Remove stretch marks on stomach with laser price

Throughout her life, every woman’s body goes through certain periods - hormonal surges, weight gain and sudden loss, etc. Unfortunately, very often our skin reacts to these factors in its own way, namely by the appearance of unsightly stretch marks.

Recently, cosmetic clinics and salons have been full of advertisements for various ways to get rid of stretch marks on the skin: mesotherapy, plasma lifting, numerous miracle creams, masks, wraps. but still the most common and effective of all is precisely laser stretch mark removal.

What are stretch marks and why do they appear?

As you know, collagen and elastin fibers help our body remain elastic and smooth. Due to long-term (weight gain during pregnancy, intense sports training, steroid use) or, on the contrary, sudden (rapid weight loss, hormonal surges in adolescence) effects on the skin, ruptures occur in these fibers. The tear sites are replaced by strips of scar tissue, which we call stretch marks.

Conventionally, stretch marks can be divided into “old”, which are over one and a half years old, and “fresh” - no more than six months (they have a red or purple tint). Fresh stretch marks are the easiest to correct and eliminate, but long-standing stretch marks can only be made less noticeable.


Modern methods of laser removal of stretch marks on the skin

The following methods for removing stretch marks are used today:

Laser peeling:

This is the most gentle way to get rid of stretch marks. In this case, a neodymium laser is used, which, without damaging the top layer of skin at all, penetrates deep into the stretch marks, softens them from the inside and warms them up. Thanks to this, the production of collagen and elastin is activated and stretch marks are replaced by new skin. Unfortunately, the method is effective only for “fresh” stretch marks.

Laser resurfacing:

A less gentle method than laser peeling. Used for old stretch marks. The essence of the method is that under the influence of the beam, damaged areas of the skin are injured, due to which the work of fibroblasts is activated, promoting the production of collagen and elastin.

Removing stretch marks using laser resurfacing is carried out using 2 methods:

  1. full laser resurfacing – the entire top layer of skin is damaged by evaporating moisture from the dermis, and the work of connective tissue is activated at the site of exposure;
  2. fractional photothermolysis - a laser beam penetrates through microchannels with a diameter of 0.1 mm deep into the stretch marks, destroying them from the inside and simultaneously stimulating the production of collagen and elastin, without damaging the areas adjacent to healthy skin.

When polishing stretch marks, carbon dioxide and erbium lasers are used. The latter is considered safer, since it acts on unhealthy cells so quickly that neighboring healthy ones do not have time to be damaged. Moreover, only an erbium laser is allowed to remove stretch marks on the chest.

The rehabilitation period after complete laser resurfacing ranges from 4 to 12 days. For the first few days, patients are concerned about swelling, redness and soreness of the skin, but then these symptoms disappear. In addition, during this period it is necessary to take antiviral drugs.

Technique of the procedure

Removal of stretch marks using laser resurfacing uses classical technology:

  1. An anesthetic cream is applied to the desired areas of the skin or the patient is subjected to general anesthesia;
  2. There is a direct effect on the striae of the laser beam.

If the client, for various reasons, does not want to undergo the procedure with anesthesia, cosmetologists offer a session with the Polomar laser, the head of which greatly cools the skin, thereby eliminating pain. In addition, a session of getting rid of stretch marks with this device will take only 30-50 minutes, when with conventional fractional thermolysis it takes up to 2 hours.

For 2 weeks after the procedure, it is strictly forbidden to sunbathe, visit the solarium, sauna and swimming pool; you must use wound-healing ointments and creams recommended by the cosmetologist.

Who can have stretch marks removed with laser and who can’t?

The main indication for the procedure is the presence of stretch marks and the patient’s desire to get rid of them.

Contraindications are almost identical for all cosmetic procedures using a laser:

  1. pregnancy and lactation;
  2. diabetes;
  3. heart disease and hypertension;
  4. malignant diseases;
  5. herpes and other infectious diseases during exacerbation;
  6. epilepsy;
  7. endocrine disorders;
  8. varicose veins in the stretch area;
  9. tendency to form keloid scars;
  10. inflammation at the site of exposure;
  11. allergic reactions;
  12. chemical peeling less than 2 weeks before the procedure.


How many procedures are needed and what is their cost?

