Serum Adsorbed

Adsorbed whey, also known as depleted whey, is a protein product obtained by processing the blood of animals or humans. It is obtained by removing proteins from the blood by adsorption on special sorbents.

Currently, adsorbed serum is widely used in medicine as a component of blood substitutes and infusion solutions. It is also used to treat poisoning, including poisoning from alcohol, drugs and poisons, as it is able to bind and remove toxins and other harmful substances from the body.

Adsorbed whey has high biological activity and can be used as a source of protein for fortifying food products. It is also widely used in the cosmetics industry for the production of creams, lotions and other skin care products.

In the process of producing adsorbed whey, special adsorbents are used, such as albumin, peptone and gel filter. These sorbents have a high ability to bind proteins and other substances, which allows you to obtain pure and high-quality whey.

One of the advantages of adsorbed whey is its high stability. It can be stored for a long time without losing its properties and qualities. In addition, it does not cause allergic reactions and has no side effects.

In conclusion, adsorbed whey is an important component in medicine, cosmetics and food industry. Its unique properties, such as the ability to bind and remove toxins and other harmful substances from the body, make it an essential product for maintaining health and beauty.

Adsorbed whey is whey that has been subjected to adsorption, that is, the process of removing unwanted substances from the blood serum. This process can be carried out by various methods such as dialysis, ultrafiltration or chromatography.

Adsorption is used to remove various substances such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates and other components that may be harmful to the body. This can be useful in the treatment of various diseases such as diabetes, atherosclerosis, arthritis and others.

Adsorbed serum can be used for the preparation of various medical preparations, such as vaccines, serums and other medicines. It can also be used as a component for the production of other medicines.

However, it should be noted that the use of adsorbed whey may have some side effects such as allergic reactions and other health problems. Therefore, before using adsorbed serum, you must consult your doctor and follow his recommendations.