Removing expression lines around the eyes


Each person experiences different emotions that are expressed in facial expressions. And almost all experienced emotions are reflected on the face, which inevitably leads to the appearance of facial wrinkles, which are often quite difficult to get rid of, but possible!



In order to know how to effectively remove expression wrinkles around the eyes, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the reasons. The difference between facial wrinkles and age wrinkles should be immediately identified. The first age-related wrinkles appear closer to 30 years, while facial wrinkles can be noticed on your face at a fairly young age.


In the photo: expression lines around the eyes. You may notice how they become especially noticeable when expressing emotions.



There are many reasons for expression lines. These include:

  1. nervous stress;
  2. lack of sleep;
  3. unbalanced diet, eating unhealthy foods;
  4. hereditary predisposition;
  5. metabolic disease;
  6. low physical activity;
  7. excessive use of cosmetics (especially low-quality ones);
  8. bad habits;
  9. insufficient and irregular facial skin care;
  10. weather conditions (excessive humidity, temperature changes, bright sunlight, etc.)

With high facial activity and the above factors, facial wrinkles around the eyes can easily appear at the age of 20.


Eliminating expression wrinkles around the eyes at home

It is impossible to keep facial expressions under control all the time, and there is no need for this. Today there are many ways to help cope with facial wrinkles. Let's look at some of them.


To reduce or eliminate fine lines around the eyes, you should use only the best natural products.

Therefore, Womanskincare has collected the best mask recipes for you:

Egg mask

Separate the white from the yolk. Apply egg white to the problem area and leave for seven to ten minutes. Afterwards, carefully remove the product with warm water. This mask will help remove fine wrinkles and make this area soft, radiant and smooth.


Potatoes + sour cream + olive oil

Peel the raw potatoes and grate them to a paste, add 1 tsp. a spoonful of sour cream and 1 tsp. olive oil. Apply the paste to the problem area for five minutes. Then rinse with warm water.


Honey + aloe juice

Mix 1 teaspoon of honey with 1 teaspoon of aloe juice. This recipe will not only help cope with wrinkles, but will also make your facial skin soft and velvety.



Bread + milk

Crumble some white bread and add 1 tbsp. l. warm milk. Leave the paste for twenty minutes.


Getting rid of facial wrinkles around the eyes using folk remedies is very simple. To do this, you need to do the procedures regularly and combine masks with light massage and exercises.

Almost all base oils can have a positive effect on the skin. These effects include hydration, nutrition, stress relief, rejuvenation and wrinkle reduction.

Specifically for facial wrinkles around the eyes, the following oils are effective:

1. Castor oil. Castor oil does an excellent job of smoothing out facial wrinkles. It perfectly moisturizes the skin, making it more elastic. Castor oil is rich in vitamins A and E, essential for the skin. However, breaks should be taken in its use, since prolonged use of this product can cause swelling of the face.


Systematic use of oils will help get rid of facial wrinkles around the eyes.

2. Almond oil. It is recommended by many cosmetologists for caring for problem skin. It contains oleic and linoleic acids, which promote skin cell regeneration.


3. Rosehip oil. This natural remedy is ideal for expression lines around the eyes. It can be found in any pharmacy. And it is best to apply it before bed.


4. Sea buckthorn oil. It is considered very useful for combating expression lines. Sea buckthorn oil contains vitamins C, B2, B6, F and K, which are invaluable for the skin around the eyes. Its undoubted advantage is that it is much cheaper than other oils, but is not inferior in effectiveness.


5. Wheat germ oil. No less useful and effective than the above oils.


When applying oils, massage should be done, it will enhance the effectiveness of the oil against expression lines around the eyes.

Currently, there are many lines of good creams for facial wrinkles around the eyes.

A good product contains substances that help smooth the skin:

  1. coenzyme Q10 (antioxidant);
  2. retinol (antioxidant);
  3. hydroxy acids (remove dead skin cells, promote epidermal renewal);
  4. kinetin (prevents the formation of wrinkles);
  5. substances with tonic properties.


There are popular brands of good and high-quality creams for expression lines around the eyes. These include: VICHY, Avene, L'OREAL, GARNIER, YVES ROCHER. The products are in demand and have positive reviews.


There are many effective exercises to combat expression lines around the eyes. Judging by the reviews, regular exercise can reduce facial wrinkles around the eyes.

