How to get rid of dandruff in a teenager

Often at the age of 12, problems with dandruff arise. It causes irritation and spoils a person’s appearance. Therefore, this scourge must be fought. In order to rid a child of dandruff, it is necessary, first of all, to find out the causes of the disease. Then it will be possible to choose a treatment that will really help. The choice of medications must be approached especially responsibly, since drugs for adults cannot be used for children.

Causes of dandruff

The causes of this disease can be very different:

The human head has a huge variety of microorganisms. They all need to exist in balance. If any changes occur in the balance, the fungi begin to multiply at high speed. Because of this, the scalp begins to flake off faster and more, which leads to the appearance of dandruff.

Scalp cells undergo keratinization after 28 days. After which they begin to peel off. If there are any problems, exfoliation begins 5-14 days earlier. Cells that were not keratinized stick together and become dandruff.

Eating affects the secretion of subcutaneous fat. In order to avoid problems with this process, during adolescence you should follow a special diet, which involves excluding smoked and fatty foods. Junk food can cause dandruff.

Using inappropriate personal care products also leads to the appearance of seborrhea. Typically, from the age of 12, children use personal care products to maintain a good appearance. The drugs create a film on the head. Dust accumulates on it. After the film dries, the skin becomes dirty, which prevents cell respiration. This causes dandruff to appear.

Allergens can cause the scalp to flake, which creates dandruff. Endocrine system. Often, seborrhea occurs due to changes that occur during adolescence.

This factor causes dandruff to appear in people of all ages: little boys and girls, teenagers, adults. This includes dandruff.
First you need to identify the specific factor that caused dandruff. Based on the cause, the method of treatment and medications should be selected.

Seborrhea detection

There are oily and dry seborrhea. Both are characterized by their own distinctive factors.

Oily seborrhea is characterized by:

  1. Rapid hair contamination.
  2. The appearance of acne on the scalp.
  3. Yellow dandruff color and sticky consistency.

Dry seborrhea manifests itself differently:

  1. Dry and brittle hair.
  2. Skin irritation.
  3. Light shade of dandruff.
  4. Exfoliated skin can simply be removed or combed out.

Seborrhea treatment cannot be delayed. The disease can further develop and lead to complications, such as:

  1. The appearance of fungus or bacteria on the head.
  2. Hair loss, even baldness.

Children need to fight seborrhea. Treatment should be selected by a specialist: a dermatologist or trichologist. The doctor will prescribe a general examination of the body to find out the cause of the problem, and then select medications for a specific case.


There are 2 types of treatment: general and local.

The first includes:

  1. Schedule. Your teen will need to have enough time to sleep and exercise.
  2. Correct, balanced diet. Food is selected that contains the amount of substances required to cure the child. Flour, sweets, fried foods, salt and spices are strictly controlled in the diet. In some cases, vitamins are prescribed.
  3. Medicines. To improve the condition of the body as a whole, take tinctures of various plants.

Local treatment contains products applied to problem areas:

  1. Shampoos. They get rid of annoying ailments. Typically, they can be used from the age of 12. You should wash your hair with this product no more than a few times a week. The shampoo is applied to the head, soaked in the hair for 5 minutes and massaged into the head, then rinsed off. This procedure should be repeated 2 times per wash so that it effectively treats seborrhea.
  2. Vegetable oils. They are used to remove dry dandruff. There are oils such as: almond oil; from linen; from sesame; from cedar; and a mixture of burdock and castor oil.
  3. Masks. They are needed to get rid of oily seborrhea. There are many masks made from different ingredients. The product is applied to the head. After 30 minutes it is removed with warm water.
  4. Massage. This procedure is performed to overcome dry seborrhea. Use your fingers or a special brush to massage your head for 15 minutes.


People have been inventing and using their own folk remedies for a long time. Thanks to such recipes, you can also find a way to get rid of dandruff.
One well-known folk treatment is to mix tea tree oil with regular shampoo. Washing your hair with this shampoo should help treat even severe dandruff.

