Ultrasonic smas lifting reviews from plastic surgeons

my friend (36 years old) did this altera, after a month the result was very noticeable - her face was very tightened - super. She herself is thin, but her face is naturally rather round in shape and with age her cheeks seemed to sag - so this procedure returned them to their place. on full faces or with excess skin, this procedure will not help (she did it in Moscow during beauty clinics) now I want the same. but the price. I would like to know for sure that the same will happen to me.

I did Thermage twice with an interval of 4 years. It's time to do something else. I wanted to know which results are better - after Thermage or Altera?

Girls, I did this procedure a week ago. I did the whole face, paid 93 thousand, the procedure lasted 1.5 hours. 10 minutes before the end I became hysterical, apparently from pain shock, it was very painful, especially in the eye area. The pain is somehow unnatural and unusual, it is better to divide the face into 3 zones and do it separately. I’m 35 years old, I don’t have any problems, they actually give me 30, why did I go there?

But I’ll still write about the results in a month.

I always took care of my appearance, face, hair, nails. In terms of cosmetology, I love mesotherapy, I do Botox every spring, I regularly undergo skincare procedures, I use the best cosmetics, but I don’t really like hardware methods. Cosmetologist Natalya Aleksandrovna recommended me a lifting program for tightening the oval using the ALTERA device, I did not agree right away, I thought about it, I read a lot of reviews, although I know that Telos Beauty has the most modern devices. The procedure is not pleasant, but beauty requires patience. After the procedure, I was a little upset, although Natalya Alexandrovna warned that the effect was delayed and would increase by the third month after the procedure, after two months it really improved and the skin and ridges were significantly reduced. I only had the lower part of my face treated, but this year I want to repeat it on my entire face. The result was simply amazing.

PR, because both viktoria and "Koshe4ka" = the same person

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Girls, where are you in Switzerland, what city? I'm looking for a good salon, but I can't find my specialist.

Girls, where are you in Switzerland, what city? I'm looking for a good salon, but I can't find my specialist.

I just came back after the procedure. It is painful in the teeth and eyes, but everything is tolerable. Although I am very sensitive to pain. My face hurts a little because I got hit a couple of times. I'll look at the result.

Good afternoon I read a lot of reviews before I decided to do it. Yesterday it happened. I did it on the DOUBLO device. I was only afraid of pain, although I was patient with pain. To my surprise, I can say that there was no pain at all. Light remnants of just sensations in the treated areas. When I asked the doctor what was the difference between this device and Altera, I received a comprehensive answer: in Altera the stream of rays comes in one stream, roughly speaking, but in Doblo one after another, which relieves pain. This is the only difference. The impression is good, the nasolabial lips seem to have shrunk a little, but maybe it’s swelling. The redness was very slight and went away quickly. I'm waiting for at least 2 months to pass. I'll write back later. It’s surprising when they write: I did it three days ago, the result is 0. (I read it somewhere) Didn’t you see before that it’s only in 3-4 months, not days!

Almost a year has passed since Altera with zero results.

Almost a year has passed since Altera with zero results.

Good afternoon Tell me, did the cosmetologist promise you results before the procedure? In response to such a question, they told me that if the skin on the face stretches, then there will be a result, and if not, then there will be no result. This is how they test before the procedure. Today I can say that the skin has become more velvety to the touch, my cheeks seem to be fuller and the baked apple effect has decreased. Or maybe you are still very young for this procedure? It is recommended instead of plastic surgery. Of course, I feel sorry for the money, it’s not small.

The main thing in alter is the competence of the doctor, the device is expensive, so it won’t be available in “hairdressing salons”, you need to know who you are going to, the protocol of impulses must be followed, or whatever.. in general, the cheapness of the procedure may depend on the insufficient number of impulses, each person needs to decide separately. It’s good that it’s non-surgical and safe.

Girls, I did Altera in Korea, and 9 more elastin procedures! The effect begins! Very good! The procedure is painful, even pain-relieving ointment doesn’t really help! It hurts so bad it makes you itch (((

Altera in a hairdresser))) Altera is done by a doctor, not a cosmetologist! In Korea they make Altera, after which they feed it with vitamins, after a massage, a cooling mask and it takes about 2 hours. I bought Altera ($500) + 9 laser treatments for elasticity ($1000) on sale, I go once a week! The effect is good! After Altera, by the way, the cheek muscles on the inside were very tense, and my face hurt for 2 weeks (as if I had been beaten), it hurt like a bruise! They warned me right away!

I did SMAS lifting using the U-one device 3 days ago. I did it in Bryansk. The center is wonderful, and so is the doctor. So, one by one. I sat on the forums for a week, wondering whether to do it or not. It cost 28,800 rubles (there was a promotion - a 20% discount, otherwise it would have cost 36 thousand). No anesthesia was given. And I don’t see the point in it - ultrasound affects the aponeurosis, and all anesthetic creams act at the level of the dermis. We took photographs from the front and profile before the procedure and after treatment of half of the face. Mark the face along the edge of the bone to maintain symmetry. Apply gel for ultrasound penetration. Before starting the procedure, the doctor suggested several modes of exposure intensity to determine pain tolerance. Mine turned out to be above average. Those. We settled on the one I could tolerate. I warn you right away - no need to be a hero. It’s one thing to take out 1-2 pulses for testing, another thing is 50 for each half of the face.

