The article Understanding the Three Main Types of Malignant Tumor Therapy provides extensive information on surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy and how they are utilized to treat different types of malignant tumors.
Firstly, details of surgery are provided with different techniques, medications, and additional explanation of why they differ. The author states that in some cases a tumor may not be completely removed, though this can sometimes be recommended to coexist safely. Laser and cryosurgical techniques are mentioned as an alternative option to scalpel surgery. Some research has shown that radiation can be a useful adjuvant therapy to surgery in certain malignancies and can assist in shrinking tumours. Surgery and radiation may also be offered simultaneously.
Further, chemotherapy and all offered options are explained in detail. Chemotherapy is the stage where it is beneficial to occur. This includes pill and IV fluids as well as different routes of delivery. Many side effects can ensue from chemotherapy, including hairless and damaged mouths as well as nausea. Knowledge of delivery methods like creams, pills, injections, etc., could help a patient weigh options to plead their case during medical encounters. Sample writeups on chemotherapy from the author would read something like this: "Chemotherapy can be given as pills or fluids IV-wise, through injections or topical application through every method of delivery, like creams and gels." In a larger article on cancer treatment, each option might be discussed up front versus ultimately providing a reiteration of established processes. Data relevant to each of the three therapy options provides evidence on how weakened patients fare due to chemotherapy historically. The Histological Types of Cancer, Stages of Tumour and Relationships to Well-Established Therapeutic Modalities Details have indicated a strong benchmarking effect of chemotherapy for pre established patients. DNA Digestion Studies Further Reveal that CTLA-4 blockade Upregulates the Activity of IFNG-regulated Senescence Associated Antigens" (Title bolded for emphasis), illustrates how cytolytic chemotherapy upregulates higher Cleveland stages of cancers leading to IFNG inhibition. COVID-19 Antibiotics Assisted Gene-editing Remedy Experiences Evolving Clinical Applications (italics added) Furthermore reinforces these tools for patients who might have been previously rejected due to untreatable side effects.