Another popular method is to replace shampoo with infusions of nettle, chamomile or onion peel. You should simply rinse your curls with the selected liquid. Based on reviews, this simple folk method helps cure dandruff in a teenager. It should be remembered that an infusion of onion peels changes light hair into a darker color, so for such hair it is better to use a chamomile infusion.

Preventing dandruff

Removing dandruff from a teenager or an adult is a long and not the most desirable process. Therefore, you need to know what to do to prevent this problem from occurring.
First of all, it is important to maintain the correct daily routine and nutrition of a 12-year-old child. An incorrect daily routine and junk food often cause dandruff in a teenager.

A suitable shampoo should be used. Using products intended for other types of hair causes diseases, including seborrhea.
It is necessary to observe the deviations that occur during the transition years and adapt to them. These changes are very often the cause of dandruff in girls aged 12 years.

If dandruff cannot be avoided, then you need to consult a doctor to find out how to get rid of dandruff in a teenager. There are also general recommendations:

  1. After recovery, soak the hats in vinegar and put them in a bag for a couple of days.
  2. After treatment, combs should be replaced.
  3. Adult medications should not be used by children and adolescents.


Dandruff is a rather serious disease. It should be treated as soon as possible to avoid complications. It doesn’t matter at what age the problem appeared: 12 years old, 13 years old, 14 years old, or a 15 year old teenager – you need to get rid of dandruff immediately.
Comprehensive treatment helps to quickly cure dandruff.

During puberty (at the age of 14, plus 1-2 years) in a teenager, serious hormonal changes occur in the body; this may be the main cause of dandruff. Against this background, dandruff may occur, which causes discomfort and becomes the main culprit in the appearance of unpleasant itching. For children and their parents, this problem is a real punishment. A variety of medications, cosmetics, and even folk remedies are used to eliminate severe symptoms of skin diseases. It is important to understand that the protracted course of the disease is aggravated by the development of a more complex form - seborrhea, the treatment of which causes even more trouble.

Causes of dandruff in teenagers

Experts have found that the fungus Pityrosporum ovale provokes discomfort in the form of itching, burning and flaking of the scalp. Almost every person has a microorganism, but bacteria begin to multiply under the influence of excess production of the sebaceous glands. As a rule, increased oily skin in adolescence is a consequence of hormonal disorders. Features of using almond oil for hair loss are described here.

At this age, peeling can be caused by factors such as:

  1. poor hygiene or washing your hair too often;
  2. incorrectly selected cosmetics;
  3. allergic reaction of the body;
  4. the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is also worth noting that dandruff in a 13-year-old teenager may appear against the background of the development of serious dermatological diseases such as eczema or psoriasis. To identify the exact cause, the child needs to undergo appropriate diagnostics as quickly as possible from a trichologist or dermatologist.

Find out about the beneficial effects of tar shampoo here.

The main causes of dandruff are:

  1. disorders of the endocrine or digestive systems;
  2. excessive physical activity;
  3. constant stress and nervous exhaustion of the body;
  4. lack of vitamins.

A teenager can become infected with a fungal infection by using someone else's personal hygiene items.

Girls at the age of 14 begin to experiment with their own image, using all kinds of varnishes, foams, mousses, which also contribute to the appearance of dandruff. In this case, we can recommend natural cosmetics: Phytocosmetic henna cream.

During this period, the most active restructuring of hormones occurs, so the sebaceous glands produce an excess amount of sebum. Also, the causes of the disease can be:

  1. gynecological diseases caused by hormonal imbalance;
  2. decreased immune system due to a cold;
  3. the predominance of fatty, flour or sweet foods in the diet;
  4. increased testosterone levels.

Read about the unique properties of Belarusian hair cosmetics in this article.