First, we treated one half of the face (lower jaw, upper jaw), and the eyelids with the other attachment. Each pulse is about 3 seconds. The feeling is not pleasant - a combination of a small electric shock + heating. In some places it is almost not felt, in others (when it hits the exit points of the trigeminal nerve) it is even very sensitive, like a ***** toothache. But, I repeat, I chose the intensity of the impact myself and, in general, everything was tolerable - without painful shocks or tears. They took a photo and let me see it. In the photo there is immediately a lift, although it’s difficult to see everything well on the phone screen. Then the same procedure with the second half of the face.

Immediately after the session ***** pain in the facial muscles (as after intense physical activity), slight redness of the face, which went away after 1-2 hours. There is an immediate visual effect - the nasolabial lips have shrunk, the eyelids have lifted, and the oval has tightened. The side effect is numbness in a small area of ​​the lower lip, a nerve can be seen pierced, and when pressing below this place on the lower jaw, it feels like a small electric shock. It did not affect the appearance or function. The next day in this place (the area of ​​the lower jaw) there is a slight swelling, noticeable only to me and only upon close examination.

Strange administrator on the forum: the word "*****" in relation to pain is replaced with asterisks. Is this a curse word?


Okay, let it be aching, not sharp. In short, after 3 days there is a slight pain in the muscles only when pressing, there is a tightening effect, although not super pronounced, but they promise that it will increase. Considering that the procedure is once every year and a half, it is quite tolerable, it can be done, there is an effect, you just need to find a good salon and a professional doctor. Good luck to all!

What is the effect of the DOUBLO device?

2.5 months have passed. The oval of the face has tightened up well, the jowls have gone away, and the eyelids have lifted. I would like more nasolabials, but here I understand that only fillers will help, and I’m afraid of them :-). In short, SMAS works well, noticeably, tolerably, although, of course, it won’t turn a 40-year-old into an 18-year-old.

I did an altera system two months ago - the result was zero, the procedure was expensive, painful and absolutely useless. I had it done in Moscow at a revival clinic.

2 months is not enough. There the effect has a cumulative and delayed result. You need to wait at least 3-4 months. How many impulses did you receive?

I did it on Altera. The doctor said that pain and other reactions are an individual matter. It hurt only once in the area of ​​the tooth, which was treated and re-treated under a filling. I didn't notice any immediate changes. We'll see in a couple of months.

Good afternoon . I made Smas today on the Korean Doulbo device. It was painful, especially under the jaw where the teeth were, as if electric current was running through the dental nerves;)) But this pain went away immediately. It doesn't hurt at all under the lower eyelids. You can say everything was tolerable, I thought it would be more painful. No anesthesia was applied. Cold gel only. . There is no redness on the face. 4 hours have passed so far everything is fine, the cosmetologist said that tomorrow there will be swelling, I’ll take a look. I'll write back in 2 months. I took before and after photos later. I am 38 years old . I hope there will be results. ;))

Yesterday I went for a consultation. The doctor warned that the procedure is VERY painful, the effect is promised, but for about a year and a half. I am 43 years old and have a problem with jowls and a double chin. In general, I decided not to do Altera.

My mother made Altera, and then 2 of her friends. It was done at the Sensavi beauty institute on Frunzenskaya. The result exceeded niche expectations! The skin was noticeably tightened, thickened, and the sagging of the cheeks disappeared. Mom is extremely happy. So don't be afraid. Be sure to do Altera. The technology of the procedure is based on ultrasound. It is absolutely safe. And the effect can only be compared with a circular lift. There is a super doctor at Sensavi - Tatyana Karausheva. She is very attentive and has a lot of experience. + There is now a 20% discount on this procedure, which is also very nice!)))

Hi all! You ask about the effect of DUBLO - I answer. ZERO. Over the summer, the skin aged even more - sagging, wrinkles on the cheeks. Yes, I look much better than my friends, who are younger, but do not go to cosmetologists, but I did not get any effect. Of course, age takes its toll and these procedures are probably good for younger people. I look at my husband, a peer, he has beautiful skin without procedures, but I have... This is my answer. Probably Botox is more suitable than these exorbitant procedures. Good luck to everyone and go for it according to your capabilities.

Good day! I did the ALTERA ultrasonic smas-lifting in Tula on the chin at the Komarova clinic. I gave 14 thousand rubles. The sensation ranges from tingling and tingling to very painful electric shocks in the jaw area. After the procedure there was slight redness and no swelling as such. It felt like they kicked me. I didn’t observe any visual effect, but... Inside the skin under the chin, if before it was somehow thin, it became elastic, as if it had been tied with a handkerchief. You feel this elasticity. So far 3 days have passed. I'll write back in a month. Good luck to all.

