Removing hair with wax from facial skin

- Unwanted facial hair

Waxing facial hair – an extremely delicate cosmetic procedure, which is best entrusted to a professional cosmetologist. Despite the apparent simplicity of the process, it is very easy to damage the delicate skin of the face when performing the waxing procedure yourself.

Of course, absolutely all women have hairs on their faces, but if this does not seem to be a problem for owners of single soft and colorless hairs, then for those who have coarse dark hairs (the so-called “male type”) growing above their upper lip, chin or cheeks, they cause serious concern. Moreover, the appearance of dark hairs on the face is possible even in fair-haired women: this may be due to hormonal imbalances (or taking hormonal medications), stress, or due to heredity. And of course, every woman who is faced with this seemingly small but unpleasant problem dreams of clean and soft facial skin, without any hint of unwanted hair.

That is why the procedure for waxing facial hair is one of the most popular in modern cosmetology. The specialist will carry it out, selecting accompanying procedures, minimizing the discomfort from hair removal and maximizing the effect.

Waxing on the face is carried out using hot wax (the second type of waxing is based on working with strips, and it is more suitable for working with large areas: removing hair from the legs, arms, back, abdomen). Wax for hair removal on the face is heated to 45-50 degrees and applied in a thick layer to problem areas of the skin using a wooden spatula. After hardening, it is removed along with the hairs.
The wax has a natural composition: it includes tree resin, essential oils, fruit, vegetable and herbal additives. Hot wax has a beneficial effect on the skin, creating a sauna effect: the skin is slightly steamed, the mouth of the hair follicle expands, as a result of which hairs are better removed.

Before hair removal, a cosmetologist will clean your face and treat it with a special selected product suitable for your skin type: tonic, gel or mousse. This is done to moisturize the hair, increase its elasticity, which will minimize the problem of ingrown hairs. After hair removal, the doctor will remove any remaining wax from the face and apply a moisturizing, skin-regenerating cream.

Frequency of waxing

After waxing, your skin will be smooth within 2-3 weeks. Experts note that with regular waxing procedures over a long period, the amount of hair in the treated areas decreases noticeably - up to their complete disappearance. Waxing has virtually no side effects and generally does not cause skin irritation.

Cons of the procedure

The disadvantages of facial hair removal with wax include not very pleasant sensations during the procedure and the presence of contraindications:

  1. diabetes,
  2. diseases of the cardiovascular system,
  3. pregnancy,
  4. inflammatory processes on the skin of the face,
  5. individual intolerance to wax components.

However, the high efficiency of the procedure, its affordable cost (compared to other types of depilation and hair removal) and the prospect of possible getting rid of unwanted hair forever make waxing one of the favorites among all cosmetic procedures performed in salons and clinics.

To appreciate all the benefits of waxing, make an appointment with a cosmetologist. You can find a list of doctors performing the procedure on our portal.

Facial hair removal was taboo until recently. Women suffering from hormonal disorders and having small mustaches suffered for a long time because of this small external defect. But now you don’t have to worry about this problem! There are many ways to get rid of hair easily and quickly. Let's look at the most popular and effective of them.

Why is it worth doing facial hair removal?

The presence of hair on a girl’s face is a serious flaw in appearance, which can significantly complicate life. A small mustache, too thick and unkempt eyebrows or long dark hairs on the cheeks can spoil the pretty face, cause rejection from the opposite sex, cause serious harm to self-esteem and cause complexes.

So why bring it to this? Now there are many different ways to remove unwanted facial hair. Depending on the density of hair, where the hairs are located, and your own preferences, you can easily choose the depilation method that suits you best. You can do it both in the salon and yourself at home.

Results of facial depilation

Removing facial hair with tweezers

Removing hair with tweezers is the easiest and fastest way to depilate your face. You can do it yourself at home, without going to a beauty salon. The disadvantages of this method of dealing with unwanted hair are pain, duration of the procedure and fairly rapid growth of hairs again. It is necessary to pull them out along their growth, preferably after steaming the skin of the face so that the pores expand and it is easier and less painful to pull them out. If you have a high pain threshold, then before starting the procedure you should apply ice for 30-60 seconds to those areas of the skin that you will treat with tweezers. This will make you less sensitive to pain.

