Travel Sickness, Motion Sickness

Travel Sickness (Motion Sickness) is a disorder that often occurs in people while traveling by car, ship, plane or other transport. These symptoms can affect people of all ages, but children and teenagers are most often affected.

When motion sickness or motion sickness occurs, a person feels nausea, headache, dizziness, sweating, weakness and sometimes vomiting. These symptoms occur because the brain receives dual signals from the eyes and ear that do not match. For example, if a person is on a ship and his eyes see that the body is at the same level, but his ear feels that the body is moving up and down, then this will lead to painful symptoms.

There are several ways to cope with motion sickness. One of them is to take sedating antihistamines, which help reduce the symptoms of motion sickness. However, these drugs may cause drowsiness and other unwanted side effects.

Another way is to take a break and go out into the fresh air to give your body a rest and restore balance. You can also try to distract yourself from the sensations, for example, reading a book or listening to music.

Some people find relief from motion sickness by changing their body position, such as sitting in the front seat of a car or on the top deck of a ship where they can see the horizon.

Overall, motion sickness can be unpleasant and disruptive when traveling, but there are various ways that can help prevent or reduce the symptoms of motion sickness. If you suffer from motion sickness, be sure to contact your doctor to advise on the best treatment option for you.

Motion sickness or motion sickness is one of the most common phenomena experienced by travelers. It manifests itself in the form of nausea, vomiting and headache. This condition occurs due to constant movement of the body caused by movement on land, sea or air transport.

The main symptom of motion sickness is a feeling of unsteadiness, nausea, and a feeling that the world around you is spinning around you. Symptoms such as vomiting, headache and inability to maintain balance are also observed. All these symptoms arise due to the fact that the brain receives information about the movement of the body in the external environment. The sensory signals it perceives indicate that the body is changing its position in space, but our brain believes that we are in a calm state. As a result, nervousness and nausea develop.

The causes of motion sickness are considered to be sensory information and the functioning of the hypothalamus, the part of the brain responsible for hunger and sleep. The key factor is the balance between the brain's information about body movement and the sensory information received through the vestibular and auditory system. If the balance is disturbed, motion sickness occurs.

There are several types of motion sickness: beach waves, ship sickness, transport sickness, air sickness. They vary in severity of symptoms and location. For example, seasickness causes a stronger reaction than train sickness. Each type of motion sickness is determined by the individual physiological characteristics of the body. So, some people may be sensitive to motion sickness, while others may not. The traveler's experience is also of great importance. The longer you travel, the stronger the feeling of motion sickness when moving.

Treatment for motion sickness is rest, complete abstinence from eating and drinking, and the use of anti-nausea medications. Emergency remedies can quickly relieve the symptoms of motion sickness, but they

“Motion sickness” or “motion sickness” (in foreign medical literature most often - “motion sickness”, “travel sickness”) is an unpleasant physiological condition in which nausea, vomiting and other unpleasant symptoms occur, associated both with disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. -intestinal tract, and with a general reaction

Traveling is one of the most enjoyable things in our lives, but sometimes it can be a real test for the body. Motion sickness, also known as motion sickness or transport sickness, is associated with unpleasant sensations such as nausea, dizziness and trouble sleeping. This is due to the fact that acceleration, movement and tilt cause increased stimulation of the balance organs. With nausea, the amount of bile and stomach acid constantly decreases, and