Care for problematic aging skin

What should be in an anti-aging cream and how to care for your skin after 40 years? We answer the most important questions that everyone asks themselves sooner or later.

10 rules of anti-aging skin care

You need to take care of your skin at any age, but after 40 years it needs special care. These ten simple tips will make the process much easier.

SPF– not just for the beach!

Whether it's raining or sunny, don't forget to generously apply a broad spectrum sunscreen to your skin (look for the broad spectrum label): these will protect you from both UVA and UVB rays. It should be used every day to prevent skin photoaging, which is one of the main causes of wrinkles.

Get rid of bad habits

The process of smoking destroys collagen and elastin molecules, which are responsible for skin elasticity, and also reduces the level of the female hormone estrogen. All three are needed to ensure that the skin remains young as long as possible.

Use creams with retinoids

They help stop time. Retinoids not only minimize the appearance of age spots and wrinkles, but also prevent the formation of new ones.

Don't forget about hydration

Dermatologists say that the higher the level of skin hydration, the less noticeable wrinkles are. Drink more water, avoid coffee and carbonated drinks, and moisturize your skin regularly. For example, aqua-fluid “Moisturizing and Nourishing” from L’Oréal Paris is suitable (the product is available in three versions, for different skin types).

Normalize your sleep

Healthy sleep is so important not only because the skin needs restoration. The consequences of lack of sleep - loss of skin elasticity and swelling around the eyes - make wrinkles more noticeable.

Maintain a healthy weight

Fluctuations in weight negatively affect the condition of the skin: over time, it loses elasticity. In addition, the more often and more radically the number on the scale changes, the more difficult it is to get back into shape.

Eat right

The skin receives nutrients not only - and not so much - through care. It’s also about your diet: the more balanced it is, the younger you look. Start taking a multivitamin. Add fatty fish (such as salmon), dark green vegetables (broccoli and spinach), walnuts and almonds to your diet. Drink plenty of green tea, which is rich in antioxidants. Avoid refined sugar and alcohol - both accelerate the process of age-related skin changes.

Move as much as possible

Exercise improves blood flow. Result? The skin glows and looks healthy. A simple half-hour workout four to five times a week will produce amazing results.

Try to relax

Your task is to learn to cope with stress: it accelerates cell aging, which naturally affects the condition of the skin.

Don't squeeze pimples

You have known this since adolescence. Pigment spots are the result not only of exposure to ultraviolet radiation, but also of the fact that you continue to squeeze out pimples. Since aging skin needs more time to recover, pigmentation will not “go away” just like that.

You need to take care of your skin at any age, but after 40 years it needs special care.

Anti-aging skin care products

How many cosmetic products for aging skin should you keep on hand? Actually, not so much. The main thing is to bring the care process to automaticity. Follow the instructions.

More information about anti-aging care:

Regardless of skin type, start your morning – and evening! - from washing. Mature skin is often dry and sensitive, so cleansing should be as gentle and gentle as possible. Aging skin is best suited for a non-drying product - for example, L'Oréal Paris Revitalift Radiant Smoothing Cream gently cleanses the skin of impurities and makeup residues without leaving a feeling of tightness. Rinse it off with water at room temperature, and then apply subsequent care products directly to damp skin.

Products with a light texture should always be applied before thicker ones, so apply serum before moisturizer. Products in this category usually solve specific skin problems. The L'Oréal Paris Revitalift Triple Power Serum, for example, instantly brightens your skin thanks to hyaluronic acid and the active ingredient Pro-Xylane. The long-term result is a reduction in the appearance of wrinkles.

It is the condition of the delicate area around the eyes that most often reveals age. This is why it is so important to use a cream for the skin around the eyes, especially if wrinkles have already appeared. The cream will make them and dark circles under the eyes less noticeable. L'Oréal Paris Regenerating Deep Eye Treatment reduces visible wrinkles and bags under the eyes. It contains caffeine, which helps fight swelling, and with the help of a metal applicator you can perform a refreshing massage without leaving home.