I did SMAS lifting using the U-one device 3 days ago. I did it in Bryansk. The center is wonderful, and so is the doctor. So, one by one. I sat on the forums for a week, wondering whether to do it or not. It cost 28,800 rubles (there was a promotion - a 20% discount, otherwise it would have cost 36 thousand). No anesthesia was given. And I don’t see the point in it - ultrasound affects the aponeurosis, and all anesthetic creams act at the level of the dermis. We took photographs from the front and profile before the procedure and after treatment of half of the face. Mark the face along the edge of the bone to maintain symmetry. Apply gel for ultrasound penetration. Before starting the procedure, the doctor suggested several modes of exposure intensity to determine pain tolerance. Mine turned out to be above average. T.*****. We settled on the one I could tolerate. I warn you right away - no need to be a hero. It’s one thing to take out 1-2 pulses for testing, another thing is 50 for each half of the face.

By chance, a year ago I learned about the procedure using the Altera device. I did it because I was adventurous. I'm very pleased. This year I repeated only the eyes. I always looked good thanks to my genes, but after the Altera device, I honestly say that at my 48 they give 32, maximum 35. Maybe it also depends on the type of face, I don’t know. But. I advise everyone. Yes, it’s unpleasant, but it’s tolerable. It hurts, but beauty requires sacrifice))))

So I decided to read a bunch of reviews and didn’t see anything terrible. I’m 32, I was waiting for either the same or improvement) they first smeared my face and neck with anesthetic ointment, after 20 minutes they gave me an injection. After another 20, the procedure began😳😬 At first the scarlet will show and it won’t hurt at all! But then on the jaw bones and in other places where bones were nearby it was incredibly painful. I wanted to get up and run away! This was also done a second time with a stronger nozzle. I didn’t prepare for this, but of course it’s all bearable! It feels like the skin is being stitched like a sewing machine. I saw the result immediately after, tone appeared, the whole face was tightened. Now is the third day, no swelling, no redness, everything is super 👌🏽, I’m waiting for a month to pass and everything will get even better) they advise doing it no more than once a year, but I don’t want to yet)) remembering how painful it was, but everything is forgotten) and beauty requires sacrifices)

A week later, bruises appeared on my face, I applied Liaton, 8 days passed, my friends noticed changes, they said how good I look🙆🏼 what did I do. I don’t know what to answer ☺️

I work in Switzerland, in an aesthetic medicine clinic. Ulthera is an excellent procedure for the lower, that is, soft, part of the face. In aesthetics for the lower third of the cheeks, oval, double chin, there are not many options other than surgery. Ulthera, like Thermage, creates a stressful situation for collagen regeneration, but in addition burns subcutaneous fat. If it is done correctly, the result is stable and obvious already after 2-3 years. Another advantage is that this device cannot do any harm. In the worst case, there will be no results, which is already good compared to lasers, the incorrect use of which can lead to disaster.

Good afternoon. I want to ask around here something. I need to get rid of wrinkles, but not the deep ones, but the small ones. I also want it without needles and with a minimum of intervention, without bruises and long rehabilitation (no one at work will give me a vacation now). I heard about Altera System, which tightens the skin, eliminates wrinkles, acts deeply due to ultrasonic impulses aimed at certain points. Who did it - is this so? Will ultrasound be enough to straighten crow's feet, for example? Does it sound fantastic that you don’t need to prick or cut anything and one session is enough for a long-lasting effect? And yet, I chose a clinic with Dr. Aziza Usmanova. Girls, who was with her, how was she? Because what I read about her is only good, many recommend it, it captivates me. For now I have settled on her candidacy. I have a lot of experience in this area, a lot of different certificates and awards. In general, whoever did the procedure, tell me how it was, because I am interested in first-person experience.

Good afternoon. A month has passed. I wrote under number 235. The condition is excellent, the jowls have tightened. How can I post a photo? My friends appreciated it. I don’t know what else can be expected in three months. I am very pleased.

I'm 45, but I look a little younger. After 40, jowls and a double chin began to appear (although small, it interferes with my life))). Today I had a facelift with DUOBLO. It was a bit painful in places, but quite tolerable!))) Effect? Well, immediately after the procedure, the corners of my lips and eyes seemed to lift a little. In the evening I looked in the mirror at home and it seemed like nothing had changed, everything was the same as before the procedure, although I felt that the procedure should not pass without a trace! But the doctor said that the final effect will take 2-3 months. Will wait. I'll unsubscribe.

I made Altera 3 weeks ago. I had it done in a reputable expensive clinic. I was ready to do all the zones. The main thing for me was the result. The doctor said that it makes sense to do the subchin area, cheeks and perhaps a little forehead. There is no doubt that the procedure is very painful. I tried almost all hardware techniques, including IPL, Fraxel, Palomar, fillers, etc. This one is the most painful. Those who say that it didn’t hurt either didn’t do it with Altera, or didn’t use their own device, or in violation of the protocol, or this is an advertisement for the procedure. In addition, during treatment in the area of ​​the lower jaw, nerves are shot into the teeth, and on the forehead on one side the nerve was also affected and there is still numbness in the innervation zone from the forehead to the crown. The procedure lasted about 40 minutes + before that, anesthesia was 50 minutes. cream (not emla). After the procedure I felt slightly shaken from nervous tension. For about two hours there was redness in the treatment area and slight swelling. If you didn't touch it, there was no pain. The doctor warned that there may be minor bruises if a blood vessel turns out to be broken. And she said that the first results should be expected in two weeks. The next day the swelling of the cheeks intensified. There was pain when you touched the treatment areas. A dense ridge was identified in the submental area. The swelling went away within a week. The cushion can still be felt, but less so. I try to take pictures regularly, because, being an experienced user of cosmetologists, I didn’t expect any special results) So, after three weeks, the jowls have decreased a little. The cheeks seem to have lost a little weight. I seem to look better, but it’s not clear why. People around don't notice anything. In general, we are waiting)) I decided to write because before any procedure I scour the Internet in search of useful reviews.

