
Ugliness is a phenomenon that evokes various emotions and reactions in people, especially those who experience it personally. In the culture of most countries around the world, people with external defects are treated quite negatively - sometimes even too much. Let's try to figure out why such people may experience psychological problems.

People may be distorted in many ways: they may have physical defects or disabilities, their appearance may differ from the generally accepted standards of beauty, some may have a large number of physical defects that cause many inconveniences in everyday life. They may be accompanied by symptoms such as acne, excess oily skin, ptosis, etc. In some cases, they can lead to psychological problems and emotional disturbances.

There are numerous studies showing that deformity that cannot be treated or corrected is one of the most unpleasant circumstances in life. As the history of culture and human history shows, in most cases, ugliness entails very painful reactions and behavior of others, and also creates a feeling of discrimination and social exclusion in society. It is likely that many people with physical disabilities have complex motivations and self-esteem, and conflicts related to external and internal feelings arise at their level of psychological functioning. All these features determine serious problems associated with defining oneself, one’s appearance and relationships with other people.

Why can't people ignore the physical defects of others? As psychologists (and they should know that they have a deterministic position in relation to such people), why can they afford this? What does beauty have to do with the intelligence or power of an individual? When we talk about physical beauty, we define and encourage the appreciation of a human body that is capable of functioning harmoniously. But if people are outwardly unable to meet these beauty standards (standard beauty), it doesn't mean anything. These standards of beauty have been created within society for so long and with such force that they assume that external ugliness is a certain norm of existence.

In our society, social psychology is very poorly developed, but even understanding of it is revealed, for which its strength is always in question. What determines the social meaning of beauty? True beauty is considered to be health and complete physical perfection. And nothing more. And what