Look for ones that reduce the appearance of wrinkles, such as the Revitalift Laser X3 day cream from L'Oréal Paris, which promotes skin renewal, evens out its structure and reduces wrinkles. And the SPF 20 filter additionally protects the skin from the sun and prevents the appearance of age spots. In addition, thanks to its light formula, this cream will serve as an excellent base for makeup.

In anti-aging care, you should focus on evening and night care. After washing, use Revitalift Laser X3 night peeling lotion. Glycolic and fruit acids in the composition will reduce pigmentation, even out skin texture and prepare it for the application of subsequent products. The next step is the Revitalift Laser X 3 night cream mask. This unique 2-in-1 product provides comprehensive care and fights the signs of aging throughout the night. Apply the product with massage movements on the face, neck and décolleté.

Advice! It is comprehensive and regular care that will improve the quality of your skin and bring noticeable results. Don’t be afraid to use one range of products for a long time, this is when your skin will become more elastic, fine wrinkles will disappear, and deep wrinkles will become less noticeable. Thanks to the active ingredients, products from the Revitalift Laser X3 series fight the signs of aging for a long time, without causing addiction to the skin.

Anti-aging skin care after 40 years: features

The most common skin problems at this age are dryness, dullness, and wrinkles.

The most common skin problems at this age are dryness, dullness, and wrinkles. And it’s worth choosing care products taking these factors into account.

Exfoliate more often, but gently

At 30 years old, the processes of cell renewal and collagen production slow down, and at 40 you can already see the result of this. Dead skin cells exfoliate more slowly, their layer accumulating on the skin makes it dry, dull, focusing on wrinkles and age spots. Use the scrub to achieve a softening, whitening effect. And since skin at 40 years old is drier, with a weakened protective barrier, choose soft products. If and as soon as you feel irritation while scrubbing your skin, wash it off immediately.

Add a moisturizing serum

A weakened skin barrier is not the only cause of dehydration. The number of molecules that retain moisture (such as hyaluronic acid) decreases significantly in your 40s. Restore everything that's been lost with a hydrating hyaluronic acid serum.

Use a richer sunscreen

Avoid liquid products without oils. Look for thicker, creamier versions with active anti-aging and moisturizing ingredients.

Change your eye cream

Many women at the age of 40 notice that the skin of the eyelids becomes more flabby. This is especially noticeable when applying shadows - there is less space to distribute them, because the skin under the eyebrow “sags” onto the moving eyelid. This is a reason to buy an eye cream with retinol and retinal, a milder form of vitamin A. If your skin is sensitive, apply a cream with these ingredients once or twice a week.

Use night cream or mask

They will help soften and moisturize the skin. Choose those that contain moisturizing ingredients (glycerin, hyaluronic acid), natural oils, antioxidants (their presence is also important in the day cream formula) and ceramides.

Anti-aging skin care after 50 years

The main problems are dryness, skin sensitivity, skin texture (corrugated paper effect), dullness, wrinkles. What should I do?

The female hormone estrogen supports healthy cell function and slows down the aging process. During menopause, levels plummet and cells cannot protect themselves, maintain hydration, or produce collagen as well as before. In addition, aging skin suffers from the loss of natural lipids - ceramides, fatty acids, cholesterol - which provokes inflammation, dehydration, and disruption of the lipid layer. To take control of the process, use anti-aging creams rich in lipids and apply at least twice a day.

This applies to everything from cleansers to serums. Wash your face with creamy balms that remove particles of makeup (and don’t pretend to be more!) without disturbing the skin’s protective barrier. Vitamin C oil, rich in antioxidants (unlike serum, will not tighten the skin), apply morning and evening.

They delicately remove dead skin particles without damaging it. Use twice a week for glowing skin.