Plastic surgery has been replaced by no less effective ultrasonic SMAS lifting, which has received recognition from satisfied clients. The effectiveness can be judged by “before” and “after” photos or by reading patient comments. Both clients and cosmetologists give a positive assessment to this procedure, recommending it to friends and clients.

What is ultrasonic lifting?


There are many types of face lifting, one of which is ultrasonic SMAS lifting, which has received a lot of praise. First of all, this procedure is aimed at tightening sagging and flabby skin, correcting the oval of the face, as well as solving a number of cosmetological and aesthetic problems.

All manipulations are performed using a special device that produces ultrasonic vibrations, which, penetrating deep into the skin, have a restorative effect, improving the appearance and health of the skin from the inside.


The abbreviation SMAS (Superficial Muscle - Aponeurotic System) literally translates as superficial muscular aponeurotic system. To make it clearer, this is precisely the subsystem on which collagen and elastin fibers are located. Over time, they tend to slow down their work, reduce production volumes, which is why problems such as:

  1. deepening of the nasolabial fold;
  2. “sagging” of the brow ridges;
  3. double chin;
  4. "crow's feet";
  5. small and large wrinkles.

Ultrasonic smas-lifting has become a worthy alternative to surgical intervention, since the treatment occurs at a depth of 5 mm, while other types of manipulations usually affect a depth of no more than 1.5 mm. The latest models of devices are equipped with programs for determining the thickness of fat layers and muscles in order to select the optimal level of impact.

How is non-surgical ultrasound lifting performed?

The device generates ultrasound, the pulses of which affect the muscular system through the epithelium. Having a certain direction, the ultrasonic flow leads to muscle contraction, tightening the skin. The most popular manipulations remain with the American-made Altera device, the quality of which is evidenced by reviews about lifting.

The procedure lasts from 40 to 90 minutes and consists of the following steps:

  1. skin preparation: washing and cleansing;
  2. disinfection of skin with chlorhexidine;
  3. treatment with an anesthetic composition;
  4. drawing marking lines on the face along which the ultrasonic device will move (usually problem areas are the neck, nasolabial folds, forehead, areas around the eyes and mouth);
  5. impact on the skin along the drawn lines with a hardware manipulator.

Lifting using the Doublo device (Korea) is popular, the smas technology of which is in great demand, as evidenced by reviews from cosmetologists. In beauty salons, lifting is often carried out using the Haifa machine, the American manufacturers of which took care of the targeted effect of smas-lifting, which was reflected in the enthusiastic reviews of consumers.

Indications and contraindications for ultrasonic lifting

This method of rejuvenation is suitable for women facing the following problems:

  1. age and expression wrinkles;
  2. loss of turgor;
  3. unclear relief;
  4. sagging skin;
  5. formation of a double chin;
  6. drooping eyebrows;
  7. ptosis of the upper/lower eyelid;
  8. decreased density of the subcutaneous structure;
  9. pronounced folds;
  10. sagging skin.

In cosmetology, Hifu lifting is carried out to maintain the effect after lifting procedures.

Despite its safety and non-traumatic nature, SMAS lifting has contraindications. Stop factors for this procedure may be:

  1. pregnancy and lactation period;
  2. diabetes;
  3. cardiovascular diseases;
  4. blood diseases;
  5. oncology;
  6. exacerbation of chronic ailments;
  7. epilepsy;
  8. frequent seizures;
  9. inflammation of acne;
  10. ulcers;
  11. infectious diseases of the dermis.

Advantages of non-surgical SMAS lifting


The main advantage of ultrasonic lifting is the absence of surgical intervention, despite the fact that the effect is practically no different from a full-fledged instrumental operation.

SMAS differs from many other anti-aging techniques by the following advantages:

  1. establishing the required level at which restoration will occur;
  2. adjusting the depth and power of ultrasonic flow;
  3. correction of any zones;
  4. no pain;
  5. high-quality and long-lasting results;
  6. there is no risk of scar formation;
  7. short recovery period;
  8. carried out regardless of the time of year;
  9. has a cumulative effect that prolongs the duration of the effect obtained;
  10. compatibility with other cosmetic procedures;
  11. safety.

Altera-System in the hands of an experienced specialist will not cause damage to the skin, and SMAS lifting will get rid of long-term problems in a few minutes, as evidenced by real reviews from patients in cosmetology clinics.

As a result, noted in most reviews of ultrasound lifting, women gain a smooth skin surface, even tone, velvety, nourished, and renewed at the cellular level; ultrasonic SMAS lifting will bring even more benefits, which will be better understood by customer reviews.

Does the method have any disadvantages?

