Moisturizing lips in cosmetology

All women want to have beautiful, firm lips. There are many injections that can help your lips acquire an ideal shape with clear outlines. But what about women who do not want to subject their skin to painful injections? To do this, they came up with a new method that allows you to avoid injections and operations - a lip moisturizing procedure based on hyaluronic acid.

Stages of moisturizing lips with hyaluronic acid

The procedure is carried out in several stages:

  1. The face is completely cleansed of makeup and oily shine, then ultrasonic peeling is performed. This helps get rid of dead cells, as they will prevent you from achieving the desired result.


  2. A concentrated preparation consisting of hyaluronic acid and vitamins is applied to the lips.
  3. A weak electric current is applied to the lip area, causing a slight tingling sensation. Having penetrated under the skin, hyaluronic acid begins to actively restore the water balance, all biological processes are launched, and cells begin to recover.


For electroporation of the lips, concentrated hyaluronic acid with the addition of water-soluble vitamins is used: for example, drugs such as DMAE solution And gel X-AND. Creams and ointments are not used, since only water-soluble substances that can easily penetrate the skin are suitable for the procedure.

Who is lip electroporation suitable for?

People usually come for this procedure:

  1. those who want to eliminate lip asymmetry;


  2. young girls who want to make their lips more voluminous and correct their shape;
  3. women who want to get rid of age-related changes: drooping corners of the lips, facial and static wrinkles;
  4. girls and women who are afraid of injections and are worried that the injection will cause a side effect.


  1. the procedure is carried out quickly, and the result is visible after the first session;
  2. The electroporation method is completely painless, does not require anesthesia, and does not cause discomfort to the client;
  3. lips are not injured, no scars, bruises or cicatrices remain;


  4. hyaluronic acid is distributed evenly under the skin, so the result of the procedure will not be undesirable;
  5. lips will not become unnaturally large, which many are afraid of, but will look natural;
  6. exposure to current ensures the penetration of hyaluronic acid directly into the cells, which not only improves the shape of the lips, but also stops the aging process;
  7. hyaluronic acid is capable of retaining water in large quantities and is a natural component of skin tissues and fluids, so it will not cause allergic reactions;
  8. There is no need to recover after the procedure.



Other ways to increase lip volume

There are many injection methods to enlarge lips and correct their shape. Cosmetologists use dermal fillers for this purpose:

  1. Implants based on synthetic material. Artificial strips are applied under the lips;


  2. Own adipose tissue. It is taken from areas in which it is in excess;
  3. Natural collagen. This filler does not dissolve, so it must be injected evenly;


  4. Bovine collagen. Foreign protein often causes allergies;
  5. Various fillers for contouring. They remain in the skin longer than other collagens or adipose tissue.

The demand for cosmetology services is increasing every year. Every second modern woman regularly visits a cosmetologist to make her appearance more attractive. Every day the need for painless and safe procedures increases. It is possible that in the near future, the method of electroporation with hyaluronic acid will become the most popular service for creating an expressive and aesthetic appearance.

For many women, whose beauty nature has stinted on, important questions are: how to make lips plump and seductive, what is lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid called, how safe is this procedure? The series of questions can be continued indefinitely, but it is better not to rack your brains over this, but to go to a cosmetologist and find out how possible it is to correct the shortcomings of nature and make your lips plump and seductive, with beautifully defined contours. So, let's figure out what this procedure is and what lies ahead - a successful outcome or a lot of disappointments.

What is hyaluronic acid?

For a long time now, lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid has not been a novelty for anyone, and ladies go to the salon without much fear to return home beautiful and seductive. What is this mysterious substance that can make your cherished dream come true?

Hyaluronic acid is a special substance that provides hydration to epidermal cells while simultaneously being responsible for tissue regeneration. It is produced in the body for only a few decades, after which its activity significantly decreases. The results of this are not only fading skin, but also lips.

Modern cosmetology has stepped far forward and offers injections to correct the shape of the lips, during which this necessary substance is injected into the tissue. Injections for lip augmentation are completely safe, because during the procedure only liquid is injected, which the body so lacks.

It remains to find out what such procedures are called. There are only two of them:

  1. biorevitalization (introduction of hyaluronic acid in its pure form);
  2. lipofilling (special solutions are introduced in which hyaluronic acid serves as just an additional component).

Each of the methods has its pros and cons, which should be clarified immediately, so that later you do not regret either the money spent or the irretrievably lost beauty.

With the help of hyaluronic acid, thin lips are enlarged in a matter of minutes. How and why does this happen? There is nothing complicated or supernatural here, it’s just that fresh portions of the element so necessary for moisturizing the tissue are introduced into tissues that have exhausted the natural supply of the substance.

