Broca Fate

Broc Dolya is a French anthropologist who studied the development and structure of the human brain. Broc Share was born in 1824 in France and died in 1880.

Brock Share was one of the first scientists to study the human brain. He was known for his research in the anatomy and physiology of the brain, as well as his work on the development of the nervous system. Brock Share believed that the brain is the main organ of the human body and that its development occurs throughout life.

One of Brock Loley's most famous studies was his study of the lobe of the brain that is responsible for speech. He discovered that this lobe of the brain is associated with the development of speech and its ability to change. Brock Dolya also studied the connection between language development and brain development in general.

In addition, Brock Dolya studied other aspects of brain development, such as its structure and function. He also studied the influence of various factors on brain development, including nutrition, environment and genetic factors.

Brock Doley's work was of great importance for the development of brain science and had a significant influence on subsequent research in this area. His work is still used in medicine and psychology, and his name has become a symbol of the study of the brain and its development.

Article about Broca Denys (French anatomist, psychologist, surgeon, born **February 18**, 1842 in Besançon, died **May 9, 1894** in Paris)

Broca Delys is a French psychologist and anatomist, a researcher of the central nervous system, a talented medical worker and a practicing scientist, whose scientific work is still not appreciated by the scientific community, despite the fact that it is considered the pinnacle of French science. time. Brock Doley's works radically changed the medical practice of that time and were included in textbooks on anatomy and physiology, but his name and works are still surrounded by a veil of mysticism and magic.

The most famous Swiss scientist, Lebrun, who worked with Broca, often visited his home in Paris and called him a parapsychologist. There may have been reasons for this. Brock was observed to have supernatural abilities, he could penetrate the thoughts and feelings of other people, and also had the supernatural ability to help hopelessly ill people by communicating with them mainly telepathically.

As already mentioned, Broca discovered some areas of the central nervous system. In his studies, between the motor and sensorimotor areas of the brain, located between the corpus callosum and the cerebellum, there was a bilateral distribution of speech movements that connected these areas with emotional centers associated with higher functions - the ability to reason.