At 20 years old they helped fight acne, at 30 they controlled pigmentation, at 40 they restored collagen levels and fought wrinkles. And at age 50, retinoids continue to perform all these functions, plus prevent precancerous diseases, the likelihood of which inevitably increases with age. Use creams with retinoids (for example, tretinoin), apply a moisturizer with ceramides on top, which will suppress inflammation.

By the age of 50, they appear along the hairline, on the chest, and hands. Use products (including scrubs) with lightening ingredients that affect age spots. And don’t forget about a cream with a high SPF factor - it is imperative to use it to prevent the occurrence of new age spots. In addition, do not forget about annual checkups with a doctor to make sure that all spots are benign.

As we age, the skin on our lips rapidly loses collagen. In addition, it is exposed to constant UV exposure, and Sanskrin in this area is quickly “eaten up”. As a result, lips lose their shape. Injections of hyaluronic acid will help, and at home - a lip serum based on it. It will soften the skin and fight wrinkles around the lips.

As for the skin of the neck, you don’t have to choose a separate product for this area, but you shouldn’t forget about it. There are fewer sebaceous glands in this area, hence the consequences - dryness, wrinkles, loss of elasticity. Find the thickest cream you can find and apply generously to your neck twice a day. Additionally, apply a retinoid moisturizer at night once or twice a week to plump up your skin. A ceramide-based cream will help prevent dehydration - apply it on top.

How to choose the right anti-aging cream?

Read the label and look for the following ingredients:

  1. ANA-, BHA-acids: work as exfoliants, remove dead skin particles, soften, stimulate collagen production;
  2. retinol: reduces signs of age-related skin changes;
  3. vitamin C: antioxidant, protects the skin from exposure to ultraviolet radiation and, as a result, photoaging;
  4. hyaluronic acid: moisturizes;
  5. Niacinamide: retains moisture, improves skin elasticity.

Choose a product based on your skin type. The most difficult thing is to choose a product for oily skin, the sebaceous glands of which work more actively than others. And anti-aging creams often contain oils. Choose water-based products with a light texture. And also salicylic acid - it works as an exfoliant, cleanses pores, starts the process of cell renewal, which is important for aging skin. Also look for green tea extract.

If your skin is dry or sensitive, you need to find a product that will not cause irritation or redness of the skin. Be careful with products containing retinol - in your case, it can cause dryness and inflammation. Look for lighter forms of vitamin A, such as retinal.

It is not enough to reliably determine that you have oily skin - you need to perfectly master the rules of daily skin care. Only in this case can problems such as excess shine, blackheads and pimples be avoided. We tell you how to do this.

  1. Why does skin become oily?
  2. Signs of oily and problem skin
  3. Myths about oily skin
  4. Rules of care
  5. Caring for oily skin in summer
  6. Caring for oily skin in winter
  7. Care for aging oily skin
  8. Nutrition rules

Why does skin become oily?

Caring for oily skin is perhaps the most difficult, since it is not always possible to quickly select the appropriate products and learn how to use them correctly. In addition, in 9 cases out of 10, cosmetologists equate oily and problem skin.

“Inside the sebaceous gland, more than normal sebum is formed, as well as cells lining its inner surface and ducts,” says Natalia Medvedeva, dermatologist, La Roche-Posay brand expert. “Because of this, the pores begin to become clogged.”

Without careful care, oily skin will quickly turn into problematic skin.

Consequences of overactive sebaceous glands and clogged pores:

blackheads, also known as open comedones;

closed comedones, which look like a bump on the surface of the skin and are formed when sebum lies in the deeper layers of the skin;

inflammation (pimple), which is formed due to the active proliferation of bacteria in a closed comedone.

Signs of oily and problem skin

“Oily shine, enlarged pores and comedones are signs of changes in the sebaceous glands, which, as a rule, occur due to hormonal imbalance,” notes Natalia Medvedeva. “First, take a complete blood test - probably the malfunction of the sebaceous glands is associated with problems in the body.”