How to do it, do they perform lip augmentation for a long time or for a short period of time, is it possible to fill the tissues with vitamins at the same time? There are also exact answers here - despite how the increase will occur, the methods used during the procedure can provide only a short-term effect - over time, the liquid introduced into the cells will be produced, and new manipulations will be required. The only way to do this is with injections. If the cosmetologist finds no contraindications, you can choose special fillers for injection - they allow you to enrich the tissue with all the components necessary for hydration and freshness.

Often women are concerned about another problem - how lip augmentation is performed, whether it hurts during the procedure. Despite the fact that anesthetics are used to numb the pain, it is best not to even ask for good painkillers, so as not to waste money - as some ladies claim, each injection is felt perfectly and does not bring a pleasant experience.

Of course, if the only option is lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid, you can endure it for the sake of beauty. There is no need to prepare yourself for unbearable pain - it is quite possible that pain relief during lip augmentation does not work only on women with sensitive epithelium, because otherwise few people would decide on this procedure. You can even be patient a little, because only under the influence of hyaluronic acid will your lips acquire a stunning contour; there are no other options.

Do you need preparation, how to prepare for an increase? Regardless of what is to be done - augmentation of very thin lips or simple correction, no preliminary preparation is required.

The only requirement is not to take drugs that can interfere with blood clotting. It is also better to avoid alcohol a day or two before the manipulations.

You can live your normal life, eat your favorite foods, and not follow a routine. All that the lip augmentation procedure requires is the administration of painkillers, and this is done in a beauty salon before the actual manipulation.

How is lip augmentation done with hyaluronic acid?

Regardless of which method is chosen, lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid is performed in almost the same way. If everything goes well, it will take less than an hour, including waiting for the anesthesia to take effect.

Step-by-step procedure for lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid:

  1. A special anesthetic composition is injected into the gums (the duration of its effect is about half an hour).
  2. The injection is made strictly in the center of the lips (the substance will distribute itself throughout the tissues).
  3. The remaining composition is gradually introduced, and no lumps or compactions should form.
  4. The cosmetologist performs a light massage.
  5. The last stage is a cold compress, which will partially relieve pain and discomfort.

That's it, the procedure is over, you can safely go home. The injection method chosen for lip correction does not require rehabilitation, but first the cosmetologist must tell you in detail what can be done in the near future and what it is better to refrain from.

See how lip augmentation is done with hyaluronic acid:

Are there any side effects after enlargement? In the photo you can see the consequences of the procedure - there is nothing wrong with it. Lip correction occurs not only quickly, but also effectively - without unpleasant incidents.

Even if the cosmetologist overdoes it and increases the shape of the lips too much, you won’t have to expect consequences with an unpleasant ending - in just a few hours the substance will be evenly distributed throughout the tissues that really need it. The photo shows the mouth before and after the manipulations, it is clearly visible that everything is smooth and beautiful. Complications after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid can appear in one case - if a woman immediately starts using cosmetics that contain aggressive ingredients. The results are easy to predict - an infection can get into the tissue.

In fairness, it must be said that it is rare, but it does happen - the lips are slightly deformed. This usually happens due to the fault of the cosmetologist who incorrectly introduced the composition into the tissue. It’s too early to panic here - the defects will quickly disappear.

What to do after introducing hyaluronic acid into the lip tissue, restoration, rehabilitation are also important issues for many ladies. There are several useful recommendations that will not reduce the effectiveness of the procedure.

Not recommended:

  1. drink too hot tea or coffee;
  2. use decorative cosmetics for 3-6 days;
  3. visiting a solarium;
  4. baths, hot baths, saunas;
  5. smoking;
  6. hot food.

Advice! For those who have undergone lip augmentation, hormones are also not recommended, so it is better not to plan to take any hormonal medications in the coming days. The last warning concerns kisses - cosmetologists warn that it is better to abstain from them.

After the hyaluronic acid procedure, there are practically no tips, recommendations and rules, with the exception of a few requirements. What are they?

Injections can trigger the development of herpes, especially in women who regularly suffer from this disease. In order not to spoil your newly acquired beauty, you can take a course of antiviral medications for several days before the procedure and a week after it.

After the increase, the necessary and even recommended cosmetic procedure at home by experts will be the use of a mask, which will only complement the effects of hyaluronic acid. You can prepare the composition yourself, from available products. There is no need to use the mixture often; once a week will be enough.

