Urethrography Combined

**_Urethrography_** is a method of urodynamic research, which is most often performed to determine the degree of functional capacity of the urethra. In some cases, the procedure is used to diagnose all parts of the genitourinary system, determine developmental defects and identify complications in the postpartum period. This research method is quite popular among specialists in the field of urology. It is used to treat diseases that may affect the functionality of the urethra or urinary canal. In addition, using this technique, specialists can reliably determine the causes of urolithiasis.

**_Ureteroscopy_** is a diagnostic tool for a urologist, on the basis of which the doctor evaluates the condition of the bladder and upper urinary tract. To do this, the doctor uses an endoscopic camera and a special device made in the form of a thin tube. These instruments are placed through the urethra into the patient's bladder and ureters. Using video equipment, the urologist receives a clear image on the monitor and checks that his recommendations are being followed correctly, if they were previously prescribed. Thus, the specialist studies the condition of the bladder mucosa,

A urethrogram is one of the most common methods for diagnosing pathologies of the bladder and urethra. This method allows you to determine the presence of diseases, tumors and bleeding in a given organ. However, when more detailed diagnosis is necessary, doctors may prescribe combined urethrography.

Combined urethrography is a study in which descending (or ascending) urethrography is simultaneously performed. The patient may be hospitalized during this test, as most cases require sedation.

Low-grade urethrography is the more preferable diagnostic method, as it allows you to obtain the maximum amount of information about the state of the urinary system. However, the ascending method is used when it is necessary to examine individual sections of the ureters or bladder.

A descending urethrogram can be performed as follows. First, the patient must take an upright position and completely relax the bladder muscles to expand the lumen. Next, a special tube is inserted into the patient - a cystourethrograph. Gradual advancement of the tube along the canal allows you to obtain information about the condition of both the urethra and individual parts of the bladder. If the doctor wants, he will check the elasticity of the muscles. Ascending urethroscopy by inserting a tube into the urethra can identify pathological changes in the bladder, perform bougienage to improve its drainage properties, and also allow the removal of polyps. After taking sedatives