Corners of lips down physiognomy

The science of physiognomy originated in ancient times and was especially revered in the East. There it was a branch of medicine, where it is still believed that a person’s face is a complete reflection of his life path and his inner world.

In the Western world, physiognomy was studied by Theophrastus, Hippocrates and Aristotle, who wrote a systematic work Physiognomica.


The famous figure Leonardo da Vinci and the philosopher John Scott in the Middle Ages supplemented research on the relationship between a person’s appearance and the inner world with their observations.

General provisions

Physiognomy is a system of knowledge with the help of which internal personal qualities, both innate and acquired, are determined, as well as facial features and facial expressions are analyzed.

Modern psychology does not recognize physiognomy as something serious, considering it a pseudoscience. This is substantiated by many experiments that refute the connection between a person’s face and character. In Ancient Greece it was considered the “art of the Chimeras.”

However, in everyday life, the knowledge of this branch of science is used in many segments of our lives; it is especially popular in the field of personnel selection in large corporations.

Read my lips

The famous phrase that the eyes are the mirror of the soul and almost everything can be read from them is known to everyone. However, physiognomy claims that it is the human mouth and lips that provide the most information. It is from them that one can read about the moral qualities, life successes, and goals of their owner. By studying different lips, physiognomy identified groups of people based on the shape of their mouth and lips.

Corners up

The owner of this lip shape with raised corners has everything in harmony in life, both with the world and with himself. Such a person is always in a good mood, knows how to share joy with others, charges with positivity, and gives vital energy. If he still has dimples on his cheeks, then, without a doubt, he is an optimistic, friendly and sociable person.


Corners down

People with such a curve in the mouth line are generally closed and do not strive to communicate. In most cases, they have psychological problems associated with their own dissatisfaction. Since negative experiences in life cannot be avoided, they leave an imprint on such people in the form of drooping corners of the mouth. Also, such individuals are characterized by inflated self-esteem and egocentrism. When you see a man of this type, you get the impression of his poor health. A woman with such corners of her lips turns out to be persistent, hardworking and diligent in her work.


Protruding lips

As physiognomy explains, lips protruding beyond the chin indicate that their owner does not have the habit of taking into account the opinions of others. Despite his love of communication, such a person is too self-confident and stubborn.

Thin lips in physiognomy

Those with thin lips are creative individuals and perform well in the literary genre. In their work, such people are always persistent and go towards their intended goal. They don’t hide what they’re thinking and can always give a verbal rebuff. You should be careful with people whose lips are too thin, as they are capable of meanness and betrayal.


Thin upper lip

According to physiognomy, the upper lip is smaller than the lower lip indicates that this person is balanced and not subject to emotional outbursts. His mental abilities are directed in an analytical direction. Men of this type are happy in marriage, but women are the opposite.

Plump upper lip

People who have a plump upper lip have a passionate temperament and are attracted to the opposite sex to extremes. They need to control their emotions, otherwise problems may arise in their personal lives. Also, the owners of such lips are very kind and have good manners.

Protruding large lower lip

In most cases, a person’s lower lip is larger than the upper, so it is the very large convex lower lip that is considered. Such people attach great importance to relationships in their personal lives, are touchy, capricious and overly proud. However, they have excellent leadership and intellectual abilities.

Big lips

When the lower and upper lips are plump and virtually equal in size, then this person has a straightforward character. According to physiognomy, large lips indicate friendliness and practicality. You can always rely on such people, both in family life and in business.


Raised upper lip

The owner of such a lip, when the front teeth are visible, has excellent artistic abilities. There is also a penchant for political activity. Regardless of gender, such individuals are characterized by a sense of superiority: in appearance, in physical strength, in their achievements, in work, and so on.

Wrinkled lower lip

According to physiognomy, a lower lip with numerous wrinkles indicates a pleasant person who knows how to gain attention in a company. He also attracts the opposite sex with his good nature and cheerful disposition. Disadvantages may include addiction to alcohol and food.


The so-called hollow between the upper lip and nose indicates the presence of many positive qualities. The longer the groove, as the physiognomy of the lips states, the better. Such people are aimed at success, which they achieve in any business. They have a lot of vitality and strength. If you look at the faces of prominent actors, businessmen and other personalities, most of them have an elongated philtrum.


People with a short cleavage often have a low level of intelligence and lack basic education standards.

Lip outlines

According to physiognomy, lips in men and women with good and clear outlines speak of a sharp mind and the ability to make the right decisions. However, owners of such Cupid lines may have harsh judgments, sarcasm and causticity. Smooth and calm lines indicate a simple-minded person who can be trusted.