Facial waxing

Nowadays you can easily buy ready-made wax in stores, which you just have to apply to the desired areas. It's very easy to use. It is enough to apply a layer of the mixture to the areas to be depilated on the face, and then, with one sharp movement, pull it against the hair growth. If you do this along their growth, then most of the hairs will remain in place. You can also use special wax strips for facial hair removal. The procedure is the same as if you were applying liquid wax. However, when using them in the eyebrow area, you need to be very careful not to disturb their shape or remove too much hair.

If some sparse hair remains, you can pull it out with tweezers. Unfortunately, wax is not suitable for everyone, as it can cause allergies and irritation. Before applying the product to areas of the face, you should test it - use it, for example, on your hand. In this case, if you are allergic to the substances that make up the wax, then at least you will experience irritation in a more inconspicuous place on the body and on rougher skin, and the pain will be insignificant.

Removing facial hair with sugar paste

Hair removal with sugar paste is an excellent alternative to wax. Due to the fact that only natural ingredients are used to prepare this paste, it can be used even for very sensitive or atopic skin. The advantages of this method of depilation include high efficiency, minimal pain, and removal of hair from the hair follicle, so that it does not appear for a long time after the procedure.

The recipe for sugar paste for facial depilation is very simple:

  1. Prepare a small container and pour ¾ cup of water into it.
  2. Pour ½ cup of sugar into the water and add a few drops of lemon juice.
  3. Place the container on the fire and cook the mixture until it turns brown.
  4. For a soothing and antibacterial effect of the paste on the skin, you can add a teaspoon of chamomile to the mixture.

Once cooled, the paste is ready to use, but to make it pliable, you should warm it in your hands before applying. You can do sugar depilation in two ways:

  1. Use a ball of the mixture that rolls over the surface of the skin and removes hair.
  2. Apply the mass to the desired places, hold it for a while and tear it off along with the hairs, just like when applying wax.

The effect of hair removal with sugar paste lasts 2-3 weeks.

Laser facial hair removal

Laser hair removal is an effective and painless way to get rid of unwanted facial hair. Under the influence of the laser, the hair root becomes thinner and it falls out. To obtain a long-term effect, it is necessary to undergo a course of procedures consisting of 6-10 sessions, after which it will be enough to do a preventive session every few months to maintain the effect.

Laser facial hair removal is performed exclusively in a beauty salon by a professional cosmetologist. The cost of the procedure is high, but the effect is much better and lasts longer than when removing hair with wax, sugar paste or tweezers. Below you can see photos before and after facial depilation:

Facial electrolysis

Electrolysis is one of the most effective methods to get rid of facial hair. It involves damage to the hair follicle. The essence of the procedure is the introduction of an extremely thin needle into the place of hair growth and the shock of the hair follicle with an electrical impulse. To obtain excellent results and long-lasting effects, you need to undergo a course of procedures.

Needle facial hair removal has several disadvantages:

  1. Small wounds and microscars are likely to appear if hair removal occurs too close together.
  2. The skin after the procedure may be red, irritated, and swollen. Her healing process may take 1-2 weeks, depending on her sensitivity and speed of regeneration.

Despite its disadvantages, electrolysis is one of the most popular ways to remove facial hair. The explanation is simple - the simplicity and painlessness of the procedure combined with a long-lasting effect and the complete absence of unwanted hairs.

It has a number of contraindications, the most important of which include:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Taking certain medications, for example those containing light-sensitive substances such as calendula or St. John's wort.
  3. The presence of a pacemaker or metal elements on the body.
  4. Some skin problems are albinism, scars, inflammation, acute acne.

Depilation with thread

Removing facial hair with a thread is a method invented many centuries ago in distant Asia. Now it is gaining more and more popularity. Despite some opinions, this is a cheap and safe method to get rid of vegetation. Its essence is to make a loop with a thread, which then grabs and pulls out the hair. In its action and result it is similar to the use of tweezers. All you need for the procedure is a cotton thread.

