Uveitis Acute

1. **Introduction** Uveitis is the general name for a group of inflammatory diseases of the choroid of the eyeball. Most often, uveitis affects people aged 35 to 55 years, mainly women.\n Acute uveitis is an extremely unfavorable eye disease that requires immediate treatment. The prognosis of acute uveitis in case of timely treatment is most often favorable, but if treatment is delayed, acute uveitis often becomes chronic with serious complications.\n The most common form of acute uveitis is iridocyclitis. It accounts for about 80% of all cases of the disease. This process is characterized by inflammation of the iris (iritis) of the eye and the ciliary muscle (cyclitis), as well as the vitreous body (vitreitis). When the ciliary body of the eye is damaged, pain in the eye occurs, accompanied by