In order to achieve visible results when removing stretch marks with a laser, you need to undergo an average of 3-6 procedures for fresh stretch marks and 6-12 with a break of 1-2 months for outdated ones.

The cost of getting rid of stretch marks depends on their area, the type of laser used, the prestige of the salon or clinic and starts (for an area of ​​10x10 cm 2) from:

  1. 1200 hryvnia – Ukraine (Kyiv); 800 hryvnia – Ukraine (regions) for one procedure;
  2. 3500 – 16000 rubles – Russia (Moscow); 2000 – 14000 rubles – Russia (regions).

Patient reviews

Reviews about the procedure are mixed. Mostly, clients who removed fresh stretch marks after pregnancy and childbirth are completely satisfied with the results.

Patients note that the advantage of this method is that, in addition to reducing stretch marks, the skin is tightened and rejuvenated, no special preparation or hospital stay is required. In some cases, women consider the main disadvantages of the procedure to be its low efficiency and high cost.

Here are excerpts from some reviews:

«I can’t say that after 6 sessions the stretch marks were no longer visible, but they acquired the color of the adjacent skin, the relief has not yet disappeared. There is no point in doing 1-2 procedures, unless their brightness goes away».

“Five procedures were not enough for me to eliminate ten-year-old stretch marks; they became less visible. Elastic skin, renewed as a result of resurfacing using fractional photothermolysis, began to hide these defects.”

“In my case, the laser did not cope with old stretch marks at all! Money wasted!”

Possible side effects

The main complications of laser correction of stretch marks include:

  1. exacerbation of chronic diseases, especially viral ones;
  2. hyperpigmentation (stretch marks may become even more noticeable);
  3. increased skin sensitivity.

As you can see, laser stretch mark removal – the procedure is responsible, so the choice of clinic and doctor must be careful, and the decision to undergo it must be balanced!

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Stretch marks or stretch marks - a fairly common cosmetic defect that appears most often on the chest, abdomen, and thighs. In fact, stretch marks are thin scars that form where skin fibers separate. Such defects can occur with prolonged overstretching of the skin, when the connective tissue is under severe stress, and with certain hormonal changes in the body, when the tissue becomes less durable.

Very often, stretch marks appear in women during pregnancy, when the volume of the abdomen and breasts increases sharply, and hormonal levels contribute to weakening of the bonds in the collagen framework of the skin.

In men, stretch marks often appear with a rapid increase in muscle mass - the skin simply does not keep up with the growth in volume.

The procedure is based on the formation of special thermal healing micro-areas in the skin using a laser. Penetrating through the epidermis (upper layer of skin), the laser passes into the next layer - the dermis, which contains a protein important for youth and elasticity of the skin (collagen), affects this layer, which activates collagen regeneration and helps eliminate different types of stretch marks on the skin. Penetrating through the layer of the epidermis, the laser does not injure its structures, that is, it reaches the dermis without any superficial damage to the skin.

The results of clinical studies convince of the high efficiency and safety of this technique. Exposure is permissible even on the most delicate areas of the skin (eyelids, neck, hands)

The procedure is minimally invasive and completely painless. The impact is exerted through the needle-shaped surface of the RF-Pixel nozzle, where each needle serves as an electrode. Penetrating the skin, these needles generate radiofrequency pulses of the required power, which affect collagen fibers. Due to the production of new collagen, skin elasticity increases, thus solving the problem of stretch marks and stretch marks.

The age of occurrence of stretch marks does not matter.


Every woman dreams of beautiful, smooth and even skin.

When its elasticity is lost or changes occur that are not pleasing to the eye, representatives of the fair sex have to restore their former beauty using different methods and methods.

This can be physical exercise, proper nutrition, and sometimes plastic correction. A big problem is caused by stretch marks formed on the skin.

But, thanks to modern technologies and developing medicine, it is possible to return the skin to its beautiful condition and remove stretch marks with a laser.

Where do stretch marks come from?

Many people consider stretch marks a problem for women, but oddly enough, boys, girls, and men can face this problem. No one is immune from this trouble. All teenagers can be classified as at risk.


Athletes who set themselves the goal of building muscle by using dietary supplements are especially susceptible to this problem. Stretch marks often appear when there is a sudden change in weight.

