
Ureterrasia is a rare and complex disease of the urethra, which is a narrowing or fusion of the urethra to such an extent that it completely closes its lumen and does not allow urine to pass out.

Symptoms of urethrasia can vary and include difficulty urinating, lack of urine, urinary retention, bleeding, pain in the urethral area, and frequent urethral infections. Most often, urethreria is caused by a congenital malformation, various injuries, infections, scar changes in the urethra due to radiation during the treatment of cancer of the reproductive organs. In men, urethrasia often occurs due to enlargement of the ureter due to an enlarged prostate or testicular tumors.

How is the urethral tract diagnosed?

Diagnosis of urethral bone is carried out using various methods. One of the most common methods is a physical examination. The doctor examines the patient and examines the urethral area for scars, inguinal folds, and urogenital infections. In addition to this, the doctor may use imaging techniques,