Focus on communication

When communicating, you need to pay attention to the person’s facial expressions. Based on the statements of physiognomy, the lips of an unemotional person move slightly. If during communication there is a feeling that a person’s face is completely moving, then this indicates a hot-tempered emotional personality.

It is quite simple to identify an individual with a sense of superiority and self-confidence. When talking with such a person, you can notice how he curls his lips. Such people have a bad character.

You can judge a person’s emotionality by the line of their lips closing. A straight line indicates calmness, and a wavy line with a developed nasolabial fold indicates excessive temperament.

Mouth size

A big mouth is an indicator of success and intelligence. Such people are endowed with high intelligence, quickly get along with people, and are quite proud. If the lips are thin, then their owners have incommensurable desires with sufficient prudence. They have good control over their actions. Women with a harmoniously defined large mouth usually have many friends; their careers rise easily due to their sociability and openness.


Those with small mouths were often spoiled by their parents in childhood, so for the most part they are selfish people. Men are often timid, shy, and do not know how to achieve their goals. But women are popular with the opposite sex, although they are cold by nature. The stronger sex feels strong and needed next to such a lady.

Based on the statements of physiognomy, thin and compressed lips speak of fear and deep conflict within a person. And a slightly open mouth with relaxed lips seems to indicate that you can easily trust this person.


The surface of everyone's lips is different. There is not a single repeating pattern. This is what prompted the French doctor Michel Renaud to think that lip impressions could be informative for forensic science. The exception is twins.

Physiognomy of the face and lips is a very interesting science that has come to us since ancient times. It is being studied to this day, revealing to us more and more secrets of the human appearance.

Learning to recognize personality by facial features

A Japanese proverb says that lips are as eloquent as eyes. This was also mentioned by Aristotle, who saw the relationship between the shape of the lips and the internal energy of a person. This is how physiognomy arose in Ancient Greece - a method of describing personality and character traits based on facial features and expression. It’s amazing, but such little things as the corners of the lips, the size of the mouth, the brightness of the skin, the curve, thickness and geometry of the lips can reveal perseverance and weakness, sensuality and hardness, stupidity and vanity in a person. ELLE found out how lips can become a personality detector.

Full lips correct form has always been a sign of sensuality and increased sexual energy. Recognized beauties of the past and present - Marilyn Monroe, Brigitte Bardot, Kim Basinger, Angelina Jolie - excite the male imagination with plump lips, embodying emphasized femininity and a passion for pleasure. This shape of character lips is for people who prefer to live a busy life. It's now or never - that's their motto. By nature, they are capricious natures who love to be the center of attention. At the same time, those with full lips have a strong will and excellent self-control. Very often they seek ease and pleasure, they can be cynical and calculating in achieving goals, but they have self-irony. Women with such lips are spoiled by male attention. But, despite their tendency to flirt, they show themselves to be good wives and mothers.

What kind of vices are not attributed to the owners thin lips. But, contrary to stereotypes, these are by no means always envious, evil and selfish characters. Thin lips with soft lines indicate an overly restrained but charming nature. They show women who are smart, honest and modest. They are often witty, assertive and stubborn, but not at all vindictive. It is difficult to captivate them, but they themselves are eloquent and keenly express their thoughts. For owners narrow lips and small mouth characterized by isolation, asceticism and insight. A person with narrow lips tends to criticize both himself and others. More often than not, these people are lonely, independent, but completely unable to show willpower.

Thin lips from the owner big mouth They talk about an active nature, straightforwardness and great ambitions. These people are not afraid to take risks, which is why they often seem belligerent and aggressive. They are always faithful to what fascinates them, boldly go towards their goal and are convinced that all means are good for this. Due to the severity of their character, they often fix their attention on the negative experiences of life and look at things skeptically, and consider pleasures an unthinkable luxury.

Loose, slightly parted lips talk about weakness. The less clear the outline of the lips, the less determination and will in the character of their owner. A slightly open mouth indicates emotionality and a call for sensual pleasures. Such people are spontaneous, impressionable and look at life through rose-colored glasses.

Clearly drawn harmonious lips may belong to a sensitive intellectual, whose character combines sentimentality and rationality.

Protruding lips - evidence of infantility and constant whims. Such a person is quite dependent, weak-willed and suspicious. It is not difficult to manipulate and influence him.

Lips with raised corners indicate excellent spirits and an optimistic attitude. People with this lip shape seem to be constantly smiling and therefore do not remain alone for long. Those around them feel a magical attraction to such life-loving natures. Men with raised corners of their lips are considered playboys, and women are known as skilled lovers. People with this lip shape are destined to have a prosperous life path.

