Uterus Rudimentary

Rudimental uterus (uterus ruditimenraria) is a medical term that describes a condition when a woman’s uterus has not yet fully formed and does not perform its functions. This condition may be caused by genetic factors, environmental problems, or other reasons. However, it should be noted that the rudimentary uterus is not a disease in itself, but rather a symptom of some other pathology.

First of all, a rudimentary uterus can cause problems in a woman’s reproductive system. Since the uterus does not function fully, this can lead to irregular menstruation, lack of pregnancy, pregnancy pathology and problems with conception. In this case, you need to consult a doctor to find the cause of the problem and prescribe appropriate treatment. In addition, such a pathology can lead to other health problems in women, such as inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, chronic kidney disease, vascular weakness caused by poor circulation of the pelvic organs due to the absence or non-functioning of the uterus.