In most cases, the cause of skin imperfections is the high sensitivity of the receptors of the sebaceous hair follicles to their own hormones.”

In the case of oily and problem skin, you should not self-medicate; you should consult a specialist.

Oily skin ages more slowly and wrinkles appear later.

Myths about oily skin

Judging by the number of myths associated with oily skin, few people understand its features enough to choose the right care. Here are just the most common misconceptions.

Oddly enough, oily skin can be dehydrated and very sensitive. Trying to get rid of shine and dirt, girls often try to clean it “to the point of squeaking,” thereby damaging the hydrolipidic layer. And it is necessary in order to withstand an aggressive environment. The skin becomes thinner, becomes vulnerable and, of course, reacts with inflammation.

Special cosmetics are required, such as:

Moisturizers for oily skin.

moisturizing soothing cream Effaclar H, La Roche-Posay ;

fluid for problem skin Blue Herbal Moisturizer, Kiehl's.

“If there are inflammations or pustules on the face, put off scrubs until the skin’s health is completely restored,” warns Natalia Medvedeva.

Otherwise, there is a risk of spreading the “infection” all over your face. First you need to relieve inflammation (not to be confused with “squeezing out”). If necessary, use medications, or reduce it using mild cleansers or sos agents, such as:

Local action agents.

local corrective agent Effaclar A.I., La Roche-Posay .

Indeed, the first effect of exposure to ultraviolet radiation (be it the sun or a solarium) is a decrease in skin oiliness and drying out acne. But later the situation may worsen.

The natural mechanism of protection against ultraviolet radiation leads to thickening of the skin.

To compensate, the sebaceous glands begin to produce even more sebum.

The outflow of sebum is disrupted.

As a result, in the fall the amount of non-inflammatory and inflammatory elements on the skin increases significantly.

Those with oily and problematic skin should protect it from UV rays. Look for products labeled SPF and light textures (like fluids). Give preference to protection with chemical or combined filters: a mineral (physical) screen can cause a deterioration in the outflow of sebum and aggravate the situation.

Rules of care

The main stages of caring for oily skin are aimed at solving the main problems: taming the sebaceous glands and exfoliating dead skin particles. The goal is to relieve inflammation and control shine.

Clay-based masks reduce oily shine and tighten pores.

As we have already said, by cleansing your skin “squeaky clean,” you weaken its hydrolipidic barrier. Therefore, owners of oily skin should pay attention to products with mild formulas that will get rid of excess fat and toxins without damaging the protective layer. Suitable for you:

cleansing gel for oily skin Effaclar Gel, La Roche-Posay ;

Products for cleansing oily skin.

When choosing a scrub, study its composition. Oily skin needs one that contains components with antibacterial and sebum-regulating properties. Exfoliate no more than twice a week to remove only dead skin cells. For example, using a facial scrub Garnier “Clean Skin Active” with absorbent carbon. After the session, use a cream or gel with the function of restoration and moisturizing.

Another mandatory item is cleansing masks based on clay or activated carbon, which are responsible for deep cleansing. Pay attention to these tools:

Clarifying Clay Masque, SkinCeuticals intensively cleanses pores and evens out skin texture.

Clay based masks.

Clay masks not only cleanse the skin well, but also relieve puffiness.

“The formulas of products for oily skin should contain more water than oil,” says Natalia Medvedeva. It is this ratio that provides the light, often gel-like texture of moisturizers for oily skin. They often have a matting effect. Illustrative examples:

light moisturizer with mattifying effect Daily Moisture, SkinCeuticals ;

oil-free moisturizing facial lotion Ultra Facial Oil-Free Lotion, Kiehl's;

refreshing day cream sorbet Idealia Gel-Creme, Vichy.

Cosmetics for daily care.

