Thickening of the eyelids

This disease appears after trachoma. It is sometimes caused by applying cold ointments to the eyelid. This disease is treated with medicine obtained from lapis lazuli, Armenian stone, burnt date kernels and spikenard, constant bathing in the bathhouse and abstaining from nabiz. Sometimes they rub the eyelids with a knitting needle with soft red ointment. Rubbing sugar on your eyelids makes your eyelids swell.

Swelling of the eyelids occurs from liquid matter and vapors, as well as due to weakness of digestion and its disorder, as happens with insomnia and sleepless fevers. Sometimes swelling of the eyelids occurs in the initial manifestations of dropsy, as well as from wet tumors, for example, with pneumonia and lethargy.

When swelling of the eyelids occurs in convalescents, it often indicates a return of the disease if they do not have swelling of other organs and the eyelids themselves are swollen or swollen. Treatment consists of eliminating the cause and applying lotions.

Sometimes it occurs as a result of edema and its causes, sometimes it appears from weakening of strength and their decline, as with a debilitating fever. Sometimes it appears due to thickening, sharnak, and the like. Often heaviness and relaxation appear at the beginning of attacks of fever.