Ultrasound therapy for face

Ultrasound therapy is a physiotherapeutic method of influencing the body, based on the changes that occur in organs and tissues caused by a sound wave of a certain range. Ultrasound is used to treat or prevent many diseases and get rid of cosmetic defects.

Frequencies and forms of ultrasound

Ultrasonic vibrations penetrate the body to different depths depending on the frequency: the lower the frequency, the deeper the penetration of the sound wave.

  1. low frequency – from 20 to 100 kHz, penetration depth – 8-10 cm;
  2. average frequency – 800 kHz, penetration depth – 4-6 cm;
  3. high frequency – from 2 to 10 MHz, penetration depth – up to 2 cm.

The depth of penetration of a sound wave depends not only on its frequency, but also on the shape of the pulse:

  1. continuous form – has a thermal effect and allows the introduction of medications into human tissue (ultraphonophoresis);
  2. pulse form - has a massage effect, lymphatic drainage, increased muscle tone and skin turgor.

In cosmetology, ultrasonic vibrations are used in the following techniques:

Therapeutic effects of ultrasound

Ultrasound has a number of positive effects on the body, namely:

  1. anti-inflammatory;
  2. bactericidal;
  3. antihistamine;
  4. anesthetic;
  5. lymphatic drainage;
  6. rejuvenating;
  7. regenerative;
  8. destruction of fat cells;
  9. improved blood circulation;
  10. exfoliation of desquamated epithelium;
  11. introduction of medicinal and cosmetic preparations deep into tissues;
  12. resorption of scars, scars, adhesions.


Indications for ultrasound physiotherapy are:

  1. cellulite;
  2. obesity;
  3. scar changes;
  4. carrying out lifting;
  5. peeling;
  6. ultraphonophoresis.

Ultrasonic peeling

The skin is exposed to various aggressive factors and needs additional care to maintain youth and beauty. One of the effective methods of care is hardware peeling. As a result of this procedure, the desquamated epithelium is exfoliated, the pores are cleaned, the surface of the epidermis is smoothed, skin respiration improves, acne disappears, the skin is moisturized due to improved blood supply and the penetration of cosmetic preparations deep into the dermis is facilitated.

There are different types of peeling, but ultrasound has proven itself to be an effective and gentle method. The procedure is quick, painless and feels pleasant.

To maintain the effect, it is recommended to repeat the procedure monthly.

Ultrasonic massage

This procedure is very effective in the complex treatment of cellulite and obesity. Under the influence of an ultrasonic wave, cavitation destruction of fat cells occurs, which are then removed from the body through the blood and lymph flow. Also, sound waves destroy connective tissue cords that cause cellulite, making the skin even out. Ultrasonic facial massage allows you to tighten the oval of your face and get rid of small expression wrinkles.

A massage course consists on average of 10-15 procedures. Sessions are held every other day.

Lymphatic drainage

Lymphatic drainage is not only a cosmetic, but also a therapeutic procedure. It allows you to treat lymphovenous insufficiency, swelling, stimulate the immune system, and also has a relaxing effect in cases of stress, depression and sleep disorders.

During pregnancy, lymphatic drainage is carried out only from the second trimester and exclusively in the legs - to get rid of edema, which is so common in pregnant women. The procedure can be performed only after examination by a doctor and no more than once a week.

In the postpartum period, lymphatic drainage is indicated 2-3 months after childbirth to get rid of stretch marks, accelerate the return to its previous shape, and combat postpartum depression.


Phonophoresis is used in cosmetology to enhance the effect of ultrasound by introducing cosmetics deep into the tissues. Indications for this procedure are limited to the therapeutic effects of the drugs used.

Under the influence of phonophoresis, the skin is moisturized, nourished, tightened, receives the necessary care depending on its fat content, fibrous cords, scars and scars (including post-burn ones) are destroyed, skin turgor and muscle tone increase, and other cosmetic defects are eliminated.

Contraindications for ultrasound therapy in cosmetology

Like any treatment method, ultrasound therapy has a number of contraindications that must be taken into account when prescribing. These include:

  1. violation of the integrity of the skin;
  2. pustular diseases of the skin;
  3. facial paralysis;
  4. trigeminal neuralgia;
  5. acute and febrile conditions;
  6. presence of neoplasms;
  7. tendency to bleed;
  8. thrombosis and thrombophlebitis;
  9. the presence of gold threads;
  10. pregnancy;
  11. chemical peeling or surgical interventions on the face less than 3 months ago;
  12. the presence of implanted metal parts in the area of ​​the procedure;
  13. individual intolerance to the procedure;
  14. decompensation of chronic diseases
  15. for ultraphonophoresis – intolerance to the medications used and the patient’s presence of contraindications to them.

Thanks to physiotherapy and cosmetology, women and men today have the opportunity to take care of their appearance without much time or money, enjoy it, and remain beautiful, young, healthy and slim for a long time.

