attention to the body’s reaction when using this antiseptic - often such a drug causes allergic reactions. Therefore, the patient must be closely monitored throughout the treatment. Since most often the dosage of one tablet ranges from one to four tablets. And if there are any problems with the kidneys or liver, the dosage should be reduced by a quarter. To avoid an overdose, in some cases gastric lavage is performed.