Banana mask:

  1. Mash a quarter of a peeled banana into a puree.
  2. Heat 20 ml of milk.
  3. Mix the ingredients (you should get a thick paste).
  4. Distribute the composition on the lips.
  5. Remove the mass after a quarter of an hour.
  6. Be sure to apply baby cream with a cotton swab and remove any remaining residue after absorption.

The product will not only increase the effect of the procedure, but also protect the lip tissue from external harmful influences and give a beautiful shade.

Almond oil mask:

  1. Boil 30 ml of oil.
  2. Pour 10 g into boiling liquid. dry chamomile.
  3. Boil the mixture for 5 minutes.
  4. Cool, filter through two layers of gauze.
  5. Use the product for 2-3 weeks after the increase, rubbing it into the lip tissue with a cotton swab.

Important! In the first days after the enlargement, slight swelling may be observed, so the use of masks is simply necessary - useful compositions will help to quickly remove the unsightly defect.

Pros and cons of lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid

Before spending money on an expensive procedure, you should find out all the pros and cons of lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid and weigh the pros and cons.

Let's start with the advantages:

  1. the procedure is completely safe and does not cause absolutely any reactions in the body;
  2. the effect can be noticed immediately, there is no need to wait several weeks, as after some manipulations;
  3. There are no scars, unsightly scars, or allergic manifestations;
  4. It is possible to correct the shape of the lips if the augmentation does not lead to the desired results - it is enough to introduce a special substance that breaks down hyaluronic acid cells.

We must not forget about the main advantage - the lips acquire a beautiful shape, look sexy and seductive.

It would seem that after such a list of advantages can be classified as disadvantages? Oddly enough, there was also room for shortcomings. These include:

  1. pain (there are many factors that provoke pain - incorrect administration of anesthesia, inexperience of the technician, very sensitive skin);
  2. the need to regularly repeat manipulations (at least once a year);
  3. the herpes virus can be activated and settle on the lips for a long time.

The duration of the effect can also be considered a disadvantage, because after the first increase, in just 3-5 weeks you will have to go to the cosmetologist again. Only after this can you switch to more rare procedures.

Moisturizing lips with hyaluronic acid without injections

If there is no need to correct imperfections, and all that is required is to moisturize the lips with hyaluronic acid without plumping, you can do without painful and, to be honest, scary injections. Just half an hour - and you can go home and admire your appearance in the mirror, not forgetting to demonstrate the results of the procedure to the men around you. Hydration and rejuvenation for lip volume are also important - the shape of this feminine pride immediately acquires the seductiveness and freshness of youth.

The procedure occurs in this order:

  1. A special preparation is applied to the lips in a thick, even layer; it contains concentrated hyaluronic acid as an active element.
  2. Through mesotherapy (a method that allows different compounds to be sent deep into tissue without injections), the product is sent to the required depth.
  3. The drug used for the procedure not only moisturizes, but also enriches the cells with useful substances, restoring the structure and making the color of the lips brighter.

Just one procedure is enough to notice amazing results - expressive contours and natural shine of the lips. It’s too early to rejoice - it will take up to ten procedures for the effect to last only six months. Despite this, many women prefer this method of correcting defects and moisturizing, because there is absolutely no pain or discomfort.

Even the most useful products cannot completely replace salon manipulations, and lip correction is just one of many procedures for which you will have to go to a cosmetologist. We must not forget that all good things should be in moderation - and the introduction of hyaluronic acid should also not become a habit, otherwise you can get something terrifying instead of a beautiful mouth shape, and it is unlikely that you will be able to correct the results of such experiments.

Cosmetologist Inna Feronova spoke about why it is actually necessary to moisturize your lips.


What is this procedure?

The cosmetic procedure of moisturizing lips with hyaluronic acid has nothing to do with lip augmentation. This procedure is aimed primarily at improving the appearance of a given area of ​​the face and getting rid of various aesthetic imperfections. Moisturizing lips can be done in several ways: using hardware methods (laser), microinjections of hyaluronic acid (biorevitalization), electroporation (non-injection mesotherapy).

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Reason #3. Getting rid of the first signs of aging. With the help of this cosmetic procedure, you can prevent a decrease in skin elasticity, restore its color, and effectively get rid of emerging wrinkles around the mouth, which becomes most important at the age of 30-40 years. Hyaluronic acid helps moisturize lips, add volume, and slow down age-related changes.

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Reason #5. Elimination of aesthetic defects. If you are concerned about congenital or acquired asymmetry of the lips or their irregular shape as a result of injuries, then this problem can be dealt with without resorting to complex procedures - cheiloplasty or augmentation with fillers. Moisturizing lips with hyaluronic acid helps replenish missing volume and improve shape.