Bruise and blow to the stomach

We have already spoken about this in Book Three, and this is enough, and you should act as it says. All sorts of softening and cooling substances are prescribed for food, for example, bindweed, quinoa and mallow, as well as gluing ones, for example, large plantain, at first they also give cooling squeezed juices mixed with laxatives, for example, squeezed juice of nightshade, large plantain or chicory with the laxative cassia. Tested in this case, this remedy is crushed by flea plantain, taking one part of it and three-quarters of each of lacquer and amber, as well as seven parts of saffron. They give two dirhams of hot water per appointment.

The sick are also given cakes of this kind to drink: amber - ten parts, roses - five parts, washed akakiya - one uqiya, Indian sumbul - six parts, sweet clover - ten parts, mastic - four parts, incense peel - four parts, Armenian clay - seven parts, saffron - six parts, pine nuts - eight parts. All this is turned into flat cakes with the juice of a large plantain. This medicine is especially suitable when the disease has passed the initial period.

Description of the bandage. They take Syrian apples and boil them with fragrant wine until they are cooked, then they are finely crushed and take apples - one hundred dirhams, as well as incense - twenty dirhams, roses - sixteen, sumbul, mastic and washed acacia - fourteen parts each. All this is mixed with cypress juice, squeezed with large plantain - in my opinion, coriander juice is preferable - and a medicinal bandage is made. You can also add iris oil to this.