The method practically does not lead to side effects and undesirable consequences, therefore the list of its disadvantages is extremely small. But in fairness, it’s worth listing the shortcomings that real reviews of Altera’s SMAS lifting indicate. Thus, SMAS lifting with the Altera apparatus is mentioned in some reviews in a negative way:

  1. high price;
  2. risk of disruption of the connection between nerve endings and the central nervous system (in case of careless exposure);
  3. incorrect facial contouring.

This is where the indignation ends, and the procedure still compares favorably with other proposals from the cosmetology industry.

As noted earlier, the non-surgical Hifu or Ulthera SMAS lifting technology can be used in combination with other cosmetic procedures. Reviews from girls say that lifting was used in tandem with the following techniques:

  1. Botox injections;
  2. filling for contour correction;
  3. mesotherapy;
  4. biorevitalization;
  5. microdermabrasion.

Note! If a combination of other procedures leads to a conflict, manifested in visible complications on the skin, then ultrasonic lifting is compatible with a number of procedures, in combination with which it will make the skin ideal.

Types of devices for ultrasonic SMAS lifting

Domestic cosmetology gives preference to three main manufacturers of units for ultrasonic lifting. The leaders today are the brainchildren of American, Korean and Chinese manufacturers. Each model has a similar operating principle, but at the same time there are some differences.


Altera SMAS - lifting, popularly called simply Altera-SMAS, came to our beauty salons from America. The main feature of the device is computer software that automatically determines the thickness of the tissue layers. Based on these data, the depth of the muscular aponeurotic layer is determined, and Deep Sea technology accurately builds the necessary parameters for working at this level.

Ultrasonic lifting Altera (Ulthera) has collected many reviews not only from foreign users, but also from Russian clients. But in comparison with other devices, some clients noted pain after the procedure, so it is not recommended for people with a low pain threshold.


Hifu-lifting is a well-known and widely used procedure, characterized by a targeted effect on non-problem areas. The result is visible after the first session. Coagulation is aimed at connecting soft tissues and layers of skin, thereby, as if “stitching” scattered areas. Restoration is carried out at a depth of 1.5 to 4.5 mm. After Hifu techniques, the effect lasts from 1 to 2 years.

Hifu in cosmetology also appeared from the USA, and is great not only for aging skin, but also for eliminating the problems of people facing sudden weight loss.


Doublo System is a device for ultrasonic SMAS lifting, which also does not have negative reviews. Equipped with the latest technology, the device produces more pronounced results. The range of problems solved by this technology is wider, since it can counteract more serious age-related complications.

Photos before and after ultrasound SMAS lifting

Lifting with ultrasound Altera, Dublo or similar technology has a colossal effect, which can be assessed here and now. The effect of ultrasonic lifting is described not only in reviews, but is also clearly visible in the photo. Thus, the contours of the cheekbones became more pronounced and structured, the corners of the eyes rose up, fine wrinkles disappeared, and deep ones became less pronounced. The facial tissues of all the women in the photo are tightened, and rejuvenation is visually noticeable.

In some cases, you can see that the sagging skin in the chin and neck area has become tightened and elastic, the skin on the cheeks is now more elastic and firm, the asymmetry of the lips has disappeared, the so-called “bags” under the lower eyelid are also eliminated.

We could go on and on about the effective effects of lifting on appearance, but it is better to personally compare the situation “before” and “after” ultrasonic lifting.

  1. ultrasound-smas-lifting-PTtBE.webp

  2. ultrasound-smas-lifting-vsNOwpQ.webp

  3. ultrasound-smas-lifting-bkcuOfc.webp

  4. ultrasound-smas-lifting-loKrVGX.webp

  5. ultrasound-smas-lifting-tzelsJs.webp

  6. ultrasound-smas-lifting-eJQgpyW.webp

  7. ultrasound-smas-lifting-dNYqr.webp

  8. ultrasound-smas-lifting-CDNQLpZ.webp

Patient reviews

Since everything is advertised today, it is very difficult to focus on a truly worthwhile option. Only those who have already tried this option on themselves can help distinguish a quality offer from a hopeless fashion trend. Therefore, it is useful to familiarize yourself with objective reviews of ultrasonic facelift SMAS-lifting.

“Before visiting a cosmetologist, I was a supporter of home medicine, but when minor skin problems were replaced by quite serious wrinkles, I decided to seek help from a specialist. For a long time I couldn’t decide on the procedure, the master advised the alter. At first I didn’t see the difference and was very upset, but after 3 days I saw a completely different reflection in the mirror. Now at 48 they don’t give more than 37. The effect has lasted for more than 2 years.”


“The ultrasound helped get rid of facial wrinkles on the forehead and in the corners of the eyes. Just one procedure is enough! It doesn’t hurt at all, there are no unpleasant sensations and the effect lasts a long time. I recommend it to everyone!”

“I regularly used hyaluronic acid fillers for rejuvenation, but the last time I felt some irritation on my face. I was very scared and decided to stop the executions, but a year later I came across an article about Hifu-lifting and decided to try it on myself. The cosmetologist did everything carefully and correctly, did not find any deviations, but the skin seemed to have found a second wind: the face became smooth, and it felt very soft and pleasant to the touch.”

“I don’t know who considers this procedure painless, but for me it’s not very pleasant. I don’t recommend doing smas-lifting before the age of 35, because it’s a pretty strong technique. At this age, mesotherapy will do an excellent job, but after 40 it is better to do one ultrasound lifting and enjoy the effect for several more years.”