Let's look at some of them:

  1. Look left, right, up and down without turning your head. Next - circular movements with the eyes. The exercises must be repeated twice - with eyes closed and eyes open.
  2. Look at the tip of your nose and leave your gaze in this position until your eyes get tired.
  3. Look at the bridge of your nose for 5 seconds.
  4. Blink your eyes a few times and relax.

Video: exercises that will help remove expression wrinkles around the eyes.

Using cosmetology

It is currently possible to remove expression wrinkles around the eyes in a beauty salon using various effective techniques. They help resolve the problem quickly. Their results are usually noticeable almost immediately and last for quite a long time.


The laser can be used only on the cheekbones, avoiding the area around the eyes. Nevertheless, facial wrinkles in the area of ​​interest to us are smoothed out as a result of this procedure. The disadvantage of laser exposure is that it injures tissue, so it is better to go to an experienced cosmetologist for such a procedure.


This procedure is designed to replenish the lack of nutrients in skin cells by introducing a vitamin cocktail. Expression wrinkles become noticeably smaller after it. There are two methods of biorevitalization:

- Laser. The skin of the face is treated with a laser, after applying a gel with hyaluronic acid. The number of facial wrinkles decreases after the first session. To achieve maximum effect, this procedure is recommended to be performed monthly for six months.


- Injection. Hyaluronic acid is injected into the area around the eyes using a syringe. The needle leaves small marks on the skin that disappear after a few days. To maintain the results, injections must be done twice a year.

Injections of hyaluronic acid are very effective not only against facial wrinkles, but also against age-related wrinkles around the eyes.


Removing facial wrinkles around the eyes using peeling involves exposing the facial skin to special chemical compounds. After this procedure, facial wrinkles around the eyes are noticeably smoothed out, the skin becomes fresher and younger. The composition for peeling is determined by a cosmetologist, taking into account the age characteristics of the woman.


Botulinum therapy is very popular among women who want to get rid of facial wrinkles around the eyes. You can often hear that the procedure is simply called “Botox,” however, this name is erroneous, because Botox is a specific drug for the botulinum toxin therapy procedure.

This drug contains a substance that paralyzes muscles and promotes their relaxation. As a result of this effect, the skin becomes noticeably more toned.

Botulinum toxin injections for facial wrinkles around the eyes are absolutely painless, however, the face swells for several days after them. To maintain the effect, this procedure is recommended every 6 months.



Obviously, it is easier to prevent a phenomenon than to eliminate the consequences. This rule also applies to facial wrinkles around the eyes, which can appear at 20 and 35 years old.

To prevent the problem, you must regularly follow the rules:

  1. Avoid nervous stress;
  2. Regularly moisturize the skin;
  3. Do not overdo it with tanning in the sun and solarium;
  4. Do not abuse decorative cosmetics;
  5. Use scrubs (be sure to moisturize the skin after using them).

Even if wrinkles around the eyes have already appeared, you should still follow these useful and simple rules!


Currently, there are many known methods for the prevention and correction of facial wrinkles around the eyes. You can choose the right one either independently or in consultation with a specialist. But we must not forget that if a woman has a happy and radiant look, there is a chance that facial wrinkles simply will not be noticeable!

When representatives of the fair sex notice the first wrinkles on their faces, they immediately fall into horror and begin to panic. Especially if changes in the skin occurred at the age of 20. It would seem that old age is still very far away, but there are already wrinkles. The first 2 wrinkles on my forehead appeared when I turned 17 years old. And the first thing I thought was “what will happen next?” In fact, at the age of 20-30 years, not age wrinkles, but expression wrinkles appear under the eyes. Let's figure out why they appear and how to deal with them.

Expression wrinkles under the eyes: reasons for their appearance

In order to try to get rid of facial wrinkles, you need to understand the nature of their occurrence. The skin in the eye area is quite delicate and thin. It does not contain many sebaceous glands, which sufficiently moisturize the skin. But at the same time, the skin of the eyes is subject to constant stress (stretched when a person squints, smiles, etc.). As a result, a fine network of wrinkles appears at an early age, which deepen with age and become “crow’s feet.”

Expression wrinkles – this is the first sign of skin aging, which must and can be combated. To effectively combat it, you need to know the causes of this problem and try to eliminate all factors that adversely affect the skin and the body as a whole.

