Hair care oil


Natural oils are an excellent hair care product. They work effectively on all hair types. There is an opinion that oil care is not suitable for everyone. But this is nothing more than a myth. Oils can cope with many problems that bother a person.

  1. Excessive greasiness
  2. Split ends of hair
  3. Dropping out
  4. Baldness
  5. Dryness
  6. Increased hair growth
  7. Dandruff
  8. Fat content

Oils will not only restore hair, but also give it a healthy, blooming appearance.

To get the maximum benefit from using oil treatments, let's look at the intricacies of oil hair care together.

How to use carrier and essential oils

Every home has basic base oils: flaxseed, sunflower, olive, corn. We usually use them for food, but we also do various cosmetic procedures with them. For gentle hair care, you can choose from the following base oils:

Base oils can be used in the simplest ways:

Add to shampoo when washing your hair.

Apply to hair with a comb. I really like this gentle hair care. Choose a comb with natural bristles or a wooden one with small teeth. Lubricate the tips or hairs of the combs with oil and apply to the hair, carefully distributing along the entire length of the hair from base to ends. We combine business with pleasure. This procedure can be carried out in the evening, leaving the healing oils to work at night. In the morning, you will need to wash your hair as usual with shampoo and conditioner.

For split ends of hair, you can apply oil only to the problem area. Rub thoroughly into the ends of your hair with your hands. Leave overnight or hold for at least 1 hour.

Essential oils have a healing effect by enhancing the effect of the base oil or other care components. We add aromatic healers to base oil, shampoo, conditioner, and homemade masks made from natural ingredients.

Essential oils should never be applied to hair in their pure form.

Effect of oils on hair

Oils perform three important functions in hair care: nutrition, moisturizing, protection.

To care for hair roots, oils work best if added to homemade masks. When applying the mask, gently rub the composition into the scalp. The oil will accelerate hair growth, improve blood circulation and metabolic processes in the scalp, and improve the health of hair follicles.

Hair root care should be carried out at least once a week.

To care for hair along its entire length and ends, you need to apply oils without affecting the skin.

We use a comb or carefully rub the oil along the entire length, paying special attention to the ends.

In this treatment, oils will treat the hair structure, eliminate brittleness, dryness, and remove split ends.

Oils can be applied to dry or damp hair. They will have the most beneficial effect if they are thoroughly rubbed into damp hair or combed dry using natural combs.

The oil can be used in shampoos, then you will apply it to dirty hair. It is more effective to use medicinal oils in a conditioner or mask. Clean strands are more grateful to receive the nutrients they need.

I can’t help but dwell on the issue of purchasing natural oils. Only natural oils can provide the healing effect you desire. Buy oils from a trusted manufacturer.

Do not use oils if you are hypersensitive.

Do not use expired products; they will not do any good.

Apply oils warm to improve their effect on your hair.

Use ethers in mixtures or masks, do not apply to hair in pure form.

Oils can provide high-quality hair care, add shine, shine and unsurpassed beauty to your curls.

Recently, women have become less likely to resort to traditional methods to care for their hair. Most likely, the reason lies in the fact that they simply do not know how to use them correctly. The opinion that oils tend to weigh down hair is true, but if you can make friends with them, they will replace all the jars of balms and conditioners from leading cosmetic brands.

It is quite difficult to answer the question of what is the best hair oil. To do this, you need to know all the intricacies of the female body and the structure of the hair as a whole. Therefore, before filling the shelves in the bathroom with various vessels with “liquid gold”, you need to understand what type of hair you consider to be.

For example, the best hair oil that can save ends from dryness in winter is peach oil. You can, of course, use coconut, but its structure is a little thicker, and therefore there are slight difficulties when applying it.
Thanks to Cleopatra, for many centuries the label “Best oil for hair” has been attached to olive oil. It can not only improve the condition, but also restore damaged bulbs. It is often included in hair dyes, since after this procedure they need enhanced nutrition.

Three main types

According to the texture of the oil, there are three fat contents, and for each hair type you need to choose the right consistency.

  1. Fatty (castor oil) due to its large molecular weight has the property of making hair heavier.
  2. Bold fat (avocado oil, almond oil) - they are best absorbed.
  3. Dry ones (coconut or grape seed), due to their weightlessness, do not weigh down the hair.

Popular hair oils: application in cosmetology

First you need to set a purpose for use and understand what effect you want. Some want to make their hair thicker or more shiny, others want to grow length in a short time, so they are looking for hair growth oil. The main thing is to remember that they act either comprehensively or locally. Therefore, we will conduct a brief overview of the most popular and affordable of the entire range of “liquid gold”.

