Urography Excretory

Excretory urography (abbreviated as UR) is an x-ray method for diagnosing the genitourinary system, which is used to identify various diseases in the urinary tract and kidneys. Using UR, you can obtain information about the functional state of the kidneys and ureters, as well as determine the characteristic picture of the urinary tract. Below we will consider in more detail how this procedure is carried out and its main indications.

Indications for UR

It is important to understand that UR, like any other medical procedure, has its own indications for use. The most common reasons for referral to UR are:

- Cystitis – inflammation of the bladder. - Pyelonephritis is an infection in the kidneys. - Urolithiasis is a disorder of mineral metabolism and the formation of stones in the kidneys and urinary tract. - Renal ischemia is a pathology of kidney tissue due to impaired blood supply to the organ. - Pathologies of the urinary system of a non-inflammatory nature.


**Excretory urography** is a diagnostic examination method that allows you to assess the condition of the excretory system and the functioning of the kidneys. The study allows you to detect inflammatory and infectious diseases, as well as diagnose lesions of the pyelocaliceal system. It is based on the removal of various substances from the body into the urethra after preliminary intake of special drugs.

Urography of excretory type is the main method that provides complete information about the functional state of the urinary system. With this test, it is possible to recognize kidney abnormalities that may lead to organ failure. Unfortunately, such an examination is not carried out at the request of the patient; it is prescribed only in case of urgent need.

Oncology, systemic disorders, structural anomalies of the excretory system are the main reasons for performing excretory urography. Any dysfunction of the kidney may indicate serious pathologies in the body. Diagnosis is carried out strictly according to doctors' indications. The tests are carried out under the supervision of a radiologist who carefully selects the time, duration and dose of the drug to remove heavy ions. Excretory examination involves the use of iodine-containing radiocontrast agents. Their mechanism of action is based on accumulation in the patient’s organs or tissues and subsequent excretion in the urine. After taking tablets containing an iodine compound, the component accumulates in the excretory system. This allows you to make images clearer and more prominent, because against a dark background you can clearly see and count various details. The process of collecting the contrast agent is simpler. Preparation takes much less time than waiting to receive finished images. 3-4 days before the study, you need to give up fatty and protein foods, eat a light breakfast a few days after the procedure, and drink a glass of clean water an hour before the start of urography. A few hours before the bladder puncture, a hygienic procedure is performed and a catheter is inserted. The researcher will have to monitor the condition of the patient, who may feel uncomfortable