It is best to go to a beauty salon, where a professional will quickly and almost painlessly get rid of your hair. But if you do not want to pay money, then you can master this procedure and perform it yourself at home. Here is one of the training videos that will help you learn how to depilate your face with a thread:

Choosing a hair removal method for face depends, first of all, on the severity of the problem with unwanted hairs. Mechanical methods of depilation, such as hair removal with tweezers, wax or thread, are cheap and can be used at home, but the effect does not last long. The smoothness of the skin will last only 1-2 weeks. In addition, these methods are quite painful and can cause irritation. It is better to contact a cosmetologist who, after carefully examining your skin, will help you make the best decision and select the most suitable depilation method for you. You may not even need any of the procedures; all you need to do is follow a course of treatment prescribed by your doctor to get rid of facial hair.

Hello, dear readers of the site. We continue the topic of facial depilation. And today I will tell you everything about facial waxing: how it goes, how to prepare for the procedure and much, much more.

Of course, girls with blond hair are luckier and do not experience such discomfort, for example, hair above the upper lip, on moles, on the chin. But for those less fortunate, it comes with a little difficulty and additional skin care, such as frequent shaving, plucking, bleaching and much more.

Oh, those mustaches!

Excessive facial hair is common in women:

  1. eastern nationalities;
  2. for women experiencing hormonal changes;
  3. are under constant stress;
  4. having a hereditary predisposition.

Let me remind you that you can do this procedure yourself, at home, or contact a specialist in a beauty salon.

If you decide to trust a specialist, then carefully study all the reviews and available recommendations from the specialist in order to avoid negative consequences.

If you are afraid to carry out this procedure yourself, then of course, for the first time, it is better to visit a beauty salon. There you can consult with a specialist, she will tell you all the intricacies of this procedure, which wax and cream is best to use in accordance with your skin type, and of course you can clearly see how this process goes from beginning to end.

How to choose wax for facial depilation

There is cold, warm and hot wax.

Let's see how they differ

Hot wax is most often used in beauty salons. For a home procedure, it is better to use warm or cold wax.

Cold wax includes wax strips for facial depilation, which are very convenient to use. You don't have to mess with them. Simply rub between your hands and follow the instructions. In this case, getting burned is completely excluded. But this method of depilation is considered the most ineffective, since the wax does not penetrate deep into the skin, which means it does not capture all the hairs; in addition, it can pull out the hair not at the root, which means the hair will soon grow again.

Girls, let's not stoop to scarce times and save on our health by using tape instead of wax strips. After it, you cannot avoid redness and irritation on your face, and possibly infection.

How is the effect of wax depilation achieved?

Melted wax is applied to the problem area of ​​the face and, using a paper strip, the hair is pulled out with the bulb. After which the hair grows slower, becomes thinner, and therefore less noticeable.

Benefits of wax depilation method

  1. reasonable price;
  2. ease of use at home. Wax strips can be applied several times;
  3. large area of ​​hair removal;
  4. fast and long-lasting effect - up to 6 weeks. During your vacation, you can forget about waxing and save space in your suitcase;
  5. Many women note that after frequent use, hair practically stops growing, since due to frequent injury to the bulb, it becomes more weakened.

Disadvantages of this depilation method

  1. painful procedure;
  2. it is impossible to remove very short hair;
  3. Possible occurrence of ingrown hairs;
  4. not all hairs are removed the first time;
  5. irritation or inflammation on the skin may persist for a long time (up to 2 days);
  6. the appearance of an allergic reaction to the components of the wax paste (honey, pollen, aromatic oils, etc.);
  7. if wax is used incorrectly, it remains on the skin and is difficult to remove;
  8. possible skin damage: bruises, irritation, pimples;
  9. Within 24 hours after waxing, you should not sunbathe, or apply perfumed products or self-tanning.
  10. If you prefer wax strips, they are not suitable for use on areas of the face where there are moles, warts or varicose veins. And also on tanned skin, since after depilation the skin in this area may become lighter.


  1. enlarged pores or acne;
  2. wounds, scratches and other damage to the skin;
  3. dermatological diseases: rash, fungus, etc.;
  4. blood clotting disorders;
  5. increased sensitivity to pain, particularly during pregnancy or menstruation;
  6. intolerance to some components of the wax;
  7. heat;
  8. diabetes.

