Sanguine Type

Sanguineism The sanguine type of human character is characterized by cheerfulness, optimism, a positive attitude towards the world and the ability to find joy in the simplest things. People with this personality type are talkative, open, energetic and active in getting things done. They easily make new acquaintances, love company, enjoy social life and are always ready to support any idea. However, they lack focus, willpower and patience. Even when faced with difficulties, they do not lose heart, but accept the challenge and find a way to solve the problem.

Characteristics of a Sanguine Person Sanguine people are sociable, inventive and dexterous. They quickly adapt to a new environment, easily get acquainted and find a common language with many people. The sanguine character of a man is associated with emotionality, a cheerful disposition and responsiveness. Girls of this type have not only a sociable character, but also a bright appearance. They love to be the center of attention and always attract attention. Men and women of the sanguine type are distinguished by their originality and even extravagance.

Personality Traits of Sanguines - Enthusiasm and Energy Sanguines are people in whom youth lives. The energy from them splashes over the edge! Gifted with will and determination, they are so self-confident and confident that no one can stop them on their way to their goals. If not for this self-confidence, sanguine people would hardly have achieved all that they have achieved. They are constantly on the move, passionate about any tasks that fate throws at them and enthusiastically throw themselves into solving them on their own terms. They overcome problems and failures with ease without losing faith in their abilities. Such people always look at difficulties as just another interesting adventure. Therefore, it seems to us that a sanguine person simply does not like to work slowly and think a lot. He wants to do everything to the maximum, at once, in one fell swoop! As a rule, sanguine people quickly become bored if things go very smoothly, slowly and predictably. Therefore, they often change jobs, resort to spontaneous decisions and generally are constantly hovering somewhere...