Wiley Operation

Wiley operation

Wylie operation is a surgical intervention in gynecology proposed by the American gynecologist Wylie Greenhill Wylie (W.G. Wylie, 1848-1923).

The operation consists of excision of scar tissue in the area of ​​the cervix and vagina in order to eliminate the narrowing of the lumen after birth injuries. During the operation, the scars are dissected on the sides of the external os of the cervix, after which the edges of the wound are sutured with transverse sutures.

The purpose of the operation is to restore the patency of the cervical canal and eliminate infertility caused by narrowing of the cervix. The indication for surgery is pronounced cicatricial changes in the cervix after a traumatic birth.

Wiley's operation was proposed in the 19th century and is now used quite rarely due to the advent of new methods of surgical treatment of narrowing of the cervical canal. Nevertheless, this is a historically important operation that laid the foundation for the surgical treatment of this pathology.