
Urography is a medical diagnostic method that is used to examine the urinary tract and kidneys. It allows you to determine the presence of stones, tumors, infections and other pathologies in the urinary system.

Urography is performed by injecting a contrast agent into the bladder through a catheter. The patient must then drink a solution containing a contrast agent, which passes through the kidneys and urinary tract. After this, a series of x-rays are taken to see the condition of the urinary tract.

There are several types of urography, including intravenous, retrograde and antegrade. Each type of urography has its advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of method depends on the specific clinical situation.

Intravenous urography is the most common type of urography. It is performed by injecting contrast into the patient's vein and then drinking the solution. This method allows real-time imaging of the kidneys and urinary tract.

Retrograde urography is used to diagnose tumors and stones in the ureters. It involves injecting contrast into the ureter through a catheter and then drinking the solution. This allows images of the ureters and bladder to be obtained.

Antegrade urography is performed to diagnose bladder stones. It involves injecting contrast through a catheter into the bladder and then drinking the solution. This provides an image of the bladder and urethra.

In general, urography is an important method for diagnosing diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys, which makes it possible to identify various pathologies in the early stages of development. However, like any other diagnostic method, urography has its limitations and can give false-positive or false-negative results. Therefore, it is important to carry out a set of diagnostic measures, including urography, and consult a doctor to obtain an accurate diagnosis.

Urography is a diagnostic method based on x-ray examination of the urinary tract and kidneys.

Using urography, specialists determine the presence of stones or infections in the urinary tract, and also evaluate their size, shape and location. The use of ultrasound equipment in urography can help more accurately determine the characteristics of stones and structures of the urinary tract. Urography is used to diagnose various diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys, for example, urinary tract infections, chronic renal failure, nephrolithiasis - a disease in which there is a stone in the urinary system. Also, with temporary urography readings, there is constant monitoring of compliance with the methods and recommendations of doctors over the condition of the patient’s body.