Troyanov, 1849-1916, Otech. Surgeon; Syn.: Brodie-Troyanoff-Trendelenburg Test, Trendelenburg Test)

Troyanov, Nikolai Ivanovich (1848-1927) - Russian surgeon, professor.

In 1902, he first described the vasomotor test (Troyanovsky-Brody-Trendelenberg test) to determine the insufficiency of the valves of the great saphenous vein. This test is as follows. The patient lies on his back, the leg on which the dilated vein is located is raised at an angle of 30-45° and pressed with the fingers below the inguinal ligament. Then the patient moves to a vertical position. If the valves are insufficient, the veins quickly swell and become clearly visible. This research method is still used today.

Troyanov, N. I. Varicose veins. - St. Petersburg, 1912.

Lev Nikolaevich Troyanov is a famous Russian surgeon who worked in the second half of the 19th century. He made a great contribution to the development of surgery in Russia, especially in the field of diagnosis and treatment of varicose veins. One of his most famous and significant developments is the Troyanov-Brody-Trendenberg test, which is a diagnostic test for varicose veins.