
Inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands. The most common acne is common acne, which develops in boys and girls against the background of seborrhea on the face, chest, and back as a result of increased function of the sebaceous glands and changes in the composition of their secretions.

With seborrhea, the skin of the face, chest, and back becomes shiny, the pores gape, and grayish-black plugs form in many pores - comedones, as a result of the accumulation of sebum in the ducts of the sebaceous glands and at the mouths of the hair follicles; When pressed, comedones stand out in the form of “worms” with a black head. Rancid sebum is an excellent breeding ground for pyogenic microbes; Inflammation may occur around the comedones, and common acne forms (color table, article 193, Fig. 1) in the form of inflammatory nodules and pustules. Without treatment, deeper inflammatory, painful, purplish-red nodes develop, opening with the release of pus, after which scars may remain. The disease is characterized by chronic however, as a rule, it subsides by the age of 30-35.

A rash similar to acne vulgaris can appear in workers on open areas of the skin as a result of constant contact with minerals, oils, petroleum products, coal tar, particles of which clog the ducts of the sebaceous glands (occupational acne). In some cases, acne can occur with long-term use of bromine and iodine preparations (see Drug rashes).

Treatment of acne vulgaris is carried out as prescribed by a dermatologist or cosmetologist. Proper nutrition is important for patients. A diet with limited carbohydrates and salt is recommended. It is necessary to exclude fatty, floury, sweet and spicy foods, spices, alcoholic beverages, coffee, and strong tea from the diet. Brown bread, boiled meat and fish (low-fat varieties), vegetables (raw and boiled), buckwheat porridge, cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, apples and other foods rich in vitamins A, B, C are healthy.

Nutritional yeast, which contains many vitamins, is also useful. It is not recommended to eat very hot food or overload the stomach while eating. It is necessary to ensure that bowel movements occur daily, promptly using laxatives recommended by a doctor for constipation.

General health measures are important: hardening the body, playing sports, walking in the fresh air, sea bathing, air and sunbathing. Proper skin care is also necessary: ​​the face should be washed with soap (Forest, Glycerin, Almond, Bornothymol, Camphor), rinsing with hot and then cold water, and wipe dry.

For washing, you can use a hot decoction of clover leaves or chamomile flowers. It is recommended to wipe the areas of the greatest accumulation of acne with a cotton swab with soap suds (once a week, sprinkle a pinch of a mixture of borax and baking soda on the swab).

It is recommended to wipe the skin 2-3 times a day with any degreasing and disinfectant, for example, calendula tincture (1-2 tablespoons per 1/2 glass of water), 10% alum solution, 1% ammonia solution alcohol and 2% solution of baking soda, lemon, cucumber or strawberry juice, lotion for oily skin (Morning, Start, Finish, etc.).

If there are acne on the skin of the body, it is recommended to lubricate the affected areas with toilet, green or camphor soap before washing, leaving it on the skin for 10-15 minutes; then wash with hot water using a sponge or washcloth. Great importance is attached to cleansing the skin of the face, removing comedones, which are produced in cosmetics. office with the application of anti-inflammatory masks from bodyagi, etc. (see Cosmetics).

You cannot squeeze out blackheads yourself; It is not recommended to use creams and decorative cosmetics if you have acne, because they promote the formation of comedones.

For occupational acne, the decisive factor in treatment is to eliminate contact with substances that cause skin disease (stone acne).

Acne is a common skin condition in teenagers and young adults. It is characterized by the appearance of closed red pimples or enlarged pores with purulent contents. Acne can appear on the face, chest, back and buttocks. Acne can be caused by dysfunction of the sebaceous glands, hormonal changes, poor diet, stress and other factors.

Treatment of acne should be comprehensive and individual. In addition to external therapy, it is necessary to follow the rules of hygiene and nutrition, exercise regularly, give up bad habits and use sunscreen. When the disease worsens, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs and retinoids can be used.

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