“I know from my friend’s example that it works. When I saw her after the session, I thought that I had plastic surgery - the effect was so enchanting! The cheekbones became very expressive, the eyebrows rose upward, making the look more open, and the skin became very clean and silky.”


“The procedure is really not a pleasant one, and those who want to become a beauty will have to be patient. I “suffered” for about 40 minutes, but it was worth it. They removed uneven spots after acne and smoothed out nasolabial folds. One minus is that the shade of the face is slightly different from the neck, so I’ll save up money and go to the appointment again.”

“My skin has noticeably changed, wrinkles and double chin have disappeared. I am 200% satisfied with the result. The downside was that it took about 5 days for me to recover from the altera, and the swelling did not go away. Therefore, you need to be patient and not panic: the result also does not appear immediately. The cosmetologist warned me that the effect will appear no earlier than 5 days.”

"It works! Phrases from cosmetologists about the “cumulative effect” are not just sound. At first I was skeptical about this technique, especially for such an amount, but when I began to delve into the process, I decided to try it. As a result, all the above-described effects are obvious. I really liked it! The main thing in this matter is not to get hooked by charlatans or bad specialists.”

“I don’t even want to hear everyone who writes that this is a scam and nothing works. Look for normal specialists who know how to work with equipment. Check certificates and certificates, pay attention to reviews about the clinic. Last year I paid 80 thousand rubles, the effect was already in a month, and I still walk like “new”. Yes, I didn’t look 30 years old, but I managed to solve specific problems.”

Both among clients and among professional cosmetologists, reviews of ultrasonic SMAS lifting are predominantly positive. Many experts have appreciated this modern technique, noting it as the most effective way of rejuvenation.

The effectiveness of ultrasonic lifting

Already after the first reviews after the appearance of specialized equipment, it became clear that ultrasonic lifting is one of the most effective technologies. Experts, not without reason, compare the effect of the procedure with full-fledged plastic surgery. However, this technique does not require a complex rehabilitation period, and the procedure itself is much simpler than plastic surgery.

Thanks to ultrasonic lifting, the following effects can be achieved:

  1. Remove signs of age-related changes and tighten facial skin;
  2. Eliminate wrinkles around the eyes, forehead and mouth;
  3. Remove the “double chin”;
  4. Tighten the cheekbones and lift the contour;
  5. Eliminate sagging and sagging skin on the face and neck;
  6. Improve the oval of the face;
  7. Tighten your eyebrows.

It is also worth noting the pronounced rejuvenation effect. It is achieved not only by tightening and eliminating excess skin, but also by stimulating the production of collagen, elastin and other beneficial substances. It is the reduction in their number that leads to skin withering and the appearance of wrinkles, sagging and other age-related changes.

Basically, SMAS lifting technology includes two types of techniques, HIFU and Ulthera; according to experts, they are considered the most effective and modern. Altera is a more gentle type of ultrasonic lifting.

It is important to note that Altera represents the direction of subdermal surgery. This is a type of non-surgical lifting, suitable for those who want to rejuvenate their skin and get a powerful effect without resorting to plastic surgery. The procedure is carried out once.

HIFU or High Intensive Focused Ultrasound is a technique that uses ultrasound to influence the epidermis, dermis, subdermal layers and SMAS (superficial muscular aponeurotic system). The procedure is also performed once and does not require pain relief and a rehabilitation period, as is the case with surgical operations.

No matter how modern and effective the ultrasonic lifting technique is, it also has a number of contraindications, namely:

  1. Diabetes;
  2. Cardiovascular diseases;
  3. Oncological tumors;
  4. Open wounds, acne and other skin infections in the acute stage;
  5. Taking certain medications (steroid medications, medications that affect skin folding, etc.);
  6. Predisposition to the development of keloid scars.

Usually, all contraindications are clarified at the preliminary diagnostic stage. You also need to take into account that the effect of the procedure greatly depends on the equipment, experience and qualifications of the specialist.

You can learn more about ultrasonic SMAS lifting from the video:

Photos before and after

As with other cosmetic procedures, you can clearly see the effectiveness of ultrasonic lifting only in photos taken before and after the lift. This method allows you to evaluate what effect can be expected and what capabilities this technique has. Of course, the choice of method will depend on the equipment used in the clinic, specific goals and indications, as well as other conditions, but with the help of real photographs you can objectively assess the effect and potential of a facelift at different ages.

Patient reviews

It is quite obvious that any cosmetic procedures are actively advertised. This often applies to both incredibly effective and preventive types of correction. However, the most reliable and informative ways to evaluate the effectiveness of the procedure are reviews from the patients themselves. We have collected the most complete and objective reviews about various types of ultrasonic lifting, which will help you evaluate how effective this technique is.

“Angelina: the procedure is expensive, but effective. I had previously only heard about haifu, but didn’t really delve into the essence. I had hyaluronic acid fillers done twice, but the last time I had an incomprehensible reaction on the skin. It seems like an allergy, but why is unclear. I decided that I needed to try the Haifa lifting, because this lift often gets good reviews on independent forums. At first I was disappointed; on the fifth day there was no visible effect. But after 2 weeks the difference in the before and after photos was dramatic. Wrinkles were noticeably smoothed out, the oval of the face was tightened, and she began to look much younger. I don’t know how to compare this procedure with plastic surgery, I haven’t done it, but at 46 you can easily look 35-40 after just one visit to the clinic.”