Take contraindications seriously and do not experiment with your health!

Preparing for facial waxing procedure

Yes, yes, you should prepare your face for the bioepilation procedure (by the way, that’s what it’s called) at least a week in advance.

  1. First, make sure that all wounds and scratches on your face heal. A week before the procedure, do not perform additional depilatory procedures (razor, tweezers, hair bleaching, depilatory creams, etc.). The hair length should be 3-4 mm.
  2. Secondly, exfoliate your face regularly and moisturize your skin thoroughly. This will ensure a more comfortable procedure.

Important! Do not overdo it with peeling so that the skin does not produce unnecessary oily shine. More details about this: How to care for oily skin: 7 main mistakes

  1. Check for allergic reactions to wax components. To do this, apply a drop of wax, for example, on your wrist; if after a few minutes there is no reaction, you can safely use this wax.
  2. Check the temperature of the wax in the same way (if you are using warm or hot wax).
  3. Before waxing your face, avoid prolonged exposure to the sun for a couple of days, and also refrain from visiting a solarium.
  4. Immediately before the procedure, thoroughly cleanse your face: steam your face over a steam bath (based on chamomile or calendula) or simply wash your face and wipe dry with a soft towel. Degrease your face with lotion.

If you prefer hot wax, you can warm it up by placing it in a bowl of hot water or placing it in the microwave for no more than 1 minute. If you heat the wax in a bowl, be sure to wipe it when you remove it to avoid getting water on your skin. this will reduce its effectiveness.

Facial waxing procedure

  1. If you have sensitive skin, then half an hour before applying wax, treat the area of ​​your face to be depilated with an anesthetic. It can be in the form of a cream or gel. It can be purchased at any pharmacy. Most often, the area above the upper lip is numbed, but the skin above the eyebrows is less sensitive.
  2. When depilating the area above the upper lip with a wax melter, it is recommended to apply talc to the skin.
  3. Apply wax in the direction of hair growth. It is advisable to do this with a spatula or spatula to avoid a thick layer.
  4. Press the wax down firmly with a spatula. If after removing the wax not all the hairs are removed, this means you did not apply the wax tightly.
  5. Make a tail out of the tip of the wax to make it easy to cling to.
  6. Or attach a paper strip.
  7. If you use wax strips, apply to the skin and smooth the strip for a few seconds.
  8. Using a sharp movement, remove the wax against the direction of hair growth.
  9. Treat the depilation area with talcum powder or cream (Boro Plus, Spasatel, Bepanten, etc.). If you use wax strips, then most often the kit also includes a special napkin, which must be applied immediately after the strip is torn off.

Don't be afraid if you bleed after the procedure. Just follow the recommendations for facial skin care after depilation.

Facial skin care after waxing

  1. After the procedure, remove any remaining wax with warm water.
  2. Do not rub the skin, but pat it dry with a soft towel.
  3. Treat your skin with moisturizer or pre-prepared ice cubes from chamomile infusion or cucumber juice. Continue to use the daily facial moisturizer you are used to.
  4. You can also use an anti-hair growth product. Today there are a lot of them in cosmetic stores.
  5. Do not rub your face with a washcloth after the procedure, and do not use lotions containing alcohol. This will only increase redness on the skin that has not yet healed.
  6. If redness does not go away for more than 48 hours, consult a dermatologist.

If you do everything correctly, the redness on the skin will disappear within an hour after the procedure and you can safely go on a date.

After depilation treatment of facial skin is very important. These procedures will restore damaged epidermis, help heal existing wounds and give your skin a natural look.

Creams and gels after hair removal are also very important. You can read about them in our article: Post-depilation creams - TOP 8 best products

Good luck, dear girls! Love yourself and if you don’t yet have a personal connoisseur of your beauty, transform yourself. After all, as the famous brand’s slogan says: “You deserve it!”

About the author of the article:

Cosmetologist, director of 3 cosmetology clinics under her own brand “Lyudmila”. Author of articles for professional online publications and participant in many international symposiums.