  1. Bad habits. Nicotine and alcohol cause irreparable damage to the skin, dehydrating it and depriving it of oxygen. They help slow down the body's metabolic processes and slow down the regenerative function of the skin. This leads to the appearance of new wrinkles and the deepening of old ones. Pay attention to the smoking girls, many of them look much older than their years. Therefore, if you still smoke, then think about how you will look in 10-20 years, when, in addition to age wrinkles, deep facial wrinkles will be added.
  2. Lack of sleep and stress. Everyone knows that in sleep the body not only rests, but also recovers. The duration of uninterrupted sleep should be at least 8 hours for an adult. This seemed like an elementary and understandable rule, and we have been told about it since school. But for some reason, before bedtime, social networks do not let us go quickly and when we “come to our senses” the clock is well after midnight.
  3. Poor nutrition, dehydration. All essential microelements must be present in the daily diet. The absence of proteins, fats or any vitamins does not allow the body to work properly, which is primarily reflected in the skin of the face. Excessive dieting can lead to sagging skin and the appearance of new wrinkles. Therefore, be careful and do not overdo diets.
  4. Heredity. For many people, the muscle corset is located in such a way that every time you smile, “rays” appear in the corners of the eyes. At an early age, they smooth out quickly, but over time, expression wrinkles form. This is what I talked about above to myself. My whole family is a perfect match - everyone has crow's feet, like dad, me, and grandma.
  5. Low-quality cosmetics. You should not save on decorative cosmetics, because... a poor quality product can cause serious problems. It is recommended to use only certified cosmetics purchased in specialized stores. You also need to monitor the expiration date of all cosmetics.
  6. No glasses. If you notice a deterioration in your vision, you should immediately contact an ophthalmologist and choose glasses. Otherwise, you will squint and expression lines will appear in the eye area. This also applies to sunglasses. In bright sunshine, do not neglect this accessory.
  7. Incorrect sleeping position. Stomach sleepers notice crow's feet in the eye area before others. If you sleep on your back, make sure that the pillow is not too high, because... In this position, blood flow to the head is worse and skin restoration processes slow down.
  8. Ultra-violet rays. In sunny weather, use protective cream. The sun has a negative effect on the skin, dries it out and prevents cells from regenerating.

Correction of facial wrinkles in a beauty salon

In order to get rid of wrinkles quickly and for a long time, you can turn to professionals. In the beauty salon, cosmetologists will offer you anti-aging procedures that are suitable specifically for your skin type. Today the most popular and effective anti-aging complexes are:

  1. Laser resurfacing. A highly effective method where the area of ​​the cheeks and cheekbones is exposed to the laser. It cannot be done on thin and delicate eye skin. However, by acting on the cheekbones, wrinkles in the corners of the eyes disappear. This procedure is carried out in exceptional cases, because it is very damaging to the skin.
  2. Chemical peeling. It is also applied along the cheekbones without touching the skin around the eyes. But facial wrinkles are smoothed out. When you come to the salon, the cosmetologist will select the peeling and the strength of its effect based on the condition of your skin.
  3. Photorejuvenation. This procedure is carried out using flashes of light. They make the skin renew itself faster, producing collagen and elastin. After a photorejuvenation session, the skin looks healthy and even tone.
  4. Biorevitalization – This is skin rejuvenation with injections of hyaluronic acid. This procedure helps the skin recover, accelerates metabolic processes, and promotes the production of its own hyaluronic acid. This is a painless and harmless procedure that brings stunning results.
  5. Botox injections – During this procedure, Botox is injected into the skin. It relaxes the muscles, after which expression wrinkles are smoothed out. We advise you to read our article: 10 best masks with Botox effect at home

Salon anti-aging complexes are quite expensive. But the effect can be noticed after a few days. When choosing a beauty salon, pay attention to the qualifications of the staff and equipment of the establishment, because the procedures will be carried out on the face.

How to remove wrinkles around the eyes at home

You can fight the problem of expression wrinkles under the eyes at home. Every housewife has a huge number of ingredients that can be used to make scrubs, masks, compresses, creams and lotions. Having decided to fight expression wrinkles, you need to be patient, not to be lazy and regularly carry out cosmetic procedures using the products described below.