Caring for oily skin in summer

The higher the temperature outside or indoors, the more active the skin produces sebum. And here it is important not to overload it with dense textures, giving preference to gels and fluids that moisturize the skin while controlling sebum production. The effect can be secured with mattifying mineral powder, which is applied over the main skin care product.

Caring for oily skin in winter

During the cold season, sebum production decreases. Dry skin becomes even drier, normal skin becomes dry, oily skin approaches its normal state. So the good news is that winter skin care for oily skin focuses less on removing shine and more on strengthening blood vessels, nourishing and moisturizing.

In winter, oily skin produces less sebum.

Care for aging oily skin

The number of sebaceous glands is inherent in our DNA. But their work changes with age. For example, in children they practically do not function. During puberty, when hormonal levels change, the sebaceous glands enter a hyperactive phase, which leads to oily sheen, enlarged pores, blackheads and inflammation.

“The next leap awaits you closer to 40, when hormonal levels begin to change again,” notes Natalia Medvedeva.

Oily skin ages more slowly than normal and dry skin. It retains elasticity longer and is not prone to the formation of small superficial wrinkles. The activity of sebum production may change over the course of life, but the basics of caring for oily skin remain the same: thorough cleansing, regular exfoliation and moisturizing.

After 30, 40 and 50 years, give preference to anti-aging products for oily skin that are appropriate for your age category.

Anti-aging products for oily skin.

Firming and pore-tightening concentrate Precision Lifting & Pore-Tightening Concentrate, Kiehl's used as serum.

Light cream Face Cream, SkinCeuticals contains a cocktail necessary to maintain healthy and youthful skin.

Gel cream Normaderm Anti-age, Vichy corrects imperfections characteristic of both oily and aging skin.

Nutrition rules

Diet for those with oily skin.

If you have oily skin, carefully monitor your diet and follow certain rules.

Add foods high in fiber to your diet: whole grain bread, soybeans, lentils, avocados. As well as lemons, tangerines and other citrus fruits - they help even out the skin texture and improve its color.

Drink more water and eat fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables to boost your skin's hydration levels. Tomatoes are rich in antioxidants.

Minimize your intake of sweets and other fast carbohydrates, which aggravate skin greasiness and inflammation, especially if you have acne.

Avocados, soybeans, nuts and tuna - feel free to order dishes from these products for lunch or take them with you as a snack. Foods high in Omega-3 fatty acids will help prevent inflammation and reduce acne.

The phrase “problem skin” speaks for itself. This is a type of epidermis that needs careful care, and choosing a set of procedures is not so easy. Age cream for problem skin – is it a myth or reality? What should you pay attention to when purchasing a product?

Is it dangerous to make mistakes?

Women's logic is sure: products for oily skin cannot harm. It turns out that if you use the contents of beauty jars thoughtlessly, you can get just the opposite effect.

What do women expect when they buy an anti-aging cream for problem skin?

  1. Getting rid of pigmentation.
  2. Increased tone.
  3. Smoothing out wrinkles.
  4. Moisturizing.
  5. Narrowing pores.
  6. Getting rid of pimples, comedones and other inflammations.
  7. Light pleasant texture.
  8. Friendship and mutual understanding with decorative cosmetics.

Knowing what a particular component is intended for, it is much easier to choose the treasured bottle. Much depends on the information published online. For example, timewise anti-aging eye cream has received a lot of good reviews.

Your own cosmetologist: what should be in the cream

Plant components extracted from grape seeds, tea tree, and edelweiss are strong antioxidants that fight the aging of the epidermis.

Butcher's broom - strengthens the walls of blood vessels, suppresses inflammation, removes toxic substances, stimulates water and salt balance.

Horse chestnut extract, caffeine, and ginko biloba increase blood flow and accelerate metabolic processes at the cellular level in the skin.

Asian centella extract – regulates the immune system, activates cells for restoration, prevents the destruction of hyaluronic acid.

Hop cone extract – brightens, strengthens.

