Turbid - turbid

Best turbit - white in appearance, not worn away by worms, twisted like tubes of thin reeds, smooth, which crumbles quickly, not thick; he is sometimes eaten away by worms and becomes weak. Very light turbo with holes - weak; it is improved by stripping off the dark bark until pure white wood appears, and mixing the stripped bark with almond oil.

The use of turbite causes dryness and shrinkage of the body, because it removes liquid juices. It is consumed with almond oil.

Tools with joints.
It helps against nerve diseases.

Eruption organs.
It expels a lot of mucus and removes a small amount of burnt-out juices. This happens if you take it ground into powder; if you take it boiled in the form of an infusion, the opposite will happen.

Ibn Masarjavayh says: “Turbit drives thick, viscous juices,” and someone said that it drives immature mucus from both frogs. Most likely, it drives away liquid mucus, and if it is strengthened with ginger and something very spicy, it will drive away thick juices and immature mucus. And the turbit itself does not drive thick juices, unless it encounters thick juice in the stomach or intestines. At one time it is given up to two dirhams, and in decoctions - up to four.