Mention of diuretics

One of the doctors says that pigeon feces with mumiyo, if injected, drives urine. The remedies mentioned in the section on the treatment of dense blockages, and named as a cure for retention arising from cold, also work. A certain doctor said: “Here is one of the remedies that we tried, and it worked: take a candle from the sand of sugar candy and insert it into the rectum; this drives and releases urine.” They say that if you let a louse into the urinary canal or take a tick, who falls out of bed is probably an insect called al-fasafis bug or al-anjal, and insert it into the urinary canal, this will drive urine. The same thing will happen if you smear the top of the urinary canal with garlic or onion - this drives urine away - or if you put a stalk of saffron into the canal of the penis. When there is no tumor, but there is a blockage, whatever it may be, injecting olive oil in which white, not very harmful scorpions have been dried in the sun, helps; they are administered with a silver syringe and assisted by insufflation.