
Brightness is a value that characterizes the intensity of the glow of a light source or reflective surface. It is the ratio of luminous intensity to the area of ​​projection of a surface onto a plane perpendicular to the direction of light. Brightness is measured in candelas per square meter and is one of the main characteristics of light.

Brightness may vary for different light sources and surfaces. For example, sunlight has high brightness, and light from a light bulb has low brightness. This is due to the fact that sunlight has a high luminous intensity, and a light bulb has less. In addition, brightness depends on the angle of incidence of light on the surface. If light hits a surface at an angle, it will have less brightness than if it hits the surface directly.

Brightness measurement is of practical importance in various fields such as lighting, photography, medicine and others. For example, in medicine, the brightness of light is used to diagnose various diseases such as cancer and other tumors. In photography, brightness plays an important role when taking images as it determines the quality of the image and its contrast.

In general, brightness is an important characteristic of light and is of great importance in many areas of our lives.

Brightness Brightness is a quantity characterizing the intensity of the glow of a light source or reflecting plane, which is the ratio of the strength of the light wave at a given point to the square projection area of ​​the luminous area of ​​the surface perpendicular to this wave. Measured in Candelas/M2.

What determines the brightness of an LED? This is the main parameter of the diode, responsible for its ability to produce luminous flux. If this characteristic is insufficient, then the LED strip, light bulb and other lighting equipment do not fulfill their purpose and, accordingly, become unclaimed.