“Clarissa Wex: the method is expensive, but there is an effect. A procedure in an average salon costs about a thousand dollars, in good clinics it costs two or more. The advantage is that it is done once and the effect lasts for a long time. The downside is that it is very painful, I don’t know who is saying that this is a simple procedure, but it was terribly painful for me. I did it for rejuvenation and tightening, but after losing weight, the skin on my cheekbones and chin did not tone up. Until 35, I will recommend other procedures, for example a course of mesotherapy. After 35, it’s better to go for an ultrasound once than to spend money on procedures that are unlikely to give a visible effect.”

“Parisian: I haven’t done it yet, I just signed up, but a friend went and I can judge hifu based on it. She is naturally chubby, although she has almost no excess fat. After visiting the clinic, the shape of my face changed noticeably, I thought that she had done a cheekbone and chin lift, but everything turned out to be more interesting. If I hadn’t seen the results, I would never have signed up myself, because the price is very expensive. And there is a real example that the method works.”

“Natalya: The procedure was done 3 months ago. Before that, I didn’t even know what it was or how hifu worked. To say that the procedure is pleasant is to say nothing. The pain is not sharp, but very unpleasant, unlike anything else. I endured the entire 50 minutes, although I almost cried at the end. My cosmetologist warned that the effect would appear in 1-2 weeks, so I didn’t panic when I didn’t see any changes in the mirror. In general, the jowls were almost completely removed, the skin became more natural and younger. True, there is a contrast, so this year I will go for a lift of the entire face and neck.”

“Olga Minaeva: if they tell you that the technique is super cool and you can go to work, a cafe or the gym immediately after the procedure, don’t believe it. These are either charlatans or unqualified doctors. Firstly, the swelling went down only on the 5th day, and secondly, facial expressions were not so great for almost the entire week. It was difficult to move my cheeks and smile. I am 200% satisfied with the result, because I don’t remember such skin, oval face and tightness even at 20 years old. And I already have twice as much. So the technique will actually replace surgery, but you will still have to endure for the sake of beauty.”

“Vicks: I have conflicting opinions. The result seems to be noticeable, but I won’t repeat it. For this price, you can go for other procedures that work almost the same way, but you need to repeat them every six months. It hurts too much. Perhaps I was unlucky or it was done by an inexperienced doctor, but I say it is what it is. I had it done at the realclinic.”

“Madame K.: I resisted for a long time, read, but had no intention of doing any ultrasound lifting. But when I began to delve into the meaning of the procedure, I began to notice disadvantages on my face. There is a wrinkle there, the skin can be tightened there) In general, if you don’t want to do it, it’s better not to read. So, I visited 5 salons, which according to reviews are the best. I don’t know if I will repeat the procedure again, but I noticed the effect. This is not a dummy and not these stories from doctors about the “cumulative effect”, they say, bring money and everything will accumulate. SMAS works, but it is still difficult to choose good specialists. It’s especially important to distinguish them from charlatans and those who are just raking in money.”

“Marg0: they did a lift for me, it cost about 89 thousand for everything. The good thing is that subcutaneous fat has disappeared, the skin has noticeably tightened and become healthier. The effect from one procedure is excellent. The downside is that the wrinkles did not disappear completely, they became less noticeable. Well, the high price. And many craftsmen beat themselves in the chest that they are the only ones who know how to work, that only they have the real Altera. So add to the disadvantages the difficulty of choosing a master.”

“Barbaris: I read everything about SMS lifting, studied the reviews and decided to do the Altera lifting. It’s trivial because it’s cheaper, it seems like they promised no recovery after the procedure. It actually hurts, I had skin redness for a day and a half and swelling for almost 4 days. And the effect did not disappoint. I read a lot of reviews that say nothing works - stupidity. Look for normal doctors, that's what I'll tell you. Even Altera may not give results if the cosmetologist does not know how to work with the equipment.”

“Valentina: I’m 42, I don’t really understand all these procedures. Ten new ones appear every year. Altera was recommended by a cosmetologist whom I have trusted for many years and visit only her. Despite the fact that the price is steep, I signed up for the procedure. When the skin tightened up on days 5-6, improvements became noticeable. Maybe I'm wrong, but ultrasonic Ulthera lifting is indicated after 30-35, judging by the reviews that there is no effect at a young age, there is no point in doing it before 30. But again, I could be wrong, I’m not an expert.”

“Tesa Kodecki: Made Altera 2 months ago. They didn’t make me a different person, but I started to look younger) I don’t regret the money spent. It’s just a shame when I see that prices for procedures are falling as popularity grows, but I paid one and a half times more than what the same Altera clinic costs now. The doctor made an appointment for a consultation 3 months later and said it was for consolidation. The correction will be done from six months to a year, depending on how the effect lasts. But here you need to understand that this is not a course therapy, but you did it 1-2 times and then you can forget it for at least two years. Most of all, I felt the effect of smoothing the nasolabial wrinkles and wrinkles around the eyes, which completely disappeared (only in this area it was very painful).”

