Walter Core [W. G. Walter, Rod. In 1910, English. Physiologist; English Conditioned Reflex Analogue (Cora)

Walter Core [W. G. Walter, b. in 1910, English. physiologist; English Conditioned Reflex Analogue (Cora) analogue of the conditioned reflex]

Walter Core [W. G. Walter, b. in 1910, English. physiologist; English Conditioned Reflex Analogue (Cora) analogue of a conditioned reflex] - a cybernetic device that responds to a separate irritation by the discharge of a neon light bulb and forms simple associations between sound and light stimuli; analogue of a conditioned reflex. Walter Core was developed in the 1950s by English physiologist William Gray Walter to model conditioned reflexes. The device consisted of a sound stimulator, a light source and a photocell. When a sound signal was given, the neon light bulb was discharged. The photocell registered the light discharge and triggered a sound signal through an electrical circuit. In this way, a simple reflex arc with feedback was simulated. Experiments with Walter Cora showed that even simple cybernetic systems can exhibit the basic properties of conditioned reflexes. This discovery played an important role in the development of cybernetics and the study of artificial intelligence.

Walter Cora is a cybernetic invention that was created by scientists at the end of the 20th century to study the reactions of various organisms to various stimuli. The history of the creation of the device is connected with psychology and physiology, which makes the topic of Walter Cora relevant and interesting for many scientists and researchers.

Walter Cora is an analogue of a conditioned reflex, that is, a device capable of forming associations between stimuli. Walter Cora needs to give signals associated with various stimuli - sound and light. For example, if you provided a stimulus with lights or loudspeakers, Walter Cora will respond to these stimulants by creating associations in his code. By adjusting the size and shape of Walter's word, a more complete picture of the response can be successfully described. After training, you can cause certain reactions and determine the ability to control a ship in conditions of high doses of radiation, when any living creature must be protected by highly sensitive screens.