Educational video on the topic “Ultrasound Therapy”:

Ultrasound - these are elastic mechanical vibrations of a dense physical medium with a frequency of more than 20 kHz, i.e. in the supersonic acoustic frequency range. In therapeutic practice, ultrasound is used in the frequency range 800-3000 kHz. Ultrasound therapy uses three properties of ultrasound that affect the body: mechanical, physico-chemical and weak thermal effect.

.Mechanicalthe effect of ultrasound, due to the fact that ultrasound waves colliding with body tissues exert pressure on them. And since body tissues have a heterogeneous structure (liquids and solids are distributed unevenly), the pressure force at different points of the tissue exposed to ultrasound is different and the ultrasound spreads unevenly. The pressure exerted on the tissue by ultrasonic waves causes microvibration, a kind of “micro-massage” of the tissue. As a result, membrane enzymes are activated and hyaluronic acid is depolymerized. Activation of membrane enzymes (enzymes are protein molecules that have the ability to accelerate chemical reactions in cells), and depolymerization (breakdown into several small molecules) of hyaluronic acid leads to increased conductivity of cell membranes. All this leads to increased metabolic processes in tissue cells, promotes their renewal and healing.

.ThermalThe effect of ultrasound is caused by two processes: the transition of mechanical energy into thermal energy, and an increase in the speed of biochemical processes. Endogenous heat generated in tissues is distributed unevenly, it is more pronounced in dense tissues and boundary layers. An increase in temperature in tissues promotes the expansion of blood and lymphatic vessels, changes in microcirculation, which leads to an even greater increase in metabolic processes in tissues.

.Physico-chemical The effect of ultrasound is due to the fact that ultrasonic vibrations are capable of causing complex physicochemical reactions in tissues. They accelerate the movement of biological molecules in cells, which increases the likelihood of their participation in metabolic processes. Under the influence of ultrasound, weak intermolecular bonds are broken, which also helps to improve metabolic processes. Ultrasound increases the activity of a number of enzymes, promotes the formation of biologically active substances in tissues - heparin, histamine, seratonin, which play an important role in the life of the body. Ultrasound activates macrophage enzymes, thereby triggering a biological defense mechanism that eliminates inflammatory processes and pathogenic microflora.

Along with this, ultrasound waves accelerate the synthesis of collagen and elastin, the formation of granulation tissue (connective tissue rich in blood vessels and young cells that are formed during the healing of wounds and other tissue defects with subsequent scar formation). This effect of ultrasound is widely used in cosmetology to eliminate problems associated with skin aging, treat acne and inflammation, and cellulite.

Therapeutic effect of ultrasound therapy.

The therapeutic effects of ultrasound are very diverse. They consist of local and general reactions of tissues and the body as a whole.

One of the uses of ultrasound isultraphonophoresis(phonophoresis) of medicinal substances. This method is a physical-pharmacological method and uses the property of ultrasound to enhance the transport of drugs and cosmetics through the skin.

This is a combined effect on the body of ultrasonic vibrations and medicinal substances administered with their help. Due to the significant radial pressure of ultrasound, drug molecules acquire greater mobility and move deep into the tissues.

The increase in skin permeability and histohematic barriers caused by ultrasound creates favorable conditions for the penetration of desired substances into the skin. Preparations formulated in an ultrasonic field penetrate the epidermis and upper layers of the dermis through the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands. The amount of substances introduced into the body is usually 1-3% of the amount applied to the skin surface and depends on the frequency of ultrasonic vibrations; the smaller they are, the greater the amount of the substance introduced.

A relatively small list of medicinal substances can be used for phonophoresis. The unsuitability of a number of medications for this purpose is associated with a significant change in their properties during voicing.

Ultrasonic influence is a stream of strong mechanical vibrations of small amplitude. Ultrasound destroys, inactivates or changes the properties of medicinal substances such as ascorbic acid, B vitamins, caffeine, novocaine. It is known that ultrasound quickly destroys medicinal substances with high molecular weight and high biological activity.

During ultraphonophoresis, the medicinal substance enters the body through the excretory ducts of the sweat and sebaceous glands.

The maximum concentration of these drugs in tissues occurs after 12 hours and remains in the tissues for 2-3 days.

Gels are very convenient for work, as they do not spread.

Ultrasound therapy in cosmetology is used:

With complex treatment cellulite,

In the treatment of hypertrophic scars, infiltrates,

Rehabilitation after plastic surgery,

As a non-surgical lifting,

As one of the types peeling

Ultrasound is most widely used in the complex treatment of cellulite.. Cellulite may be accompanied by such unpleasant formations as fibrosis, tissue compaction, impaired lymph and blood circulation. Ultrasound exposure helps to destroy the connective tissue bridges between fat cells, thereby increasing the effectiveness of anti-cellulite therapy. In addition, ultrasonic vibrations improve blood circulation and lymph flow in the affected area, stimulate metabolic processes and normalize collagen structure. In the fibrous stage of cellulite, only the inclusion of ultrasound in the complex of treatment measures can achieve a positive result.

