Remove wrinkles under the eyes with hyaluronic acid

Below we describe all modern means - from cosmetics to hardware - with which you can remove wrinkles under the eyes. There are enough ways for any woman to choose care according to her needs.

First, let's try to answer the question that worries many: “Is it possible to reduce expression wrinkles under the eyes?”


How to remove wrinkles under the eyes: folk remedies

The most popular home treatments are masks and compresses. There are a huge variety of recipes, among them you can easily find your own, those that are suitable exclusively for your skin. The most effective anti-wrinkle ingredients that can be included in homemade masks are honey, egg yolk, oils (olive, apricot) and aloe juice. All of them, in fact, are natural cocktails of vitamins and active nutrients that nourish the skin and make it denser. Spinach is a powerful natural antioxidant, cinnamon stimulates blood circulation, non-acidic fruits and vegetables (bananas, peaches, cucumbers) perfectly moisturize, and parsley and raw potatoes provide good lymphatic drainage and reduce circles around the eyes. Folk remedies can be very effective, the main thing is not to be lazy to do the procedures regularly, and take the time to prepare masks, which, of course, is not suitable for all modern women.

How to remove wrinkles under the eyes using cosmetics

It should be understood that it is very difficult to remove wrinkles (or reduce existing ones) with the help of cosmetics. Those who are focused on preventing such changes and begin caring for the skin of their eyelids no later than the age of 21 have a greater chance of success. And here's what the professionals offer:



With the help of exercises, you can not only model the oval of the face, but also prevent the appearance of wrinkles, one of the reasons for the appearance of which is the loss of tone and elasticity by the epidermis. Exercises help create a reliable “framework” for the surface layers of the skin, strengthen the muscles of the upper and lower eyelids, help reduce crow’s feet and longitudinal wrinkles under the eyes, and increase the tone of the upper eyelids. All exercises involve pinching a specific area with your fingers and then moving your eyebrows or eyelids. For example, to get rid of crow's feet, you need to gently pinch the skin on the upper eyelid (on the edge of the eye socket) with your fingertips, while closing your eyes and holding them in that position for a while.

How to reduce wrinkles under the eyes with massage

This is a fairly effective way for persistent women who are ready to carry out daily work. The undoubted advantage of the procedure is that it has absolutely no contraindications, and it can be carried out while applying the cream, after properly preparing the skin (cleansing, applying a light gel for better glide). You can do basic movements, such as patting and stroking, or you can resort to Japanese shiatsu massage, affecting acupuncture points. Massaging your eyes with cold water is also very beneficial.

How to remove wrinkles under the eyes in beauty salons

Salon procedures include surgical, injection, and hardware methods.


Surgical procedures include blepharoplasty.

  1. Botox injections. The neurotoxin does not directly affect the skin, but allows the periocular orbicularis muscle to relax. It is this method that allows you to “erase” existing wrinkles around the eyes.
  2. Mesotherapy - specially created preparations containing vitamins, hyaluronic acid, and collagen are injected under the skin with the thinnest needles. The doses are microscopic. The peculiarity of this procedure is that the active substances reach the problem area.
  3. Fractional mesotherapy is a technology for injecting a drug under the skin, involving multiple microscopic punctures. The latter are so small that the procedure is practically painless and can be performed without local anesthesia.
  4. Contour plastic. Special preparations are injected under the skin - fillers (usually based on hyaluronic acid), which seem to fill the area under the skin. This method is intended for very mature skin.
  5. Biorevitalization – injections of hyaluronic acid. This method differs from mesotherapy only in the composition of the preparations.


Hardware methods for eliminating wrinkles around the eyes involve microdamage to the skin, which allows you to start regeneration processes and the growth of new young cells. Today, salons offer the following services:

  1. Chemical peeling is the action of acids on the skin. In essence, a burn forms on the skin, after which the epidermis is intensively renewed. There are special formulations for the delicate area around the eyes.
  2. Myostimulation is the effect of current on the skin, which causes muscles to work and triggers metabolic processes. Myostimulation devices can be purchased for home use.
  3. Photorejuvenation is the effect of pulsed light on the skin. This procedure is not performed in the area under the eyes, but it is characterized by a complex effect, so wrinkles under the eyes are reduced after photorejuvenation.
  4. Laser skin rejuvenation – exposure of the epidermis to a grid of laser beams of microscopic thickness. This triggers regenerative processes in the skin and stimulates collagen production.

The only method that does not involve damaging the skin is hardware massage. Massagers that stimulate blood circulation in the area around the eyes, promote lymphatic drainage, strengthen and tone the delicate skin around the eyes are quite accessible for use at home.

It is also worth mentioning oxygen-ozone therapy, which is extremely widely used in cosmetology, including can be used to restore the skin around the eyes. An oxygen-ozone mixture is injected into the problem area, which improves blood circulation and eliminates puffiness and circles under the eyes.

As you can see, the methods used in beauty salons are both surgical (albeit with minimal invasiveness) and physiotherapeutic. The former are associated with certain risks. Before resorting to injection methods of correction, you should weigh everything carefully.

