Gouty nodules

A gouty nodule is an enlarged nodular rash, which is characterized by periods of exacerbation in the form of severe skin itching during the day, mildly expressed at night, as well as increased symptoms with exercise. The appearance of such nodules is associated with excessive secretion of uric acid from the body during metabolic diseases (gout, urate crises.). Regular stress and other diseases (endocrinological, gastrointestinal diseases) can provoke the appearance of nodules. With a long course of the disease, gouty nodules can transform into dry formations covered with a grayish crust, somewhat reminiscent of weeping eczema, which are characteristic of arthropathic psoriasis. Before starting treatment for this disease, it is necessary to establish the exact cause of its occurrence, identify chronic diseases - only after this is therapy prescribed, which may include a combination of different methods.