
Thrombarterectomy (thrombus + arterectomy) is an operation to remove a blood clot from an artery that has been blocked, leading to disruption of the blood supply to tissues and organs.
Thrombarterectomy is performed if the thrombus cannot be dissolved with medication or using endovascular methods.

To perform a thrombarteriectomy, angiography must be performed to determine the location of the blockage in the artery. After this, the surgeon makes a small incision in the area of ​​the artery and removes the clot using special instruments. The artery is then repaired and closed with sutures.

The operation is considered quite complex and is performed only by experienced surgeons. However, thanks to thrombarterectomy, it is possible to save the patient's life and prevent serious complications such as myocardial infarction or stroke.

Thrombarterictomy is a surgical procedure in which a blood clot is removed from an artery. It may be performed to treat arterial thrombosis or other cardiovascular diseases.

Why does thrombarterictomy occur?

Blood clots can occur in arteries when blood clots become lodged inside the artery wall and obstruct blood flow. This can lead to serious illnesses such as heart attack, stroke or gangrene.

How is thrombarteriticoma performed?

Surgery for thrombarteriectomy is usually performed through a small incision at the site of the blood clot. The surgeon removes the clot and clears the blood of any residual material inside the artery. The surgeon then performs an endarterectomy to ensure that the arterial wall is clean and intact.

Advantages of thrombarterectomy:

This procedure helps prevent serious consequences such as heart attacks, strokes and gangrene associated with arterial thrombosis. It can also help restore blood flow through the arteries and improve the patient's overall health.

However, thrombarterectomy should only be performed in specialized clinics by experienced surgeons, as it may have side effects. For example, bleeding or infection may develop after the procedure.
