Thuja Western

Thuja Western: description, properties and application

Thuja occidentalis, or Thuja occidentalis, is an evergreen conifer native to North America. It belongs to the cypress family (Cupressaceae) and can reach a height of up to 20 meters. In Central Europe, Thuja Occidentalis is grown as an ornamental plant or shrub.

Botanical aspect

The branches of Western Thuja extend perpendicular to the trunk and bear scale-like leaves that are arranged in regular rows. The fruits of the Western thuja are small cone-shaped cones covered with woody scales.

Chemical composition and properties

Thuja occidentalis contains essential oil, which consists of thuion and sesquiterpenes. Western thuja also contains flavonoids, which have antioxidant properties.


Young shoots of Western thuja were previously used to prepare rubs for rheumatism and tea, which was used as a diuretic. In homeopathy, the drug Thuja occidentalis is used for rheumatism, colds, skin rashes and neuralgia.

However, it should be noted that thuja occidentalis is a poisonous plant. If consumed internally, it can cause poisoning. Therefore, before using thuja occidentalis as a medicine, it is necessary to consult a doctor or homeopath.

In conclusion, Thuja Occidentalis is an interesting plant that has found use not only for decorative purposes, but also for medicine. However, when using Western thuja, you must be careful and follow the recommendations of specialists.

Thuja is a popular medicinal plant widely used in medicine. Scientists have conducted studies that have shown that thuja contains many useful substances: essential oils, flavonoids, tannins, organic acids, vitamin C and other organic compounds.

Western thuja is grown artificially in Russia. There are many varieties,