Buddleia Davida, tricolor violet (extracts) restore the protective functions of the skin, especially after stress.

Lavender and rosemary oil relieve micro-inflammations.

Vitamins A, E, C are the famous trinity present in any anti-aging product. Antioxidant components.

Hyaluronic acid, hydrolyzed soy proteins, mannitol restore water balance on the surface and in the deep layers of the skin.

HSP27 protein actively repairs damaged cells.

Silicone – provides a smoothing effect.

Adenosine – stimulates collagen production.

Other, less mysterious, but no less effective substances are also involved in cosmetology: bee products, propolis, mumiyo and much more.

If you are tormented by comedones and wide pores, try cleaning them... with a toothbrush. Scald your dental fetish with boiling water (to make the bristles soft) and thoroughly but gently massage the problem areas. Then treat your skin with oil-free skin lotion. Then apply a pore-tightening mask, such as chicken protein with lemon juice. Experienced grandmothers recommend performing the procedure from 13 to 15 hours of the day. The biological clock causes the pores to open at exactly this time.

Massage for aging skin. Memo

Complex of rejuvenating procedures

  1. Remove makeup, cleanse skin.
  2. Apply toner.
  3. Apply a mask (when possible).
  4. Apply serum.
  5. Apply eyelid care cream, such as timewise anti-aging eye cream.
  6. Secure the result with anti-aging cream.

Caring creams are an important step in the prevention of wrinkles. The right thing to do is to purchase products from well-known brands. It is convenient if the manufacturer includes several care options in one product. For example, a moisturizer that prevents skin aging with spf 30 timewise restores water balance, rejuvenates, and protects from the sun.

By the way, UV protection is an excellent indicator of product quality. Cosmetologists advise mature women to select products with spf from 15 units. The more serious the problem (pigmentation, rapid photoaging, history of sunburn), the topics are higher in the filter. The recommendation is valid for any time of the year.

Home Recipes

For fans of vegan products, there are good recipes made from natural ingredients. Organic creams are stored in the refrigerator.

Step 1. Prepare an extract from the following herbs: chamomile, mint, linden, yarrow, St. John's wort, green tea. Pour a tablespoon of herbal mixture into 0.5 cups of slightly warmed olive oil. Close tightly and let sit for a week. Strain and squeeze out the remaining herbs.

Step 2. Prepare the cream. Melt the wax and pine resin separately in a steam bath. You will need 1 teaspoon of these components. Mix, add 2 tablespoons of herbal extract, 2 drops of the following vitamins: A, D, E. Add 2 tablespoons of rose water without alcohol. Beat the ingredients with a mixer and pour into a storage container.

Prepare fresh leaves of parsley, nettle, rowan, jasmine, currant, rose petals. Rinse them and shake off the water. Press through the press. You will need 1 tablespoon of juice.

Separately, melt a teaspoon of beeswax in a water bath. Add a tablespoon of vegetable oil, a teaspoon of vitamin A (oil solution), prepared juice, a tablespoon of hot purified water. Remove the mixture from the steam bath. Beat with a mixer until thick.

We recommend preparing it for oily mature skin.

Mix the juice of 2 lemons, a teaspoon of glycerin. Separately, mix the raw yolk, a teaspoon of honey, and a tablespoon of vegetable oil with a fork. Beat both mixtures with a mixer, combining them in one bowl. When whipping, add 7 drops of camphor alcohol.

Video. Natural moisturizer for aging skin

They say that youth does not depend on age. The main thing is to remain young at heart. A mischievous girl, a romantic girl, an aspiring businesswoman - who were you when you started your life's journey? Stay beautiful, happy, young. Smile! A smile makes wrinkles glow with kindness.

I have 8 years of experience in medicine. I provide full qualified assistance to patients who apply for acute and chronic skin diseases of any etiology. I constantly attend scientific international conferences and symposia in order to improve my professional level, and regularly take certification courses in my specialty.