The essence of this procedure is as follows. Take an herbal infusion or brew green tea and put it in the freezer overnight. In the morning, rub the skin around your eyes clockwise with ice cubes for 30-60 seconds. Within a week or two, small wrinkles will smooth out, and the skin will have a beautiful, healthy appearance.

First you need to prepare a herbal decoction. Add a spoonful of chamomile and rosemary or mint to a glass of boiling water. Cook for 10 minutes, and after the broth has cooled, soak cotton pads in it and place it on your closed eyes. After 10-15 minutes, remove the compress and lubricate the skin with cream.

Apply fresh juice, squeezed from the pulp of the plant, and lightly tap with your ring fingers to lubricate the skin around the eyes. It perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin. You can also use aloe-based gels, but preference should be given to products that have not been subjected to heat treatment, pasteurization and do not contain dyes or preservatives.

This cream nourishes and moisturizes the skin. It should be used every other day 1-2 hours before bedtime. To prepare it you will need cocoa butter, sea buckthorn oil and vitamin E (in oil). Take all ingredients in equal proportions and mix. Apply with light tapping movements with ring fingers to the skin around the eyes and temples. After 20 minutes, remove the remaining cream with a napkin.

Tightens the skin and smoothes out facial wrinkles. You will need half a banana, which is whipped in a blender or mashed with a fork. After which this paste is applied to the face. After half an hour, the mask is washed off with warm water. To get the best effect, it should be used 2 times a week.

Olive oil itself has a very beneficial effect on the skin. It can be applied in its pure form to the skin around the eyes, or you can add vitamin E (for 50 ml of oil, 10 ml of vitamin E). Apply the resulting mixture to the skin daily, and after 5 minutes blot with a napkin. There is no need to wash off the remaining mask.

Anti-wrinkle cosmetics

On the shelves of specialized stores you can find a huge number of all kinds of creams and serums that promise to get rid of facial wrinkles. It is very easy to get confused in such a variety of means. Therefore, below is a rating of the most popular and most effective creams.

The cream from a Russian manufacturer has a relatively low price, but smooths out wrinkles no worse than expensive foreign analogues. This cream should be selected individually for your age.

A distinctive feature of this product is that in addition to facial wrinkles, it also smoothes out the first age wrinkles. It helps smooth the skin, making it firm and elastic. It should be applied in the morning or evening 45 minutes before bedtime. Can be used not only in the eye area, but also on the lips, forehead, etc.

Actively fights wrinkles, dark circles and bags under the eyes, saturating the skin with nutrients and moisturizing it. Suitable for all skin types and does not cause allergic reactions. Can also be used on the skin around the lips.

French cosmetic product that is suitable for women aged 25-35 years. Eliminates small age and facial wrinkles. With regular use, the result is noticeable already on the 6th day. It should be applied to previously cleansed skin, avoiding the area around the eyes.

This product has a unique composition, which includes elastin, vitafibrin, Proretinol-A. All its components help prevent age-related changes, improve skin condition, and smooth out wrinkles. It can be used not only under the eyes, but also on other areas of the face.

Correction of facial wrinkles with massage and facial exercises

When getting rid of facial wrinkles, you need to understand that the effect of cosmetic creams alone may not be enough. Therefore, you should learn how to do facial exercises. These are fairly simple exercises where only the facial muscles are involved. This workout will take no more than 5 minutes, and the results can be seen within a week. This set of exercises should be performed 2 times daily.

1 exercise. Relax your facial muscles and gently massage them with two fingers clockwise for 1 minute. With these movements you seem to tighten the skin.

Exercise 2. Start blinking vigorously, while closing and opening your eyes tightly for 1 minute. This exercise improves vision and trains the eye muscles.

Exercise 3. Place your index fingers in the middle of your lower eyelid. Press lightly on the skin, and now tense the muscles of the eyelid and try to lift your finger.

In combination with exercise, it is recommended to massage the eye area. First you need to wash your hands well and lubricate your fingertips with coconut or olive oil. You can start the massage with light tapping movements with your fingers on the upper and lower eyelids. After this, we place our thumbs on the upper eyelid and move towards the temples with stroking movements. Make the same movements on the lower eyelid. Move to the temple area and first press on them a little, and then lightly tap with your fingers.

