
Tropo is a structural unit of collagen, which is a rod-shaped structure about 300 nanometers long and about 1.5 nanometers thick. Tropo has a molecular weight of about 300 thousand. Currently, tropi is identified with the collagen molecule. Collagen is a protein that plays an important role in maintaining the structure and function of connective tissue, including skin, tendons, bones, cartilage and blood vessels. Tropo is one of the main components of collagen and is involved in the formation of its structure.

Abstract: Tropocollagens are a key structural unit of collagen fibers and play a critical role in ensuring the strength and elasticity of tissues. Despite the fact that collagen is one of the main structural proteins in the body, its forms, in addition to the three-dimensional structure of fibrils, form complex complexes both with each other and with other proteins. This article discusses the types of tropocollagens and their structure, as well as the functions performed by these molecules. It also discusses ways to modify tropocollagen during wound healing and treatment of joint diseases. The results obtained may have practical significance for the development of new approaches to treatment