1. Burdock. It can be used both in pure form and as a supplement. This oil should be kept in the arsenal of young mothers, since during pregnancy and after childbirth the condition of the hair worsens, and restoration procedures must be immediately taken up.


2. Castor oil has the property of eliminating dry scalp, which contributes to the appearance of dandruff. In order to make your hair thicker, you need to do wraps using this oil once a week. And to strengthen them, you can treat yourself to the following mask, which will strengthen their structure: 1 tsp. castor oil and 0.5 tbsp. kefir This oil is also used for hair and eyelash growth.

3. Rosemary is the most popular among aromatic oils. If you use it on a regular basis, you will notice that hair growth has increased and your curls have become stronger and healthier.

4. Flaxseed is a storehouse of vitamin F. When using this oil at home, it is preheated, then rubbed into the roots with your fingertips and distributed over the entire length using a comb. Warm the head and keep it on the hair for about 2 hours.

5. Tea tree oil is classified as essential oil, and therefore requires extreme caution. A couple of drops of it can be added to shampoo, and it will have a beneficial effect on the condition of oily hair. This oil will also become an indispensable aid in the fight against dandruff.

6. Coconut. Indian women know a lot about caring for their appearance and it is not for nothing that they preferred it out of all the oils. If it is diluted with others when caring for skin, then for hair it can be used in its pure form, although its distribution along the length will be a little difficult. Coconut oil-based masks prevent protein loss when washing your hair, which means your curls will be shiny and soft.

Source of life and health

Every self-respecting housewife has olive oil in her kitchen. It became popular and accessible only in the 90s and since then has been considered the most popular in the consumer market. Since our body is deficient in vitamins, its regular use will have a beneficial effect not only on hair, but also on skin and nails. That is why olive oil has become an indispensable component in the production of masks, shampoos and balms.


If you choose it to care for your curls, then it should be first-pressed, unrefined and yellow-green in color. It can not only be distributed along the length of the hair, but also consumed internally. To do this, just drink 1 tbsp. l. oils per day.

With regular use of olive oil, you will understand that this is the simplest and most natural product for maintaining youthful skin and excellent hair condition.

Burr oil

Due to the fact that the composition of cosmetic products is increasingly based on chemicals, this oil is becoming increasingly popular. We are talking not only about the fact that it can improve the structure of curls, but about a deeper result in the form of reducing the amount of lost hair and stimulating the growth of new ones.

Problems such as split ends, dandruff, oiliness and fragility, seborrhea after using burdock oil will disappear from your life forever. For an enhanced and visible effect, it must be applied according to certain rules. For example, it cannot be used daily, as the hair will appear dirty, greasy and heavy. If you have a normal type, then you need to use masks based on burdock oil 2 times a month. To be effective, you need to give your hair rest. For example, 6 months of treatment and 2 months break, and after that you can resume the procedures.

Beauty secrets

Nourishing hair mask with burdock oil - This is the simplest method that does not require costs. For this you only need 1 ingredient. Burdock oil heated in a water bath is applied along the entire length of the hair, then a bath effect is created on the head. You need to keep it for about 1.5 - 2 hours and rinse thoroughly in the usual way. If you carry out this procedure 2 times a week, then after 20 sessions you will notice that the amount of hair lost is significantly reduced, and your curls have acquired a healthy shine.


Stimulating hair mask with burdock oil and castor oil. Its main goal is hair growth and dandruff elimination. To prepare, you need to mix and heat an equal amount of oils (it all depends on the length and thickness) and distribute thoroughly. Leave it on for 1.5 hours and wash it off.

Aromatherapy for hair

Essential oils for hair have not only a preventive effect, but also a therapeutic one. If you calculate the proportions correctly, then they are capable of strengthening curls, eliminating dandruff, giving shine and a well-groomed appearance, just as well as others.

To treat dry and brittle hair, it is recommended to use tangerine, sandalwood and ylang-ylang oils. The latter can transform their condition beyond recognition. They become luxurious, shiny and strong.

Since ancient times, lavender essential oil has been especially respected, as it not only treated hair, but also gave it a pleasant aroma. For sensitive skin, palmarosa or jasmine oil is an excellent soothing agent.

Oily hair type causes a lot of trouble for its owners. Therefore, to reduce greasiness, you need to replenish your hair care arsenal with essential oils of chamomile, pine, tea tree and juniper. They will help tone up their general condition and restore structure.