Removing wrinkles around the eyes

Facial massage at home - 15 minutes a day

Millions of women successfully fight expression lines. Some people use the services of a professional cosmetologist, buy expensive creams, while others use traditional medicine recipes. Only by defeating facial wrinkles will you prolong the youth of your skin and will always feel young and beautiful.

Thank you for reading the article to the end. We are always waiting for your comments and advice from personal experience that will help other girls remain attractive and maintain youth for a long time.

About the author of the article:

Cosmetologist, director of 3 cosmetology clinics under her own brand “Lyudmila”. Author of articles for professional online publications and participant in many international symposiums.


Wrinkles around the eyes are an aesthetic problem. Sorrow wrinkles around the mouth, eyes, and between the eyebrows appear in gloomy people. Folds around the eyes are considered wrinkles of joy and indicate a cheerful, happy person. Over time, the imperceptible rays of a smiling person degenerate into deep, unpleasant irregularities on the skin. It is advisable to get rid of them without delay. Aesthetic medicine easily copes with such problems. But first, it’s better to learn how to remove wrinkles around the eyes using home methods.

How do they arise?

Wrinkles are divided into two main groups.

Mimic - resulting from stretching of the facial muscles, for example, when a person laughs or frowns. Mental wrinkles appear at a young age: on the forehead, between the eyebrows, around the mouth and eyes.

Deep static - appear with age. They are called genetic because inheritance has a significant influence. Despite the fact that genes play a big role, changes in the skin cannot be stopped; with today's technologies, it is natural to look young for a long time.


In addition to dividing into groups, wrinkles are classified by type.

  1. Fine lines appear on the face and body. Due to a decrease in collagen in the body, a loss of elasticity occurs.
  2. Elastic wrinkles appear, quickly disappear, but eventually become permanent. They occur above the upper lip and lower neck. Caused mainly by sun exposure and smoking.
  3. Dynamic facial folds - from the movement of facial muscles. They are first visible when a person frowns or smiles, but gradually become more noticeable.
  4. Caused by natural aging, the skin becomes thinner and loses the body’s natural defenses against external damage.

Many home remedies for wrinkles are not suitable for the skin around the eyes. Delicate tissues react sensitively to external influences. Special products are used to care for the eyelids.

  1. Cream with vitamin E has moisturizing properties and therefore protects.
  2. Coconut oil has the same qualities. For a long-lasting effect, use during massage.
  3. For wrinkles around the eyes, choose medications with hyaluronic acid or collagen.
  4. What is important is a diet rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, quality sleep, maintaining a drinking regime, avoiding alcohol and smoking.

Remove wrinkles in a beauty salon

For men, wrinkles are considered a sign of maturity and wisdom. Women perceive wrinkles as a sign of aging. Reduced elasticity and the appearance of creases is a natural process. Wrinkles appear on the face, décolleté, even on the hands. Modern cosmetology works wonders; simple methods restore youth.


Botulinum toxin is used to remove fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes or forehead. The drug is injected under the skin, interrupts the neuromuscular transition, and prevents muscle contraction. The effect lasts four months, the toxin gradually dissolves, and wrinkles return. The procedure does not contain contraindications; injections are used constantly.

Procedures like biorevitalization smooth out wrinkles using special fillers. Injections are used for wrinkles around the mouth, nose or décolleté. The procedure is selected individually during an in-person appointment. The exposure time depends on the chosen treatment method. It is advisable to use the latest generation drugs. The effect lasts from 6 months to 2 years. The procedure is safe.

Smoothing wrinkles using your own fat cells (lipotransfer). A new effective method that has revolutionized aesthetic medicine. For the procedure, fat is removed from the client's thigh or abdomen. It is enriched and injected into problem areas of the face, for example, upper, lower eyelids, nasolabial folds, chin, cheekbones. Medicine has not achieved 100% cell survival, at least 30% die, so the corrective procedure is repeated after six months.

The rejuvenation method (PRP) is based on the use of high levels of platelets in plasma (3-4 times higher than normal levels). Platelet-rich plasma is obtained from the patient's blood by repeated centrifugation. It is platelets that release growth factors into the surrounding tissues, act on cell membranes and trigger the rejuvenation process. The fraction is considered one of the most effective methods of cellular rejuvenation, second only to stem cell therapy. The PRP fraction is red.

