Water Softening

Water softening is the process of reducing the hardness of water by removing calcium and magnesium ions from it, which give water hardness. Hard water can cause health problems such as kidney, heart and joint disease, as well as difficulty cooking.

There are several ways to soften water, including the use of special filters, ion exchange and reverse osmosis. Depending on the type of water and its hardness, you can choose the most suitable method.

Water softener filters typically consist of a resin that removes calcium and magnesium ions from the water. They can be installed directly into the plumbing system or used as a separate device.

Ion exchange is a method in which calcium and magnesium ions are replaced with other ions such as sodium or potassium. This occurs by passing water through special resins that exchange ions.

Reverse osmosis is a process in which water passes through a semi-permeable membrane through which only water molecules can pass, while ions and other impurities remain on the other side of the membrane. This method is commonly used to remove impurities from water such as chlorine and organic compounds.

In any case, water softening is an important step to improve your quality of life and health. If you live in an area with hard water, then softening may be a prerequisite for using water for domestic purposes.

In the process of life of humans, animals and plants, for their full functioning, proteins, vitamins and microelements are needed in food. One of these microelements, vital for the normal functioning of the body, is calcium, which enters our body with milk, dairy products, cheeses, and bone tissue. But in everyday life, the amount of such products in the diet is not as large as we would like, but hard water is present in the lives of each of us. Water contains calcium and magnesium, which in normal concentrations are necessary for the body, but in excess they lead to negative consequences. Therefore, in the modern world, people are increasingly interested in the question - how to reduce the level of water hardness?

From the mass of different products on the market, when choosing, you should adhere to one principle - the longer the service life, the higher the price and worse the quality. Products with a long-lasting effect include Tergosoft, which retains its properties for more than ten years. The principle of operation of these tablets is to “pull out” salts. Thus, they create an outer layer by impregnating it with calcium and magnesium in the form of a gel. Upon accidental contact with water, it dissolves, releasing