Essential oils for strengthening hair

Tea tree essential oil is an excellent remedy for this. It is not for nothing that the aborigines of Australia used it in the treatment of various diseases and healing wounds, since it is rich in organic components, of which there are more than 400.


Few people have heard of petitgrain oil. Its uniqueness is that it restores the structure of damaged hair and prevents hair loss.

As you already understand, essential oils for hair can help solve problems with the health of our curls no worse than ordinary ones. But the most valuable of all is considered to be rosemary, which will give hair elasticity, remove dandruff and itchy skin, and also stop hair loss.

"Liquid Moroccan Gold"

It’s hard to argue with the fact that every woman’s makeup bag is filled with chemical-laden products. With these beauty kits, she tries to take care of her appearance, sometimes unaware of the harm she receives from this. But natural oils are famous for their benefits for both internal and external use.

What do you know about argan oil? Probably only that it is obtained from the seeds of the tree of the same name. In fact, real argan oil for hair is produced only in Morocco and only then the treasured vessels with “liquid gold” are exported to all countries. The process of picking fruits, separating seeds and squeezing the product itself is not at all easy, so the price, accordingly, is not low. Real argan oil, often used for hair, costs about the same as black caviar or truffles.


Due to its healing properties, it is increasingly becoming an important component for the preparation of cosmetic products for the care of our curls. The peculiarity of the oil is that it is able to protect every hair from aggression from the environment. It nourishes the scalp, which means that with regular use you will soon forget about the problem of dandruff.

Ideal beauty product

While surfing the Internet in search of masks based on natural oils, you probably came across such an interesting word as “jojoba”. It is safe to say: many, not knowing about this plant, did not pay attention to it, thinking that it was sold only in foreign cosmetic stores. But in vain! Compared to others, jojoba oil is held in high esteem because it has no equal due to its beneficial properties. It is extracted from the Chinese plant Simmondsia and is a plant-derived wax.

Miracle oil is suitable for any type of hair, so it can be used to restore the structure of weakened strands and to normalize the metabolism of the sebaceous glands in oily hair. The uniqueness of the oil is that natural wax dissolves skin impurities and eliminates irritation. Therefore, it can be used as a restorative agent after dyeing, highlighting or coloring.

Jojoba oil masks

Using Simmondsia oil, you can prepare the following masks.

Nutritious: mix 2 tbsp. l. Heat burdock and jojoba oil in a water bath. Next, rub it into the scalp. We keep it under a plastic cap and a warm towel for about 40–50 minutes.


To give strength: mix 2 tbsp. l. liquid honey, 1 yolk and 3 tbsp. l. our oil. Apply the resulting mixture to your hair and leave for half an hour. You will get stunning results after 14 procedures, but remember that this mask should be done a maximum of 2 times a week.

Women's opinion about the two most popular oils

Sometimes, in order not to harm yourself, you need to listen to the opinions of other people. For this purpose, forums were invented that serve as a kind of bridge of trust between people.

Coconut oil for hair. Reviews about this product have helped many cross the line of mistrust in Indian manufacturers. Many were confused by the fact that everyone was delighted with the result after use, but at the same time the cost of the oil was quite low. But this did not prevent the product from gaining such wide popularity. This miracle remedy for Indian beauties amazes with the gorgeous result of healthy, strong and shiny hair.


Burdock oil for hair. Reviews about this product can be found almost everywhere; all women who have tried to grow and strengthen the structure of their strands want to boast about their results. It is recommended to add it to shampoos, conditioners and balms, but you will get a greater effect only when used in its pure form.

It is very difficult to name the best hair oil, since each of them has its own unique properties, but thanks to such a variety of choices on the Russian cosmetic market, every beauty will be able to find exactly what her hair will like.

Oils are considered the safest way to care for hair; with the help of oils, many hair and scalp problems can be solved. The main thing is to choose an oil that is suitable for your hair type or the problem you want to deal with. There are a huge number of vegetable oils in the world, which have been used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes for thousands of years, including hair care.

All oils are divided into base and essential, and base oils, in turn, are divided into liquid oils and solid oils (baters). Experts attribute the unique effect of oils on hair to their complex chemical composition. You can read about essential oils in the article How to choose essential oils for hair and in the article Methods of using essential oils for hair, and today we will tell you about base oils and their special properties for hair.


Basic oils for home hair care

Base oils are called base oils because other components can be added to them, that is, base oils can be mixed with other base oils, with essential oils, tincture of capsicum, mustard, honey...