Platelet-poor plasma is not concentrated enough to initiate rejuvenation at the cellular level, but it contains other beneficial substances that nourish and moisturize the epidermis. The PPP fraction is isolated from the patient's blood during the first centrifugation. The PPP fraction is yellow. The procedure has an immunostimulating effect due to which the skin is revitalized and looks younger.


The Omnilux hardware method is suitable for preventing the first signs of aging. Intense red light revitalizes collagen fibers and helps restore the epidermis. Unlike many other methods that show short-lived results, after therapy with the Omnilux device, the rejuvenating effect improves even after 5-6 months. At least 9 procedures will be required. Perform them weekly or once every two weeks. It can be used as an independent procedure or in combination.

Skin regeneration and rejuvenation is achieved by chemical peeling. Classic peeling based on glycolic acid helps achieve results comparable to surgical treatment.

Smoothbeam laser, the world's first FDA-approved laser for the treatment of wrinkles around the eyes. Thanks to the rays, fibroblasts are activated. After six weeks, new elastin and collagen fibers begin to be actively produced. The therapy is comfortable for the client, there are no side effects. It is simple and suitable for busy people. You can perform rejuvenation in this way during your lunch break or before going on a visit.

The most radical surgical method removes wrinkles on the face and neck. The result of the operation will be a new, youthful appearance of the skin. A facelift is performed under anesthesia. The patient spends 1-2 days in the clinic, then 10-14 days at home for complete recovery.

An absolute novelty in plastic surgery is endoscopic brow lift. Helps correct the oval of the face, the position of the eyebrows, rejuvenate the eye area, and smooth out wrinkles on the forehead. The effect remains for a long time. Vertical expression lines or sagging eyelids cannot always be corrected using this method; sometimes additional help is required, for example, blepharoplasty. Before using eyebrow correction surgery, you must consult a doctor.

Traditional methods

There is little collagen and elastin in the skin of the eyelids, and after twenty years the body produces even less. As we age, the GAG ​​(glycosaminoglycan) chemicals that retain moisture are lost, causing the epidermis to become fragile. For protection, use a broad-spectrum cream that protects against ultraviolet radiation. Regularly cleanse your face and stop smoking.

Even with a healthy lifestyle with proper nutrition with foods containing vitamins A, C, E, K and other antioxidants, the fragile area under the eyes is attacked by external factors. To avoid resorting to expensive creams containing chemicals, use natural products.

Coffee has many beneficial properties, one of them is to stimulate energy. Coffee beans (Coffea arabica) have strong antioxidant effects that help reduce free radical damage to the skin. Coffee removes fine wrinkles, uneven pigmentation, and improves overall appearance.

The coffee beans are ground into a fine powder. One teaspoon of coffee powder is mixed with the same amount of cocoa and 1/2 tsp. honey Apply the paste to the face and neck. Leave to work for 15 minutes. After washing, dry with a soft towel.

Coconut oil will return moisture to the skin. The product contains a lot of vitamin E and antioxidants. It works wonders in rehydration (hydration) and rejuvenation overnight. A good way to help coconut oil penetrate your pores is to gently massage your face.

Mix a spoon of coconut oil and a pinch of turmeric powder. Apply the paste to areas with wrinkles on the face and wait 20 minutes. Wash off with water. Instead of coconut oil, use almond, eucalyptus or chamomile oil.

Olive oil for wrinkles and circles under the eyes is useful to take internally. Thanks to the high content of vitamins E, K and protective antioxidants, it delays premature aging. Olive oil applied around the eyes restores moisture and nutrients.

Apply a small amount of oil to the skin and massage gently for 10 minutes. Leave for 5 minutes, then rinse with water and dry. Repeat regularly. To make your face look radiant, add a few drops of lemon to the oil.

Yogurt is an important part of the diet; it is used in the form of desserts, cocktails, and salad dressings. The product is a source of lactic acid and alpha hydroxide (AHA). Helps exfoliate dead cells, prevents the appearance of wrinkles on the face under the eyes. Add a yogurt mask to your regular under-eye skin care routine.

A tablespoon of yogurt, a teaspoon of honey, a few drops of rose water. A paste is created from the ingredients, applied to the face and area around the eyes and left for 20 minutes. At the end of the procedure, the face is rinsed with water.


Wine grapes contain nutrients. A unique antioxidant found under the skin of grapes is known for its wrinkle-removing benefits.