Of course, these methods can and should be intelligently combined, depending on the existing problems. For example, botulinum toxin injections should not be performed if the skin around the eyes is swollen. First, it needs to be prepared using hardware massage and mesotherapy, which will improve blood circulation in this area and avoid complications after Botox injection. In addition, there are many nuances, such as: after Botox, compensatory wrinkles may appear in the corner of the eye and on the nose (since the orbicularis oculi muscle is blocked in one place, it begins to gather in another). Such points also need to be taken into account, so only a competent specialist can choose the optimal program of salon procedures after a thorough examination.

The very first wrinkles for most people form under the eyes. This is due to facial expressions, the sun, poor eyesight and an unhealthy lifestyle. Injections against wrinkles around the eyes can radically solve the problem. Impressive people immediately feel pain as soon as it comes to manipulation with a needle, bruises on the face. This is wrong. We will talk about gentle injection techniques and effective drugs for subcutaneous administration. In some cases, side effects are possible. There are also a number of contraindications. You can make an informed choice in favor of anti-wrinkle injections yourself. You will understand that to carry out the procedures you need to choose a good salon and an experienced specialist.

Age-related changes in the skin around the eyes


The causes of wrinkles around the eyes are numerous:

  1. solar radiation;
  2. poor skin care of the eyelids and face;
  3. dry and aging skin;
  4. excessive facial expressions;
  5. incorrectly selected diopters of glasses for vision problems.

Healthy young skin is firm and elastic. If there is enough collagen and elastin, wrinkles will not form, even if you squint your eyes.

Another thing is age-related changes. By the age of 40, the skin becomes dry. The first sign is the appearance of crow's feet in the corners of the eyes and under the lower eyelid. If proper care measures are not taken, the process moves to muscle tissue, tone decreases and noticeable skin folds appear. Further, the aging process spreads to all tissues of the face, the corners of the eyes droop, and bags appear. But blepharoplasty is still a long way off. In the initial stages of aging of the skin around the eyes, injections with various drugs will help.

What injections are there for wrinkles under the eyes?

Procedures for rejuvenating the skin around the eyes should be carried out by an experienced specialist with a good reputation. Take the time to find out as much as possible about the cosmetologist to whom you will entrust injection procedures on the most visible part of the face with thin, delicate skin.

After interviewing the patient to find out the individual reaction to the injection of the drug, examining the wrinkle pattern, the doctor will select the necessary drug for an injection against wrinkles around the eyes.

Now let’s figure out what drugs are there against age wrinkles? What effect does this or that manipulation give?


One of the popular and effective ways to remove early expression wrinkles. It is recommended as the safest and most effective method by specialists from most of the best beauty salons.

The substance itself is characterized as a weak (inactivated) botulinum toxin. Mechanism of action of the neuroleptic:

  1. mild muscle paralysis;
  2. relaxation;
  3. smoothing the skin around the eyes;

The relaxing effect, in which the muscles maintain skin tone, lasts from 6 to 8 months. You can start injections with botulinum toxin as soon as the first rays of wrinkles “run” and crow’s feet have formed. The frequency of injections is twice a year with microdoses of Botox.

Side effects from the use of the drug are associated only with individual intolerance and the technique of administering the substances. Therefore, the question of choosing an experienced cosmetologist with a “light hand” remains relevant. Find out what to do if your eyelids droop after Botox here.

When age-related wrinkles appear that make your face tired and unfriendly, cosmetologists recommend the use of intradermal fillers - fillers. The most popular and well-known is hyaluronic acid.

Over time, the delicate skin around the eyes becomes thinner, becomes dry, and the level of acid production decreases. Injections make up for its deficiency. Glucosaminoglycan, a polysaccharide in the acid, fills the skin with life-giving moisture and retains it.

The technique of introducing subcutaneous filler requires that the acid penetrate as deeply as possible into the skin without disturbing its texture. To avoid bumps at the site of filler accumulation, an experienced cosmetologist lightly massages the skin to distribute the substance evenly.

Hyaluronic injections for wrinkles under the eyes fill in the depressions, tightening the dermis. The procedure lasts from 15 minutes to half an hour. The effect lasts about 12 months.

What does natural polysaccharide give to the skin:

  1. smoothes out small wrinkles;
  2. increases skin elasticity;
  3. “levels out” the nasolacrimal groove;
  4. replaces the surgeon's scalpel for hernia of the lower eyelid.

After the introduction of hyaluronic acid, the skin gets used to its supply from the outside and slows down the process of cells producing their own substance.

For those who are afraid of medical manipulations, we advise:

  1. carry out procedures on the skin around the eyes using ultrasound;
  2. From an early age, take care of your facial skin in such a way as to “force” it to produce sufficient amounts of elastin and collagen.

The most effective injections for wrinkles around the eyes

In aesthetic cosmetology, a comprehensive injection method for combating age-related wrinkles is known. Mesotherapy is the introduction of a “cocktail” deep subcutaneously; hyaluronic acid for mesotherapy is the basis of the “cocktails”. The specialist supplements the main substance with microelements, vitamins, minerals, and plant extracts.