Basic oils can be applied to the hair in its pure form (do a hot wrap), or can be added to homemade hair masks.

Base oils are obtained by pressing fruits, nuts, seeds, seeds and grains. Base oils contain a large number of different vitamins, vitamins C, A, E, group B, polyunsaturated fatty acids, waxes, triglycerides, linolin, omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, even plant hormones and many others. In general, base oils can be divided into three groups:

Oils that are suitable for scalp care

Oils that are suitable for the scalp should first of all have strengthening properties, antifungal and antibacterial. Also, scalp oils should not clog pores. These oils include:

Olive oil — due to its valuable nutritional properties, olive oil is most often used in the treatment of hair loss. The oil contains a huge amount of vitamins and elements, thanks to which the oil strengthens and nourishes the hair from the inside.

Argan oil - strengthens hair follicles; prevents hair loss; restores the hair structure from the inside; nourishes and moisturizes the scalp and hair; returns shine, silkiness and smoothness to hair.

Mustard oil - it is a natural hair growth stimulator, the oil improves blood circulation, hair begins to grow faster; prevents hair loss; regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Sea buckthorn oil - contains a lot of vitamin A, which accelerates the regeneration of scalp cells and accelerates hair growth, thanks to vitamin C, awakens new hair to grow, and also gives the hair softness and elasticity.

Wheat germ oil — nourishes hair from roots to ends, normalizes the secretion of sebaceous glands, moisturizes hair, eliminates split ends, cleanses the scalp of impurities and toxins, and restores the natural shine of hair.

Calendula oil -has an antiseptic, bactericidal effect, relieves itching and inflammation of the scalp, the oil is excellent for irritated scalp prone to dandruff.

Linseed oil - activates hair growth, is widely used in hair loss and dandruff remedies; with regular use of the oil, hair takes on a well-groomed appearance.

Castor oil - used for growth, strengthening and thickness of hair, as well as eyebrows and eyelashes, the oil is very viscous, so it is better to mix it with other oils.

Almond oil - fights oily hair, eliminates dandruff and itchy scalp. The oil contains about 20% vitamin E, which promotes the regeneration of scalp cells and is suitable for all hair types.

Avocado oil - helps with hair loss, accelerates hair growth, thanks to the nutrition of hair follicles, perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the hair.


Oils for caring for hair length should penetrate well into the hair structure (cuticle), restoring and moisturizing it, and also prevent dryness and split ends.

In the article: Making an oil cream for dry hair ends with your own hands. The perfect remedy for split ends, details how you can make a hair end cream at home that actually treats dry hair ends and prevents split ends.

Coconut oil — is well absorbed and creates a protective film on the hair like a natural laminate, and also, with regular use, reduces the loss of protein from the hair during shampooing.

Cacao butter - retains moisture in the hair, which is very important for dry hair; thanks to the oil, the hair is soft, manageable and shiny.

Jojoba oil - a unique oil that is considered a natural moisturizing hair conditioner. The oil nourishes and moisturizes the hair, creates a protective layer on the hair from the aggressive environment.

Macadamia oil - instantly absorbed by hair, gives it volume, shine, smoothness, and makes combing easier. The oil is suitable for dry, porous and damaged hair.

Broccoli oil - gives hair instant smoothness and shine without weighing it down. The oil helps with hair tangling and makes combing easier; it is considered a natural silicone for hair.

Camellia oil - an indispensable oil for the health and beauty of hair, instantly gives shine and smoothness to the hair, the oil penetrates deeply into the hair structure and restores damaged areas after chemicals, dyeing, and improper care. Camellia oil fills the hair cuticle and retains moisture in it, thereby protecting against split ends.

Corn oil — makes hair healthy from roots to ends, restores shine, smoothness and silkiness of hair length.

Shea Butter - nourishes and moisturizes hair, strengthens weak, damaged and dry hair. Protects hair from ultraviolet radiation and harmful environmental influences. The oil is excellent for caring for severely damaged hair.

Olive, argan, wheat germ, calendula, flaxseed oil, almond, sesame, macadamia and avocado oil are those universal oils that can be used both in caring for hair length and for scalp care; with their help you can solve many problems. hair problems.

When choosing base oils for hair care, be sure to ensure that they are cold-pressed and not refined, then they will really benefit your hair. Also, do not forget to give your hair a rest from all oil manipulations.

Using base oils, you can do salt peeling, massage the scalp, add oils to homemade hair masks, or simply apply them to the scalp and hair in its pure form.