Bite of a domestic, non-rabid dog, as well as a wolf

The treatment for this is close to what we mentioned in the general paragraph and the treatment for a human bite. Sometimes it is enough to immediately spray the bitten area with vinegar and hit it with your hand several times, and then apply soda and vinegar to it, and renew the bandage every three days, especially if you are afraid of rabies. It is often enough to treat with onions with salt and rue, fava beans, bitter almonds with honey, large plantain with salt, kissa and cucumber leaves or mint crushed with wine, or lubricate the wound with lead oxide, especially when there is a swelling, and if a strong burning sensation is felt, then grease with lentil-shaped vetch flour and honey.

Useful remedies for bites also include wild satar with salt and honey, murri with vinegar, and vinegar with salt diluted in it, which is left to stand for several days.