Although the collection of useful elements is determined individually, we will give you general information about the action of the “components”:

  1. Vitamins. Group B (biotin, thiamine, pyridoxine) normalizes blood circulation in facial tissues and water balance. Has a mild analgesic effect.
  2. Microelements. Cobalt promotes skin regeneration. Zinc is the “king of beauty”: restores skin color, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and retains hyaluronic acid molecules. Magnesium protects the skin from adverse effects.
  3. Extracts of plant and animal origin. These are elastin and collagen loved by the epidermis.

The cosmetologist will select the desired composition for you or use ready-made cocktails for mesotherapy. The compositions Alianza and Mesoline have proven themselves well. Their effect lasts up to one year, but the drugs are not cheap.


Biorevitalization is a bio-rejuvenation that fights the effects of sun exposure (photoaging), thinning of the skin, and prevents age-related changes in the delicate skin around the eyes. The skin gains elasticity at the cellular level. Stimulation of the regenerative process is provided by microdoses of the same hyaluronic acid in combination with amino acids and coenzymes.

Thin needles of a special syringe-injector inject the active substance subcutaneously. The dermis around the eyes chips away every centimeter. Before the procedure, it is treated with an anesthetic solution or gel. The course of treatment is long: 4 procedures with an interval of up to one month. Next, perhaps the cosmetologist will recommend you maintenance injections. In this case, you will have to visit a specialist once every two to three months. When the result is visible after biorevitalization, read more here.

Reputable cosmetic clinics use effective biorevitalization drugs from well-known companies. In terms of popularity, the first place is occupied by the cocktail Restylane Vital and Restylane Vital Light. They differ only in acid concentration from 1.5 percent to two. The American company produces drugs in syringe injectors for each dose. More information about which drug is best for biorevitalization is right here.

Side effects and contraindications


Rejuvenating procedures based on injections of active substances against wrinkles around the eyes are suitable for most visitors to aesthetic medicine clinics.

Contraindications for anti-aging procedures are:

  1. infectious, autoimmune and oncological diseases;
  2. dermatitis of various origins;
  3. neoplasms on the skin - papillomas, warts, skin lumpiness;
  4. diabetes;
  5. pregnancy and breastfeeding.

After the injection, there may be minor redness and bruising around the eyes. They will pass quickly if you follow the cosmetologist’s recommendations:

  1. Do not touch the skin around the eyes with your hands.
  2. Do not visit the bathhouse or swimming pool, especially do not swim in open water for 7-10 days.
  3. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight.
  4. Do not go to the gym in the first days after the procedure - physical activity can lead to swelling.
  5. Refrain from excessive facial movements and do not squint your eyes.
  6. Sleep on an orthopedic pillow - it will help you avoid burying your face in the raised area.
  7. Follow your cosmetologist's instructions.

You can evaluate the result after several Botox injections against wrinkles in the eye area in this video:

Knowledge about effective methods for correcting age-related changes in the skin around the eyes will allow you to make the right choice in your arsenal of cosmetics. Psychologically prepare for mesotherapy. Following the recommendations outlined in this article will help you stay attractive and young. It is the emphasis on the smooth dermis around the eyes that helps preserve beauty and charm.

You can find more information on this topic in the section Anti-wrinkle injections.

What is face lifting and skin tightening? The lifting procedure is designed to tighten the skin of both the face and the entire body. Today, this is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures, but also the most effective for skin rejuvenation.

There are dozens of lifting methods. These can be either simpler, non-surgical methods of skin tightening in a salon or at home, or surgical plastic surgery. They all differ in the way they affect the skin.

The main task of lifting is not just to hide, but to remove all imperfections and age-related changes in the skin. Using such procedures you can achieve the following results:

  1. deep healing and rejuvenation of the skin;
  2. smoothing of superficial wrinkles – facial or age-related;
  3. increased elastin production;
  4. double chin removal;
  5. activation of the production of your own collagen, which will lead to increased firmness and elasticity of the skin;
  6. get clearer and more pronounced facial contours and their design;
  7. remove yellowness and grayness of the face;
  8. get rid of age-related pigmentation;
  9. eliminate dryness and sagging, irritation and flaking, drying out of the skin.

Like any cosmetic procedure, lifting has its own indications and contraindications, and you need to be careful about this.

Face lifting is appropriate in the following cases:

  1. the appearance of wrinkles and folds;
  2. loss of skin elasticity;
  3. sagging skin;
  4. age-related decline and aging;
  5. fuzzy and blurry jawline;
  6. presence of a fatty bag under the chin;
  7. weakness of the subcutaneous neck muscles;
  8. weakness of the fat layer in the chin and submandibular region.

Contraindications to this method of rejuvenation include:

  1. age under 25 years;
  2. allergy to one or several components of the lifting product;
  3. excess weight or cellulite;
  4. rehabilitation period after facial plastic surgery (not earlier than 6 months);
  5. scratches, open wounds;
  6. dermatological and vascular diseases of the skin.

Among the most common lifting methods are the following.

Ultrasound is a non-surgical procedure for those who do not want to “go under the knife.” It is ultrasonic lifting that affects not the surface layer, but the underlying muscular aponeurotic layer, which is responsible for the elasticity of the skin and the firmness of the facial contour.