The procedures have also proven themselves well lifting: Ultrasonic vibrations stimulate collagen fibers, increase the production of elastin and hyaluronic acid. An additional pulse mode of operation creates a micromassage effect, which provides lymphatic drainage and eliminates swelling. Thus, the tension in the facial muscles disappears, metabolic processes in the skin and muscles are activated, the production of one’s own collagen is enhanced, the skin is moisturized, enriched with nutrients and oxygen.

Ultrasonic peeling also widely used in cosmetology. This is a method of deep cleansing of the skin, eliminating dead skin cells using ultrasonic waves, which results in improved blood circulation and increased venous and lymphatic drainage. The skin is cleansed, moisturized and enriched with oxygen.

. The nozzle in the form of a spatula, lightly touching the skin, hits it with ultrasonic waves. These microcurrents “sweep away” dead cells from their path, making the skin fresher and smoother. After ultrasonic peeling, cosmetic preparations are better absorbed. Therefore, after this hardware procedure, it is good to apply a mask or cream.

Ultrasonic cleaning - a fighter against surface skin impurities. It is not able to clean the pores of the skin. Therefore, this hardware procedure is not suitable for oily skin, which usually needs deep cleansing. And don't believe advertising that says otherwise. But those with dry, thin skin should probably take note of ultrasonic cleaning. Such skin, as a rule, is not burdened with comedones. Therefore, superficial cleaning is quite enough for her. Moreover, the ultrasound procedure is very gentle - it in no way injures delicate dry skin. The ultrasonic cleaning procedure looks almost the same as ultrasonic peeling.

Ultrasonic massage

Mechanical - ultrasonic massage provides 28,000 micromassage movements in 1 second due to the alternation of phases of compression and discharge of the substance. Microcirculation and metabolism in the skin, subcutaneous tissue and muscles are enhanced; The transmission of nerve impulses is activated, swelling decreases and resolves.

Thermal - ultrasonic massage - heat is generated under the influence of ultrasound. The temperature rises by approximately 1 degree Celsius. This promotes vasodilation, increased microcirculation, oxygenation and metabolism in tissues. As a result, the anti-inflammatory and absorbable effect of ultrasound appears.

Physico-chemical-ultrasonic massage - under the influence of ultrasound, biologically active substances pass into a free state, due to which the likelihood of their participation in metabolic processes increases. The mechanisms of nonspecific immunity are activated; the synthesis of collagen and elastin is accelerated; the enzymatic activity of cells increases.

Visitors to cosmetologists probably know what this “ultrasound” procedure is and what its beneficial properties are. Well, for those who don’t know, I will be happy to tell you how ultrasound is used in cosmetology and why it is a very effective and necessary tool for facial skin care and anti-aging procedures.


What is ultrasound?

Ultrasound is mechanical vibrations of an elastic medium with a frequency above the limit of audibility by the human ear, which are excited in a plate of crystalline quartz or barium titanate by a high-frequency electric field thanks to a special generator.

Ultrasound in cosmetology is used for:

— superficial peeling, that is, removing skin impurities and dead cells using ultrasonic waves, after which the facial skin becomes smooth and better absorbs masks and serums;

- smoothing skin texture;

— improving microcirculation in general;

— improving trophism (nutrition) of the skin, subcutaneous tissue and muscles;

These are the most basic methods of using ultrasound in aesthetic cosmetology, but they do not end there.

Benefits of Ultrasound

One of the advantages of using ultrasound in cosmetology is that it does not give any discomfort, sometimes there can be a very slight warmth.

The composition of gels that are used for masks with ultrasound must contain hyaluronic acid, the content of which, unfortunately, decreases with age, as well as the synthesis and quality of hyaluronic acid decreases and the skin becomes less elastic. Thanks to the fact that cosmetology does not stand still and scientists have come up with ways to “supply” it to our skin “from the outside.” One of these methods is ultrasound.

Another advantage of ultrasound is that it is indispensable for those who have impaired microcirculation. We can determine this ourselves with the naked eye, because blood vessels are visible in certain areas of the skin, which inform us about a predisposition to rosacea. It is for such people that almost all massage techniques are prohibited, but ultrasound in this case will be the optimal solution to the problem.

For visible results, of course, one time is not enough, but after completing a course of 10-12 procedures with an interval of 3-5 days, you will see in the mirror a refreshed and rejuvenated face that will simply blind you with its radiance. Believe me, this is not an advertisement, but advice from a cosmetologist!

Indications for the use of ultrasound in cosmetology:

— basic cleansing for dry, normal and combination skin;

- treatment of problematic and rough skin;

— preparation before the course of administration of medicinal and cosmetic preparations;

— improvement of trophism (nutrition) of the skin;

- skin tightening or lifting.

Ultrasound in cosmetology is a godsend for solving many problems, as well as improving the aesthetic appearance of the skin, so I recommend that you never give up this pleasure.