Trypanosomes Metacyclic

Trypomastogites are a type of parasite that causes a disease called Trypanosomiasis. These parasites enter the animal's body when they penetrate the skin of a person or animal along with dirt or dust containing parasites. As a result, parasitic organisms appear in the animal's body. One of the most common types of tryponosam is metacyclic.

The metacyclic tryponasome can enter the host's body through blood, saliva, or other fluids secreted by the parasite. After infection, the body begins to produce antibodies that fight parasitic organisms. The organism itself cannot resist these organisms because it is not adapted to their habitat. This

Trypanosome metacyclica is a parasitic infection caused by a specific strain of taeniids (a type of flagellate). Infection with the parasite has two forms of manifestation - anaplasmosis and brugiosis. Structurally, it consists of 2 main forms - metacyclic and mastigote, and therefore has two names: Trypanosoma metacyclicum and Trypanosomastigotae. T. metacyclica is most often found in South America, predominates in the countries of western Central America and is one of the main causes of the emerging course of Stevens-Johnson syndrome. Depending on the clinical picture, the disease can occur in various forms - chronic or acute. Regardless of the form of the disease, T. metacyclica is one of the most dangerous diseases with a rapid course. It often causes complications in the form of the development of diseases such as meningoencephalitis, as well as cystolithiasis. Of particular danger are cases when, after an infectious process, the disease transforms during the next life. That is why this disease is so dangerous and requires increased attention from doctors.

The mother's suit is characterized by the presence of two cells with different diameters and the size of the surface projection. The shape has the shape of a pear with pointed ends, and one cell should occupy most of the parasite’s body (95-99%), and the other (5-12%). The size of a metacyclic cell is microscopic, about 5-6 microns in length. There is also an invasive form of parasites - trypanosome-like forms that develop in the body of vertebrates, which have the least signs of this type of parasite. They receive nutrition from metabolites secreted from the salivary glands of the winged insect vector.