Hemorrhoidal nodes, Hemorrhoids (Haemorrhoids. Piles)

Hemorrhoidal nodes, also known as hemorrhoids or piles, are a common condition that affects many people around the world. This is an increase in spongy tubercles filled with blood, which are located on the wall of the anal canal. Normally they are not painful or cause a problem, but in some cases they can cause serious discomfort and even pain.

Hemorrhoids usually occur as a result of prolonged constipation or diarrhea, when the venous walls of the anal canal begin to stretch and increase in size. This can lead to the appearance of hemorrhoids, which are usually located at three main points equally spaced around the anus.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids can vary depending on the severity of the disease. With first-degree hemorrhoids, bleeding after bowel movements is usually the only symptom of the disease. In the second degree (second-degree haemorrhoids), the nodes begin to protrude outward from the anus, which can cause an unpleasant sensation, but they can return to their previous position on their own. In the third degree (third-degree haemorrhoids), the nodes protrude outward and cannot return to their place on their own, so assistance is required to reduce them.

Bleeding is the main symptom of hemorrhoids, but other symptoms such as itching, burning and soreness in the anal area may also occur. If you have such symptoms, you should consult a doctor for diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

In most cases, hemorrhoids can be treated with conservative methods, such as changes in diet and activity patterns, and the use of topical medications and medications. If conservative methods do not help, then more radical treatment methods can be used, such as infrared coagulation, application of elastic fixators or hemorrhoidectomy - surgical removal of hemorrhoids.

External hemorrhoids can be caused by internal hemorrhoids protruding outwards or perianal hematomas, which form as a result of tissue damage in the anal area. These nodes can also cause discomfort and pain and may require treatment depending on the cause and extent of the disease.

Overall, hemorrhoids are a common condition that can lead to a lot of discomfort and discomfort. However, in most cases, this disease can be effectively treated with conservative methods. If you experience symptoms of hemorrhoids, be sure to consult a doctor to get a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment. In most cases, early medical attention and treatment can prevent the development of serious problems and ensure a quick recovery.