How to get rid of dandruff on your head as a teenager

First of all, a teenager who experiences excessive flaking of the scalp should be examined by a dermatologist or trichologist. If necessary, the patient is prescribed a series of tests, based on the results of which a further treatment regimen will be drawn up:

A teenager is allowed to take creams, ointments and tablets only as prescribed by a doctor. The most effective in the fight against dandruff are:

  1. Nizoral. Presented in the form of tablets, cream and shampoo, the main active ingredient of which is ketoconazole. It effectively fights fungal infections and helps eliminate unpleasant symptoms. The product in tablet form is intended for oral administration after meals. The cream is applied to problem areas 2 times a day until symptoms are completely eliminated.
  2. Fluconazole. Another effective drug with powerful antifungal and antiseptic effects. A stable result is observed with complex therapy using local antifungal ointments. The tablets are taken for a week, the optimal dose of the drug and the duration of the course are determined based on the severity of the clinical picture. You can find out about special darsonval attachments “Crown” to combat seborrhea and alopecia by following the link.

Most often prescribed:

  1. Sulsena. The product is suitable for teenagers and adults. The shampoo contains 2.5% sulene disulfide. This substance has antifungal, antiseptic and restorative effects. The product relieves itching, irritation, strengthens hair follicles and prevents hair loss. Use no more than 2 times a week. This shampoo is one of the most popular in the treatment of dry seborrhea.
  2. Friederm Zink. The active component is zinc pyrithione (2%). The shampoo kills pathogens without disturbing the natural balance of the scalp. In case of severe itching and peeling, it is permissible to use the product every 3-4 days for 2 weeks. In the future, the frequency of administration (how often to do it) varies depending on the severity of the symptoms. To treat dandruff, Nizoral shampoo can be used in the same way.

Traditional medicine offers 3 ways to get rid of dandruff. Among the effective ones are:

  1. Rinsing with herbal infusions (nettle, burdock, calendula, chamomile).
  2. Using tea tree oil. A few drops of ether are added to shampoo; the oil has antiseptic and tonic effects.
  3. A mixture based on castor, burdock and almond oils. The components are mixed together and this mask is applied to the scalp before washing for 20-30 minutes. These compositions are included in the rating of the most effective masks for dry scalp.

Features of rapid treatment in boys and girls

As a rule, hormonal imbalance is pronounced in girls between 12 and 14 years old. At this age, menstruation begins and active puberty of the female reproductive system occurs. The predominance of certain hormones contributes to the excessive production of sebaceous glands, against which comedones, pimples and dandruff appear. In addition to antifungal agents, girls may also be prescribed drugs whose action is aimed at restoring the natural balance of hormones.

In men during puberty, the level of steroid sex hormones androgens increases. Over time, the boy's endocrine system is restored without any auxiliary treatment. It is enough to use only special shampoos and ointments with an antifungal effect to get rid of or cure dandruff.

Prevention for teenage boys and girls

Preventive measures will only reduce the risk of developing the disease, but will not be able to get rid of dandruff if it is caused by the genetic characteristics of the body. First of all, a teenager needs:

  1. Lead a healthy lifestyle, eliminating any bad habits: smoking, alcohol.
  2. Follow a daily routine, get enough sleep and do not exhaust your body with intense exercise.
  3. Include balanced foods in your diet, try to minimize the consumption of very unhealthy fast food, sweets, fried, salty and spicy foods.
  4. Avoid stress and nervous breakdowns.
  5. Choose high-quality hypoallergenic scalp and hair care products.

Find out about the features of the popular remedy for fighting head lice - Paranitis - in this material.


From the video you will learn how to remove dandruff from a child.

Dandruff in a teenager is a punishment for most parents and the owners themselves during transition periods. Often you cannot do without this unpleasant phenomenon while growing up. Let's look at what it is and where this problem comes from, as well as how to gently, without disturbing the natural balance, approach its solution


It is known that dandruff is a fungus that appears on the skin and stimulates the accelerated death of skin cells, accompanying this process with the appearance of redness, increased oiliness of the scalp (not always), and sometimes an unpleasant odor (in the case of hormonal changes in the body). If this problem is not solved, then white flakes falling on clothes will create an untidy appearance, and peeling can lead to burning of the skin and thinning hair will begin to be observed in places.