“Ivanna V.: Sometimes it seems to me that those who go to Altera close their ears when consulting with a doctor. And then they have no effect, and everything gets worse. Have you, dear ladies, been told that Altera, and even SMAS lifting, has a delayed effect? This is a prolonged effect, not a renewable one. That is, I did it once and that’s it. Real results appear only after 3 months. When do you want to see them? That's right - in a week or a couple of days. If it’s fast, then it’s only for the bees, they’ll bite and the effect is instantaneous) but smart, ultra-modern equipment takes time. After visiting a salon in St. Petersburg, they give me 37-38, and my age is 44 years old. Quite good, I think.”

“Evgenia Valerievna: I often see that Altera is criticized, but I myself know a little about cosmetology and I will say that this is all rather PR. Now there is competition from some brands and everyone praises only one equipment. I personally checked everything, although I am 63. I didn’t look 30, and I didn’t expect anything like that, these are all advertising fairy tales. But the skin has tightened, it’s noticeable. The double chin, if not gone, has partially capitulated) After the procedure, I used a restorative cream for several days and did not use cosmetics. I won’t say the name so it won’t be considered an advertisement. There was slight swelling under the eyes and redness on the cheeks. Everything happened in 2 days.”

“Kitten Kat: The doctor directly answered me that 3 out of 4 cases will have swelling after the procedure. It can be tolerated, although it is unpleasant. I didn’t leave home because I looked like a chronic drunk. Now almost 50 days have passed since the procedure, I see improvements clearly. I take control photos and compare them with the first photo before Altera. I can say that the changes were already within a month, but the difference is noticeable even between 1 and 1.5 months. This means that the effect of the procedure is still working. Everything cost 75,000 including the coupon.”

“Ramila: I read that the Doublo device is now the top-end and they are very rare and expensive, although the price of the procedure is the same and there is no difference. It is not correct to compare them with Altera because these are different SMAS technologies. Altera has a single stream stream, while Doblo has streams one after another, and therefore there is almost no pain. I felt Doblo myself, it was really very tolerable. It’s not at all what my friends said after Altera, when half of the women couldn’t hold back their tears.”

“Cherry: I’ll tell you about my experience with Doublo. There were problems with the thyroid gland and sudden weight loss. I did this to remove everything unnecessary. So, on the treated areas the skin is more tightened, even the color is natural, the difference is visible and it exists!! I will happily undergo another procedure this year, but this time for the entire face. The price was cheaper, 35,000 for the neck and chin.”

“Olga Sergeeva: I chose Doublo hifu as the most effective type of SMAS lifting and I will say that the reviews do not lie. It really tightens and refreshes the skin. The fact that it is expensive is a temporary drawback, prices will fall, but for now this is a hype topic and the price tag matches. The cosmetologist immediately told me what to expect, did not promise that I would look like I did at 14 years old, the woman there is decent and does not throw words in vain, even for the sake of advertising and earning money. The skin became velvety and silky, the oval of the face improved. If looking 35-37 at 44 is not an indicator for you, then it is better to avoid the procedure.”

“Lena Lans: I also did the procedure on Doblo. It hurt in some places, although I'm not much of a softie. When they did it on the lower jaw and temples, I could barely stand it. After 4 months, I can confirm that the jowls have decreased by 70%. But the doctor told me that the final effect will only be in 7-8 months. And some want to see something in a week) And the skin has also become more elastic, it seems to be constantly in good shape. Maybe it’s just that some girls do lifting at 25 and wonder why there are no results? Because after 40 you can’t help but notice him.”

“Gentle_Kitty: Don’t forget that basically ultrasonic SMAS lifting using Doublo System equipment is cheaper than Altera and when writing reviews this should be taken into account. Still an important indicator. And Doblo is newer and more technologically advanced. With this comparison, Doblo’s effect is superior to Altera.”

“Lyudmila: I always did only mesotherapy, 2 courses a year and that’s it. I’m not a fan of all these trips to clinics) They convinced me to get a lift. Honestly, I thought they were just trying to pump out money for an expensive procedure, but I admit that they persuaded me nicely and fell for it. I fell for it and don’t regret it now) I figured meso was cheaper, but it’s heaven and earth. The clinic had a Korean Doublo device. The doctor says this is a luxury technology, there are no analogues in the world yet. The skin is younger, the shape of the face has noticeably changed, the skin has tightened, everything superfluous seems to have melted away. I’m happy that I was persuaded to undergo the procedure, but for the first 2-3 days I felt sorry and blamed myself, I thought I wasted my money.”

“Katya: After Altera, I firmly believe that plastic surgery will soon fade into the background. SMAS lifting is developing. They did it on Altera, then Doblo was nowhere to be found. Now large clinics have purchased equipment and if you choose, I recommend the second option. I myself am happy with Altera, the results are wonderful, but the discomfort and pain are something that is difficult to endure. They speak Doblo much easier, so next time I know where to go and what lift to do.”

In general, it is important to remember that the result will depend not only on the equipment and technology, but also on the cosmetologist himself, therefore qualifications and experience are no less important factors. Always carefully choose a clinic and specialists, and also pay attention to the quality of advice and service.