Skin tuberculosis Indurative Ulcerative

Indurative ulcerative skin tuberculosis: Causes, symptoms and treatment

Cutaneous ulcerative tuberculosis (also known as Hutchinson's ulcerative cutaneous tuberculosis induratum) is a form of extrapulmonary tuberculosis that affects the skin. This rare disease is caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which also causes pulmonary tuberculosis. Indurative ulcerative tuberculosis of the skin is characterized by the formation of infiltrates (induration) and ulcers on the skin, which can be painful and slow to heal.

The causes of indurated ulcerative cutaneous tuberculosis are associated with the spread of the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis from other sites of infection in the body, such as the lungs or lymph nodes. This can happen through the blood or lymph. People with weakened immune systems, such as people infected with HIV or people receiving immunosuppressive therapy, are more susceptible to developing cutaneous ulcerative tuberculosis induratum.

Symptoms of ulcerative cutaneous tuberculosis include the formation of ulcers, which are usually seen on the face, neck, arms or legs. The ulcers may be deep, with jagged edges and infiltrates that may be hard to the touch. They can be painful and unpleasant. There may also be accompanying symptoms such as general weakness, loss of appetite and weight.

The diagnosis of indurative ulcerative skin tuberculosis is based on a clinical examination, medical history, the result of a tuberculin test and a biopsy of the affected skin. To confirm the diagnosis, bacteriological testing may be required to detect the presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Treatment of indurated ulcerative skin tuberculosis includes the use of antibiotics effective against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Typically, a combination of several drugs is used over a long period of time (from several months to a year) to achieve complete cure and prevent relapses. In some cases, surgery may be required to remove the ulcers and treat complications.

In general, indurative ulcerative skin tuberculosis is a serious disease that requires timely diagnosis and treatment. If skin ulcers appear that do not heal or cause concern, you should consult a doctor for diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Early seeking medical help contributes to more successful and effective treatment of indurated ulcerative skin tuberculosis and the prevention of its complications. It is also important to follow all doctor’s recommendations, take medications regularly and complete the full course of treatment to prevent relapse and spread of infection.

In addition, it is important to take measures to strengthen the immune system, such as eating right, being physically active, maintaining good hygiene and avoiding contact with people with tuberculosis. Regular medical examinations can also help in the timely detection and treatment of any diseases.

In conclusion, ulcerative cutaneous tuberculosis induratum is a rare form of tuberculosis that affects the skin and requires specialized treatment. If you suspect this disease, you should consult a doctor for diagnosis and determine the optimal treatment.

Tuberculosis of the skin, indurative ulcerative

**Tuberculosis**indurative ulcerative dermatitis is a type of skin tuberculosis or disseminated tuberculosis, a common infiltrative element of tuberculous lesions, located on the extensor surface of the upper and lower extremities, mainly on the hands and feet, rarely in the face and torso. Usually developing at the final stage of primary tuberculosis of the skin, lasting for several years.

The cause is considered to be Koch bacillus bacteria. Coming into contact with a weakened immune system and a small number of leukocytes, the infection is activated and begins to multiply. A specific disease, which is characterized by localization of the lesion on the extremities, more often on the skin of the hands, feet, and legs. The form is represented by a dense red edematous node with superficial depressions after healing.