Severity of Personal Injury

The severity of the injury is the degree to which the injury causes harm to the body. It is established according to the degree of danger to human health, the amount of loss of ability to work, as well as the duration of the period of restoration of health. Bodily injury can lead to various illnesses, disabilities and even death.

Determining the severity of personal injuries is an important aspect of litigation. The judge evaluates the severity to determine the causes and consequences of the injury or damage. This is necessary to ensure justice and protect the rights of victims.

Depending on the severity of the injury, there are categories such as mild, moderate, severe and extremely severe. The state of health of the victim can vary greatly - from mild discomfort to a serious threat to life.

Minor injuries are characterized by minor injuries that do not affect performance and do not require long-term treatment or recovery. An example would be a mild bruise or contusion.

Moderate injuries are characterized by more serious injuries, such as fractures, dislocations, wounds and other injuries of moderate severity. They may cause disability for a short period of time, such as a few days or weeks.

Grievous injury means more serious injuries that can cause a condition that requires long-term treatment and rehabilitation. Such injuries can cause temporary or permanent impairment of the body's functioning, such as paralysis, loss of vision, hearing loss or damage to the spinal cord.

Extremely serious injuries are very serious situations where the person may be in critical condition and may even be life threatening. Injuries of this magnitude require a high level of medical care and surgical intervention.

When determining the severity of a physical injury, many factors are taken into account, such as the type of injury, its size, consequences, and others. The determination of severity also depends on the professional experience and qualifications of the doctor who diagnoses and evaluates the patient's condition.

``` The severity of bodily injury (SBI) is the degree of physical harm to health, determined based on threats to life, the degree of disability, and the duration of the health disorder. Minor bodily injury refers to the category of minor injuries, moderate bodily injury - a wound of moderate severity, serious bodily injury - a serious wound or multiple wounds as a result of a collision, which leads to temporary or permanent disability of the victim for a short period of time, the loss is considered life-threatening blood volume of more than 1250 ml and pathological disorders of organs and systems. Significant bodily injury is serious damage to health, threatening the life of the patient, requiring the use of modern reconstructive technologies. The degree of danger to the health of the victim and the nature of the injury determine the severity of bodily injuries, affecting the clinical, behavioral, psychological aspects of the functioning of the injured person during the period of partial, general disability. The approach to assessing the nature of bodily injuries of medical personnel and experts is based on taking into account the degree of cause-and-effect relationship between the occurring functional changes and the result of traumatic exposure. A characteristic manifestation of the consequences of injuries is pain of various types, limited mobility of the injured body member, its acquisition of an incorrect configuration, decrease or loss of functionality, and the preservation of a residual reaction to irritation of the corresponding receptors. The depth of the wound and its extent are directly related to the dynamics of the wound process. The severity of physical injuries in the mechanism of occurrence is determined by temporary indicators: exhaustion, a feeling of malaise, decreased ability to work, or even an extremely dangerous condition of the victim, indicating the need for inpatient treatment. Diagnosis of injuries covers the nature, size and individual characteristics of the manifestations of consequences that are disruptive to normal life when a wound is inflicted, depending on the time of contact of the damaging object and the patient’s body. Bodily injuries can be accompanied by long-term health problems, the consequences of which can be complete blindness and impaired respiratory function. In most cases