Dandruff in a teenager is most often the result of hormonal changes in the body, but there are also other causes of dandruff, such as:

  1. manifestation of various skin diseases, such as eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis,
  2. improper and irregular nutrition. Often, teenagers forget to eat or include in their diet a lot of sweet, floury, fatty or spicy foods, fast food, which sooner or later provokes the appearance of dandruff.

But in this case, this is not the worst thing, because such a nutritional system often leads to diseases of the digestive and endocrine systems:

  1. disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system. Due to the fact that in adolescence the general hormonal background is formed and the work of all major systems is formed, dandruff can be the result of such changes,
  2. endocrine disorders, also caused by hormonal imbalances throughout the body,
  3. Often severe dandruff occurs in adolescents due to severe or prolonged stress (psycho-emotional stress, reaction to certain events, overwork).
  4. vitamin deficiency - during the period of active growth and puberty, adolescents need vitamins and microelements more than most adults. But often such elements are simply not present in the diet, which provokes a situation of vitamin deficiency, and later severe dandruff in a teenager,
  5. allergies to various products - pills (even sometimes to vitamins), food, care products, flowers or fluctuations in air humidity and others,
  6. but often the reason is simpler - improper hair care. Namely, using the wrong shampoo, frequent and harsh hair washing, not rinsing conditioners and masks, excessive styling, very aggressive home care, and others.


At different ages, the leading causes of the problem may be different factors, for example:

  1. the main causes of dandruff in a 12-year-old teenager are all of the above reasons (but especially vitamin deficiency of calcium, vitamins B, C, H and the effect of the most common allergens - pollen, medications, food additives and fast food),
  2. The main causes of dandruff in a 15-year-old teenager are all of the above reasons (but especially changes in hormonal levels and excessive styling, plus improper home care or lack thereof).

In any case, no matter what age the problem appears, treatment of dandruff in adolescents should occur immediately

At the first manifestations of excessive dandruff in a teenager (especially a boy), first of all, be sure to visit a doctor - a dermatologist or dermatocosmetologist, at a minimum! This is important because only during a consultation will an experienced specialist determine the cause of the disease and prescribe the correct course and duration of treatment appropriate to the situation.

Dandruff in a teenager - what to do, how to solve this unpleasant and sensitive problem? General recommendations on how to get rid of dandruff in a teenager are as follows:

  1. Introduce a daily routine, pay special attention to the amount of sleep, walks and physical exercise
  2. Develop a nutrition system with the help of a specialist that will be rich in useful additives - vitamins, acids, minerals, biologically active substances. And most importantly, which will exclude or limit the most allergic and “unhealthy” foods - fast food, sweets, flour, fried spicy or salty foods and others
  3. The use of special herbal tinctures to normalize the functioning of the entire body. The most commonly prescribed are eleutherococcus, aralia, lemongrass, motherwort, oregano or valerian.
  4. Development and application of a special system for hair, scalp care and styling at home. Choose the right shampoo to solve the cause of dandruff in a teenager, adhere to regular washing, use an individual comb and properly remove styling from hair


There are many methods for solving this issue, as well as specialists offering help in finding the answer. For example, homeopathy and classical medicine have different approaches to solving this issue. But the difference is more in the drugs than in the treatment regimen itself. General recommendations on how to treat dandruff in teenagers are as follows:

  1. choose the necessary shampoo to eliminate the acute problem (most often these are products with salicylic acid, as well as shampoos for teenagers against dandruff - Dermazol, Nizoral, Sulsena, Friederm, tar),
  2. develop a regimen for using the drug together with a specialist. The classic regimen for using shampoo is twice a week. The product is foamed in your hands and the foam is applied to the scalp for 3-5 minutes, gently massaged along the entire perimeter of the scalp, and thoroughly rinsed with plenty of water. Apply a second time and repeat the manipulation. It is necessary to wash your hair twice a day, and a second wash is sometimes recommended with additional waiting time. In other words, apply shampoo a second time, foam and leave the foam for 5-7 minutes, rinse,
  3. it is necessary to clearly classify the type of dandruff in a teenager - dry or oily, in order to correctly prescribe how to treat dandruff in a teenager