However, there are times when there is no reason for such a problem to occur, but ugly stripes still appear. In this case, you definitely need to consult an endocrinologist.

If left untreated, a latent form of the disease may develop, which over time will appear even on the face. Of course, the percentage of such patients is small, but the risk is still present.

The inner part of the arms can be affected by stretch marks when building muscle mass through exercise and dietary supplements on a regular basis.


Most often the hips, lumbar region, décolleté, abdomen, and chest are affected. The elasticity of the skin deteriorates due to a lack of collagen, which is responsible for the structure and density of the skin.

It becomes thin, the dermis is torn, and these tears are overgrown with connective tissue, which has a completely different structure and color.

Initially, they look like bright pink stripes or purple due to a violation of the integrity of the blood vessels. The color then fades to white. Sometimes stretch marks have reached this stage, which means the cells are completely dead and do not receive the necessary nutrition. These zones do not react to external manifestations and therefore do not change color when tanning.

How to treat stretch marks


It should be noted that the presence of stretch marks on the human body does not cause any harm to the body, except for a cosmetic defect.

And it is precisely this factor that can bring a lot of psychological discomfort to the owner of unpleasant streaks. A few years ago, getting rid of stretch marks was problematic and there were almost no methods for getting rid of them.

The only thing that could be done was to hide them. Then the opportunity arose to remove stretch marks surgically. Fortunately, medicine is developing and today is ready to help get rid of this problem, despite the high cost and the large amount of time required.

Is it possible to remove stretch marks with laser? Laser technology is an excellent and newest way to solve the problem.

Before carrying out the procedure, you will definitely need to consult a cosmetologist. He examines the patient, assesses his condition and offers options for getting rid of stretch marks. What can influence the doctor's decision?

  1. Damage area.
  2. The size of this area.
  3. Duration of illness.

There are several ways. These include:

  1. ubrat-rastyazhki-na-zhivote-JnMITB.webp

    Chemical peeling. This method starts the process of collagen synthesis through the use of acids.
  2. Microdermabrasion. Treatment is carried out using a special device that introduces microcrystals into the skin. Aluminum oxide getting under the skin does not eliminate stretch marks, but significantly reduces their appearance. This method is recommended for not very pronounced stripes. You will definitely need to complete the full course of treatment and follow the recommendations after the procedures.
  3. Biorevitalization. Treatment using thin needles through which a drug is injected that improves skin regeneration. It can be used only at the initial stage.

  4. ubrat-rastyazhki-na-zhivote-ypQsA.webp

    Abdominoplasty. The most effective way to combat stretch marks. It involves surgically removing part of the stretched skin and, if necessary, muscle. But, you need to take into account the consequences and complications after the operation. The recovery period is quite long and scars may appear if the rules of the procedure are not followed and contraindications are ignored. Scars are a worse option than stretch marks.
  5. Mesotherapy. The essence of the method is to administer the drug under the skin using injections. They stimulate the skin's production of elastin and collagen, so you can forget about stretch marks for several years.
  6. Massages, oils, baths. Treatment using these drugs is very long and does not always bring positive results.

Laser for stretch mark removal


Despite the many methods that help in the treatment of stretch marks, they cannot be compared in effectiveness to the laser method of treatment and removal. Only he can completely get rid of unpleasant streaks, thanks to grinding.

The laser causes the skin to produce collagen. Working precisely, it can penetrate into the very depths of the inner layer of the skin. This allows the connective tissue to be permanently removed and allows new skin to form unhindered.

Therefore, the answer is yes to the question: does laser remove stretch marks? Only in the most advanced cases, even a laser will not be able to remove stretch marks, but will make them so invisible that sometimes the patient himself does not see them.

The operation to remove stripes can be carried out with different laser devices. And of course, before you decide to remove stretch marks with a laser, you will need to listen to the opinion of a specialist. After all, in reality, not everyone can be treated with a laser; there are contraindications.

Laser resurfacing


Its essence is the complete removal of problematic skin up to 1 mm deep. As a rule, complications occur rarely. Before the procedure, an ointment with anesthetics is applied to the skin for pain relief.

Fractional laser thermolysis

In this case, a targeted effect on stretch marks is applied using thermal energy.

