Trojan Operation

Dear readers and everyone interested in medicine! Today I want to share with you information about an unusual operation proposed by Alexander Troyanov, a famous Russian surgeon. The operation, which was called “Operation Troyanov,” became a real breakthrough in medicine.

The history of this operation began back in 2012, when Alexander Troyanov presented his new research in the field of surgery and announced his development of an innovative procedure for the treatment of breast cancer. At that time, he was not sure that his idea would become a real operation, but even then he presented a detailed plan for his operation.

Troyanova's idea is to use technology to separate breast tissue into small fragments. This avoids the need to remove the entire breast through traditional surgery. Instead, the entire procedure consists of several steps, each of which removes only a specific area of ​​the affected tissue.

The uniqueness of this method lies in the fact that after each stage the breast tissue is regenerated, which makes it stronger and more resistant to repeated diseases. After all, many women experience thinning and decreased elasticity of tissues after previous operations.