What is dry dandruff? A situation where the sebaceous glands do not produce enough fat and the surface of the skin becomes dry, which leads to itching, peeling and irritation. Most often, this is caused by inflammation of the sebaceous glands, which creates problems not only on the surface of the skin, but also sebaceous plugs at the mouths of the hair follicles, which subsequently leads to thinning and hair breakage.

What is the most common cause? Vitamin deficiency, a lack of nutrients in the body, is especially distinguished. Moreover, it is believed that dry dandruff is the last stage of the disease oily seboria.
How to solve a problem? Suitable:

  1. oils – cedar, grape seed, almond, flaxseed, burdock and castor, sea buckthorn,
  2. You can add tea tree oil to your shampoo. As you know, this oil is a powerful natural remedy, possessing a set of elements that best extinguish any activity - fungal or microbial. Tea tree is a natural antibiotic in the fight against fungi and any skin abnormalities,
  3. anti-dandruff masks based on plant extracts - nettle, mint, St. John's wort and aloe juice, compositions from pureed currants and cherries. Apply the product to dry hair and scalp, apply a heat wrap and, after 30 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  4. head massages with fingertips or a delicate silicone brush, without pressing too hard for 15 minutes,
  5. There are more “severe” methods of traditional medicine - you can rinse your hair every 7-10 days with decoctions of nettle, chamomile or onion peels. You just have to take into account that onion dyes hair in dark tones and for blondes it is better to avoid its use.


What is oily dandruff? This disease, which occurs most often in boys and men on the scalp, less often on the facial skin. As a result, excessive greasy scalp occurs, sometimes mixed with odor (due to hormonal imbalance), the skin turns red, itches, gray skin and boils appear, redness and sebaceous skin deposits. Clogged skin leads to dehydration.

What is the most common cause? The secretion of sebaceous glands is completely controlled by the hormonal background of the body, so jumps in this indicator immediately affect the condition of the skin. Sometimes a genetic disposition is the trigger that initiates a given disease. There are also cases when oily seborrhea manifests itself as a result of the development of diabetes, neurological disorders (for example, epilepsy), exacerbation of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, long-term use of aggressive medications, problems with the genitourinary system, much less often the cause of the appearance can be stress.

How to solve a problem? The solution is simple:

  1. the use of herbal and berry masks (for example, nettle, mint, St. John's wort, aloe juice or crushed currant and cherry berries). Apply the mask to dry skin and wrap your hair warmly, leave for 30 minutes and rinse with warm water. The frequency of use depends on the complexity of the problem, on average 1-2 times 7-10 days,
  2. use of oils – sea buckthorn
  3. the use of hydrolytes is thermal aromatic water based on natural essential oils or herbal decoctions, such as chamomile, lavender, jasmine. Apply some water directly to the skin from a spray or wipe the epidermis through a cotton pad after washing your hair.

To avoid fungal growth, minimal sanitation is necessary:

  1. processing of hats: they are treated with a vinegar solution, closed in a plastic bag for 1–2 days, later they can be worn as usual,
  2. Mandatory replacement of all combs.

After a teenager’s dandruff has been neutralized, special medicinal products should be removed from the care system and switch to lighter scalp support. If the situation is serious and there is a risk of the disease returning, then it is necessary to leave special equipment for a preventive course for 3-6 months on the recommendation of a specialist.

The most important thing is not to treat a teenager’s problem with remedies for adults and do not do a program “for future use”, remember treatment is an important thing both in composition and in time. Unfortunately, sometimes treatment can cause harm, so consultation and observation by a specialist is mandatory.