Penetration amount up to 1.5 mm.


Thanks to the effect on the skin, the process of production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid is launched.

The advantage is painlessness and low trauma.

  1. ablative - using skin resurfacing with a carbon dioxide laser;
  2. non-ablative — with penetration into the lower layers of the skin;
  3. combined, combining both of the above methods.

These methods are destructive to the top layer of skin. This effect allows new cells to grow.

At this point the skin will be elastic and beautiful. The effect will appear within 2 weeks after the procedure. But such exposure can awaken hidden infectious diseases, so it is strongly recommended that you be treated with immunostimulating drugs before treatment.


Women who fall into the following categories should not use such treatment methods:

  1. pregnant women;
  2. nursing;
  3. with endocrine disorders;
  4. with cancer;
  5. disorders of the blood system.

Laser wins over other methods:

  1. in painlessness;
  2. in efficiency;
  3. no age restrictions;
  4. the ability of the laser to work with any skin type;
  5. in safety.

When choosing clinics, you may have to go through more than one consultation and find out what equipment they use.


It is difficult to get rid of stretch marks that are more than 2 years old, but it is possible. The operation takes 1 hour, sometimes less. Local anesthesia with the latest medications is used.

The procedure can be performed approximately once a month. It is advisable that there is no heat and heat outside, since after using the laser they can cause pigmentation to appear.

When starting the procedure, the doctor first prepares the skin. The affected area is treated with an antiseptic and then the extent of damage is assessed. Based on these indicators, the cosmetologist adjusts the laser device to the required power and intensity. After this, the skin is numbed with a cream with an anti-allergenic effect.

During the work, the specialist evenly treats the skin, burning the top layer. The new skin will grow on its own, will not atrophy and is elastic. Microburns formed during laser removal of stretch marks are treated with special medications.

When the session is completed, the skin on the affected area looks red and swollen.

Recovery usually takes several days.


Immediately after the operation, redness and swelling of the treatment site are observed, which disappear on the second day. Next, a crust forms, which is better not to touch and give it time and the opportunity to fall off on its own.

The skin may peel off for two weeks and you will need to apply ointment.

One week after the procedure, the first results will appear. To completely get rid of stretch marks, you will need to undergo a full course of treatment. It is required to wait 3 weeks between procedures. A long break is needed for skin regeneration. Each time the skin will look better and better. The laser not only helps remove stretch marks, but also significantly rejuvenates the skin. She will become elastic and beautiful.

To prevent the development of complications, it is recommended:

  1. ubrat-rastyazhki-na-zhivote-GClpH.webp

    for the first three weeks do not sunbathe or visit solariums,
  2. if the laser-treated area of ​​skin cannot be protected from sunlight, you will need to apply sunscreen,
  3. Take regular care of your skin, as stretch marks may appear elsewhere.

Very often, stretch marks appear after pregnancy and childbirth. As soon as they become noticeable on the body, the woman almost panics, but there is an excellent option - to remove stretch marks after childbirth with a laser. When choosing a laser resurfacing method, you should remember that you need to carefully choose a clinic and not neglect the recommendations of a specialist.

This wonderful method has not only pros, but also cons. This is a long recovery period and a long course of treatment.


The shortest period from the beginning to the end of treatment is about six months. And all these months the patient experiences discomfort due to itching, peeling, and redness.

The laser beam cannot completely remove old stretch marks. Of course, they will become much less noticeable and acquire a uniform color, but marks will still remain on the body.

Despite all this, most go for laser stretch mark removal and are satisfied with the positive results.


Of course, laser stretch mark removal is not cheap. For example, let’s look at how much it costs to remove stretch marks with a laser in one session.

The specialist will charge at least 300 rubles per square centimeter of treated leather. If you look at average prices in Russia, a full session will cost from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles.

The price is not fixed and depends on the device used and the degree of skin damage. The depth of penetration into the skin does not matter. The difference between the methods in the cost of treatment is approximately 30%.

The full course is usually at least 6 sessions. The price of each subsequent procedure may decrease as the area of ​​laser exposure decreases. After this, we can talk about the effectiveness of the treatment. When contacting the clinic, you should clarify whether anesthesia is included in the total cost of the procedure.