Crush 5 grapes, add a teaspoon of honey or yogurt, mix in a bowl. Apply the mask to the skin, keep it on your face for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

The effective skin-improving properties of aloe make it one of the best anti-wrinkle remedies. The plant contains vitamins C, E, beta-carotene, a precursor of vitamin A, nourishes, soothes, and maintains elasticity. Aloe is used alone or in combination with other ingredients, such as turmeric or honey. The properties of the flower remove circles and wrinkles under the eyes.

Mix aloe juice, yogurt, cucumber juice in a ratio of 2:1:4. Apply the mask to the skin and massage for 10 minutes. Leave for 20 minutes, rinse with water.

Powdered milk contains lactic acid, a natural alpha hydroxide. AHAs remove dead cells and help produce collagen. Therefore, it is useful to consume milk internally to improve bone function, and externally to improve the appearance of the epidermis.

Mix one teaspoon each of milk powder, honey, rose water in a bowl. Apply the resulting composition to the face. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

The skin around the eyes reacts positively to the coolness of cucumber. Thanks to its high antioxidant composition, cucumber moisturizes and promotes the formation of collagen and elastin.

Grate the cucumber on a fine grater and mix with a small amount of yogurt. Lie down for 20 minutes with the mask. Wash with cold water. Repeat once or twice a week.

Pineapples contain the enzyme bromelain, which is known to help remove wrinkles and prevent the appearance of wrinkles. Bromelain is a natural alpha hydroxy acid, which is why pineapple removes dead skin cells.

Make a lotion from pineapple juice, put it on your eyes, rinse with running water after 15 minutes. Repeat the procedure every other day.

Water is a simple and effective remedy for wrinkles around the eyes. Lotions or simple washing with cold water improves blood circulation, resulting in slower aging. The water should be cool, not cold, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the capillaries. Moisturize the skin from the inside by drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day.

These two ingredients have been used since ancient times to improve the structure of the skin. Papaya heals scars, improves tone, and honey has the ability to retain moisture.

Grind papaya, mix with a small amount of honey, apply the mixture on the eyelid, and if desired, use it on the entire face. Rinse off after 20 minutes with water.

Dill (fennel) is an ancient remedy for removing skin problems, including fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes.

Chop the dill or crush it in a mortar and add a little water. Apply the resulting paste to the eyelids around the eyes, rinse off after 10 minutes.

Ginger root is good for the skin, slows down aging, improves tone and brightness. To reap all the benefits, eat a piece of ginger with a spoon of honey every day. Do not apply externally; it causes a strong burning sensation.

Bananas contain vitamins A, C and E, improve skin structure and slow down aging.

Mash a banana, apply the mixture to your eyelids, massage. Leave for 15 minutes, rinse with water.

People have known about the properties of carrots since childhood, thanks to their parents who constantly said “eat carrots and you will grow big.” The vegetable contains a large amount of nutrients and antioxidants that help remove wrinkles.

Chop a few pieces of boiled carrots and mix with honey. Apply the mixture to the eyes. After 10 minutes, wash off.

It is useful to drink a glass of carrot juice before the solarium or the beach, then the tan will apply to the skin evenly and quickly.

Almonds are rich in vitamins E and Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids. Protects against dryness and prevents the first signs of aging. Almonds – helps restore collagen protein inside the body, so it is useful with proper nutrition. For external use, almond oil is applied to the skin. It is advisable to combine it with massage.

Castor oil has been found to increase the formation of collagen and elastin in the skin. Moisturizes the epidermis and improves blood circulation.

A cotton swab is soaked in castor oil and massaged into the area around the eyes. The product is left overnight and washed off in the morning.

Castor oil is used together with other oils or added to the finished cream.

The plant has a beneficial effect on the skin. The ingredients present in rosemary stimulate blood circulation, improve elasticity, and suppress fine wrinkles. Spices reduce puffiness and redness of the eyes.

It is advisable to add dishes with this plant to a healthy diet. For facial care, rosemary oil is mixed with base oil (with any oil of your choice). Used during massage.


Avocado is rich in vitamins A and E, improves skin health, moisturizes, protects, and helps in the formation of collagen and elastin.

Mash the fruit, apply the mixture to your face, and wash off after 20 minutes. Avocado is used together with other oils or added to cream for daily care.