Scientific Medical Council

The Scientific Medical Council in the USSR and union republics was created for the purpose of planning and coordinating scientific research on the most important scientific and practical medical problems, as well as to develop recommendations for the implementation of scientific achievements in medical practice.

The Scientific Medical Council was an important body in the USSR healthcare system. It was created on the basis of the Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated April 20, 1957 “On measures to improve scientific work in the field of health care.”

The main objectives of the Scientific Medical Council were:

– Planning and coordination of scientific research in the field of medicine and healthcare;
– Development of recommendations for the introduction of new diagnostic and treatment methods into medical practice;
– Assessing the effectiveness of scientific research and its results;
– Development of proposals for improving medical science and healthcare practice.

The Scientific Medical Council included leading medical scientists, doctors and health care organizers, representatives of ministries of health and scientific institutions.

One of the main activities of the Scientific Medical Council was the development of new methods for diagnosing and treating diseases. As a result of this work, new treatment methods were created, such as radionuclide diagnostics, laser therapy, organ transplantation and others.

Also, the Scientific Medical Council was involved in the development and implementation of new drugs that were effective and safe for patients.

Today, the Scientific Medical Council continues its work in Russia, but within the framework of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. He is also involved in planning and coordinating research, developing recommendations for the introduction of new treatments and diagnostics, and evaluating the effectiveness of research.

Scientific Medical Council: history of creation and current state.

The Scientific Medical Council is a body created in the ministries of health of the USSR and union republics, which is engaged in planning and coordinating scientific research on important scientific and practical issues of medicine, as well as developing recommendations for the implementation of scientific achievements in healthcare practice. The purpose of creating such a body is to ensure the unity of medical research and coordination of scientific work in all medical institutions of the country in order to develop optimal solutions to improve the health of the population. Today we will consider the history of the creation of the Scientific Medical Council and its current state.

The first research in medicine began in Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece. Russia has also made significant scientific advances in the field of medicine and health. However, scientific research was not always given enough attention, since it was considered secondary compared to practical tasks. Besides