Drooping corners of lips reveal a person’s tendency towards pessimism and despondency. These people take everything to heart and often feel unable to survive difficult circumstances. Lips with downturned corners can also indicate arrogance and censure of others, but more often they indicate an inferiority complex. Women and men with this lip shape are in dire need of approval, love and sensitivity.

Georgia May Jagger

Big mouth characteristic of pronounced extroverts. Such natures have a great appetite for everything - from physical to spiritual and intellectual needs. They are sociable, friendly, openly express emotions and do not go unnoticed, and they often show themselves as passionate people.

Small mouth characteristic of people who are accustomed to limiting themselves. These natures are often closed and accustomed to suppressing their desires, needs and thoughts. Their character is characterized by secrecy, suspicion, severity and discipline. More often than not, people with small lips are introverts and tend to hide their experiences.

Girls with full upper lip – born coquettes who know how to present themselves. These individuals are proud and not afraid of difficulties, they know how to behave in society and win over their interlocutor.

If the upper lip is thinner than the lower lip - This is a sign of inconstancy in a relationship. Women with this lip shape love to live for their own pleasure; it is useless to demand that she sit at home and wait for her husband: the search for new experiences is more important for her. Only the most worthy of men is able to change the attitude of such a woman towards married life.

Any asymmetrical lip shapes It is considered to be a sign of deceitful nature. Perhaps because people hate curves. But, contrary to prejudices, owners of such lips are often distinguished by a kind and cheerful disposition.

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The mouth, lips and smile indicate the level of restraint of a person, and together they also serve as an indicator of sincerity. For example, physiognomists associate lips with a person’s emotionality. And the fuller the lips, the more sensual and emotional the person is. Women accentuate their lips to create an accent for the opposite sex. We will look at the size and shape of the lips.


Full lips, with both lips plump and wide. They indicate emotionality, expressiveness and a developed sense of humor. Angelina Jolie has exactly these lips.

At the same time, convex full lips indicate success in life.

Thick lips speak of extravagance, squandering, and touchiness. Such people love to drink and sit in good company.

Large lips with a drooping thick lower lip speak of a person’s greed, capriciousness and frivolity.

If the lower lip is full, this is a sign of practicality; such a person knows how to persuade. If the upper lip is very thin, the person is used to working at the expense of his personal life. This is often a sign of selfishness.

If the upper lip is fuller than the lower, then this indicates straightforwardness, a desire to always get to the bottom of the truth, and sometimes curiosity.

If the upper lip protrudes slightly, this is a sign of intelligence, caution, straightforwardness of character, but often also vanity.

A strongly protruding upper lip indicates indecision.

Thin lips speak of intelligence, restraint, coldness and prudence. Such a person does not trust flattery, does not demonstrate his feelings to others, is practical, cautious, and sometimes withdrawn.

Very thin lips can indicate cruelty.

A “pressed” mouth with thin lips indicates a tendency towards hypocrisy and envy.

A “sinking” mouth is a sign of prudence.

A mouth with long, pointed, thin lips indicates cowardice.

Small lips speak of intelligence, prudence and foresight.

If the upper lip is shaped like a cupid's bow, this indicates the owner's determination. Such a person will always achieve his goal.

If one corner of the mouth is always higher than the other, this is a sign of a deceiver.

A hard mouth with corners tending downwards speaks of a strong-willed, stubborn person.

If your mouth constantly twitches, then this is a sign of nervousness and excitement.

A mouth slanted to one side indicates a nervous person prone to sarcasm.

Moreover, if the mouth is slanted to one side towards the bottom, this is a sign of inconstancy and stubbornness.

A smile can tell us very interesting information.

Natural smile: wide, lips relaxed, teeth exposed, but you can’t see the gums. This person does not flaunt his feelings, but does not hide them either. He is happy with the situation, everything is in order, everything is harmonious.

A smile with bare gums speaks of a person’s generosity, sometimes of excessive trust in the interlocutor.

When smiling, the upper lip stretches over the teeth. This is read as false sincerity, the person is hiding something. This is how shop assistants often smile, a learned smile.

If a person does not show his teeth when smiling, they are closed. This is the desire to maintain distance and not open up. This is just a courtesy. The person is not yet ready to make close contact.

A crooked smile—one corner of the mouth is higher than the other. This is a smile for show, a desire to make a good impression, but such a person does not show true feelings at the moment.

As we can see, the mouth, lips and smile can say a lot. Be careful when communicating, read facial features and indicators, and we wish you successful practice in this!